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The Bible as Good News Key Stage 2
PowerPoint Introduction
This PowerPoint sample lesson is intended as a resource for schools to be used ‘how and when’ they choose. This Year 6 lesson is planned to be set in the context of developing the theme of ‘The Bible as Good News’. It can be used selectively as part of ongoing work in Religious Education based on the theme of ‘The Bible’ or as part of another area in the curriculum, eg Literacy: metaphorical texts. There are notes on each slide for teachers’ reference. Schools may prefer to edit the slides and use photographs of their own. The following slide gives the context of the lesson in the bigger picture. Schools may like to explore other questions in different year groups within the theme ‘The Bible as Good News.’ A PowerPoint FS stage sample lesson also based on the theme of ‘The Bible as Good News’ can be found on the Chester Diocesan website.
Context Overview Area of Content from Chester Diocesan Guidelines to be studied: ‘The Bible’ Theme: The Bible as Good News Underpinning Christian Concept: Good News Definition: Good news (gospel) The message of Jesus concerning the salvation/rescue of those who choose to follow him. Note: the gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and can be found in the New Testament. Key Questions FS/Key Stage 1: Theme: The Bible as Good News Reception: What is good news? What good news stories do we find in the Bible? Year 1: Level 1: What good news stories did Jesus tell in the Bible? Why are these stories Jesus told important to Christians? Year 2: Level 2: How does the Bible show Jesus living his life as good news to people? What do some stories in the New Testament teach about Jesus being good news? Key Stage 2: Theme: The Bible as Good News Year 3: Level 3: How do the stories of Jesus in the Bible encourage his disciples to live as good news to people? How do Christians try to live as good news to people? Year 4: Level 3/4: How do the gospels encourage Christians to live as good news in the world today? How does believing they have good news to share with people make a difference to a Christian’s life? Year 5: Level 4/5: How do Christians believe that God speaks good news to people through the life of Jesus? Year 6: Level 5 Why is Jesus being the ‘light of the world’ good news for Christians? How do the signs in John’s gospel in the Bible help us explain Jesus as good news? Teachers Notes: The context of a bigger picture
Teachers Notes Key Stage 2 Lesson : Year 6 Theme: The Bible as Good News Concept underpinning work: Good News Key Questions: Why is Jesus being the light of the world good news for Christians? Lesson Objective: To understand the symbolism of Jesus as ‘light of the world’. Lesson Outcomes: (Emerging) I can explain what Jesus meant when he said he was the ‘Light of the World’ (John 8:12) . (Expected) I can say why Christians think it is an important Bible teaching and how it might affect how they live. (Exceeding) I can compare and contrast the teaching of Jesus as ‘light of the world’ with other ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus in the New Testament . Teachers Notes NB Teachers notes explaining how to use each slide within the context of the lesson can be found on the bottom of each slide in the notes section. These should be read before using the PowerPoint. Preview all Internet links before using. Resources Needed Slide A4 Large copies for each table Next Steps Other ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus.
What do all this things have in common?
Teacher’s Notes: Ask: What do all items have in common? Feedback. (Draw out they all have the idea of light in common). Allow the class to think of others as well, for example stars, the moon, electric lights, torches, lighthouses, candles, campfires, headlights, streetlights, fireworks, oil lamps, candles, gas lamps, battery powered torches. Create a ‘light graffiti board’ (ie a working wall).
Why might light be important to people?
Think Pair Share Teachers Notes: Instruction: . Ask: Why might light be important to people? Think Pair Share. Feedback (example answers: as guidance, as attraction, as a focal point, shine in darkness). Add to the graffiti/working wall What does light do? Why might light be important to people?
Where and when would you use it?
Think of a light you might use in the dark Where and when would you use it? Why would you use it? How it made you feel? Teachers Notes: Instruction: Split the class into small groups. Instruction: Show the three questions above. Allow the children to think quietly about the 3 questions. Ask: the groups to choose a light form people would use in the dark, eg inside the home, their room, outside in the street, when driving, underground, in a cave, in a dark wood, or at sea in a boat; Discussion: Get the groups to answer each question above about their chosen light source. Other example answers might include; when they might use it: in a power cut; at night or in fog; • why the light was used, eg because they were frightened in the dark, they couldn’t see where they were going or they couldn’t find something • how the light made people feel, for example safe, secure, or less afraid.
Teachers Notes: Ask: What is happening in this picture
Teachers Notes: Ask: What is happening in this picture? What might the artist be saying the Bible is like? (Example answer: the words of the Bible act as ‘light’ bringing guidance to people) Ask: Can the class think of any Bible quotations or stories they have heard where light plays an important part? Compile a list, eg Creation, Moses in the burning bush; Magi, transfiguration, Jesus’ baptism, Light of the world; Good Friday, Resurrection, Pentecost; Matthew 5:14 Sermon on mount; ‘Don't hide your light’; Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation Your word is a light to my feet; Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path Psalm 119:105.
Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world, John 8:12a
Teachers Notes: Explain: The New Testament (2nd half of the Bible) is full of stories about the life of Jesus. Here is one thing Jesus said in the Bible in John’s gospel about himself. He is using a metaphor to describe himself What do you think Jesus meant by that? Feedback. (Example answers: Jesus came to shine like light and make the darkness disappear. Jesus used light and dark to represent good and bad. So what good things did Jesus bring to the world?).
Let’s think about this a bit more………
Teachers Notes: Explain: We are going to look at some more pictures now. Remember each picture is symbolic. Think quietly about these pictures as I show them to you on the screen. Think how these pictures might be representing Jesus as Light of the world and explaining a bit more to us about what Jesus meant when he said he was the light of the world. Instruction: Show slides pupils sit quietly and reflect.
Teachers Notes: Here is a very famous painting by an artist called Holman Hunt. He painted Jesus and called this picture the light of the world. Look carefully at each part of the picture, think about what symbols can you see. Why do you think the artist painted Jesus like this? NB Teachers don't focus on the door and the idea of Jesus being invited into peoples lives ....focus on the light elements in the picture.
Teachers Notes: Here is another picture about Jesus as light of the world.
Teachers Notes: Here is a photo of how one school represented Jesus as light of the world. What symbols have they used? What are they trying to say Jesus is like?
Teachers Notes: Here is one photographer’s image of Jesus as Light of the world. He chose this design of Jesus on the cross for his Christmas card. Why did he do this I wonder?
Jesus then said: ‘Whoever follows me
Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world’. Jesus then said: ‘Whoever follows me will have the light of life and never walk in darkness. John 8:12b Teachers Notes: Explain: We are going to now return to the quotation we started with. Jesus said he was the light of the world? What do you think he said next? Share ideas. Then show quotation above. Ask: What do you think Jesus meant? Think Pair Share. Instruction: Place a copy of this quotation on each group’s table. Explain: We are going to return to our groups now and using all the ideas to help you that we collected earlier explain what they think this quotation means. Feedback. Add ideas to graffiti wall.
Why is it ‘good news’ for Christians to see Jesus as ‘light of the world’?
Teachers Notes: Heads down quiet thinking. Ask: Based on everything we have done today, Why is it good news for Christians to see Jesus as ‘light of the world’? (Example answers: he brings hope, light in dark situations, he overcomes evil, he makes a way to God, he brings heaven to earth). (Watch the attached video link about Jesus’ life if you feel the class needs more understanding of Jesus as light of the world. Instruction: Split the class into groups. Ask: Each group to create a picture design (link with art NC objective). Explain: The picture must: 1) Explain what Jesus may have been saying about himself, (using the symbolic ideas of light) 2) Why this might be good news for Christians today. The pictures could be completed in the next lesson. More able pupils could be given one or more of the the other sayings of Jesus from John’s gospel below to develop their ideas. To finish the lesson as children walk out get each pupil to say one thing they have learnt today about what the Bible says about Jesus. Teacher’s Background Information Christians believe that Jesus reflected most perfectly the light of God: 'He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of this nature' (Hebrews 1:3, RSV). He was the approachable light of God for people on earth, enabling them to come close to God, who is the 'Father of all lights' (James 1:17). Christians believe that Jesus is the light that enters into the deep darkness of Good Friday and emerges triumphant on Easter morning, enabling his followers to become the children of light. From the little light in the hay in the Bethlehem stable, through the dazzling light on the Mount of Transfiguration, to the light of the resurrection morning, Jesus reflected the light of heaven on earth. Extension Material: What else might Jesus have said about himself in the Bible that is good news for Christians, eg bread of life, resurrection and the life, vine (see below). He also said about himself: 1) I am the Good Shepherd Jn 10 v ) I am the Way, the Truth and the Life Jn 14 v 6 3) I am the True Vine Jn 15 v 1. You are the Branches Jn 15 v 5 4) I am the Light of the World Jn 8 v 12 5) I am the Resurrection and the Life Jn 11 v 2
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