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School Funding in Crisis

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1 School Funding in Crisis

2 School Funding in Crisis
Analysis of the DfE’s data points to a £339 loss for every primary age pupil and a £477 loss for every child in secondary school. 98 per cent of schools will be affected, and the prediction is that by 2020 the education system will be running short to the tune of £3bn. The government is claiming that it is protecting education spending but this is at best disingenuous and at worst an outright deception NAHT has today (16th January 2017) launched its campaign –School Funding In Crisis


4 What’s causing the problem?
Increases in the cost of employer’s contributions to national insurance and pensions of over 5.5%. The abolition of the Education Services Grant to local authorities and academies reduces funding for school by £600 million. The cost of annual pay awards for teaching and support staff is set to increase by 4.4% by 2020. The Apprenticeship Levy comes into effect in April 2017. The National Audit Office estimates that these additional cost pressures adds up to an 8% increase in the cost of running the average school. Funding from government is remaining static over the same period, resulting in a real terms cut.

5 National Funding Formula
The formula cannot overcome the overall shortage of funding, and at a time when school budgets are already at breaking point. Under the current proposals for a national funding formula, 46% of schools in England would lose money as a result of the NFF, up to 3% of their budget. In some areas such as Manchester and some Inner London boroughs like Southwark, 100% of schools will be worse off whilst in cities such as Birmingham, a staggering 98% or 371 schools lose out. Indeed all our urban centres will suffer, not because the formula is unfair in itself but rather because the government is failing to invest in schools, instead seeing the education of our young people as a burden on the treasury.

6 A Better Deal on Funding
The NAHT believes that education funding is an investment in Britain’s future. An effective and well-funded education system lies at the heart of our country’s prosperity and is the means by which all children, no matter what their background or personal circumstance, can achieve to the fullest of their ability Officials should organise a meeting in their branch area and invite all school leaders , as well as local MPs and council leaders. Your local Regional Officer or National Executive Members  can provide support at meetings and resources to help get the message across  Don’t think that’s possible unless it’s the advice team

7 Safeguarding education funding is in everyone’s interest.
Setting the Agenda Officials should ask for the subject of funding to be placed on the Schools Forum agenda in your LA area and ask what the LA is doing to represent the views of school leaders where you are. Remember these bodies are there to represent the interests of the schools which you lead, so it is important that your views are heard by anyone who has the power to influence government policy. This includes Education Directors and Academy CEOs. Safeguarding education funding is in everyone’s interest.

8 Lobbying your MP MPs are probably not as well informed about the situation as you may think. Indeed many, if not most, will be unaware of the current crisis in education funding. It is up to us to make sure they get the message. MPs will act upon enquiries from school leaders in their constituencies but only if we ask them to. Officials should write to their MP on behalf of all their members setting out the concerns you have about funding. You should also encourage individual or groups of members in your branch and parents to write to the local MP raising their concerns as well. If you’re unsure who your MP is you can find out by using this link

9 Lobbying your MP We would urge you to do three things:
Write to your MP to tell them just how your school budgets are being squeezed. Send a tweet using the #SchoolCuts hashtag and handle with an example of how the cuts are biting in your school. Sign our petition on the School Cuts website

10 Funding in Crisis – Resources
We have a developed a Branch Officials toolkit which can be downloaded from our dedicated tab on NAHT website Model letters to MPs on the issue of funding. School Cuts Website Please contact the Organising team or Regional Officer for more information / support on the campaign.

11 NAHT - School Funding in Crisis

12 Working together to make our Voices heard
Further Sources of Information Information on our campaign and how you can play your part in securing more funding for education. See how much your school/LA area will lose under the current funding arrangements. A detailed look at the future of school funding during this parliament. LGA response to apprenticeship levy and impact on small LA maintained schools details of the National Funding Formula Proposals and how you can respond to the ongoing consultation. We can make a difference and we can secure a better deal on funding but only if we work together to make our voices heard. This is an issue that everyone can agree with but it’s up to us to make the case.”

13 For further information, visit our website:

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