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I. Sub-Saharan Trade.

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1 I. Sub-Saharan Trade

2 A. Iron in Africa 1. Spread of iron & other technology in sub-Saharan Africa due to BANTU-speaking migrations “Africanity”: common cultural features found throughout sub-Saharan Africa -kingship, age groups, kinship -hoe & digging stick cultivation -African drums/rythym -dancing & mask wearing in rituals

3 B. Bantu Migrations original homeland of Bantu in area of modern Nigeria Bantu-speaking people spread south through a series of migrations lasting a 1,000 yrs

4 3. Effects of the Bantu Migration:
-introduction of iron working -building permanent homes -absorbed other tribal groups -introduction of agriculture & new crops (yams, bananas) -introduced centralized government

5 II. Religious Cultural Diffusion
A. The Spread of Buddhism Buddhist missionaries traveled widely facilitated by kings converting & travels of pilgrims & missionaries - India: Mauryan King Ashoka - Kushans Buddhism changed in the lands it spread: - Sri Lanka, Thailand - Tibet - Zen in Japan

6 Spread of Buddhism

7 B. The Spread of Christianity
1. Armenia was an important entrepôts on Silk Road in C. Asia…European states spread Christianity in order to limit Sassanid power 2. transmission of Christianity to Ethiopia

8 The Spread of Christianity

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