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National Education Cluster meeting

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1 National Education Cluster meeting
Monday 3rd October 2016 Skype – KatyNoble.HST Skype – Samirizzat Skype – hat_kajsis Skype – dominik.koppl

2 Previous Meeting Action Points
Responsible Status Meeting between both MoE to discuss joint planning for Mosul and responsibilities of both MoEs. CC Both Ministers met yesterday, meeting supported by the Cluster, update will be given today. Share the Education Cluster Allocation Guidance Note together with the Revised Allocation Paper once published Cluster GBV focal point to be selected that can support partners with GBV related questions Selection to be done today Organize new training on MRM for partners (attacks on education) Share MRM reporting format to partners (attacks on education) Coordinate Mine Risk Education training for Cluster partners frontline staff Wednesday 5th October, Save the Children office in Erbil, 12-2pm (Kurdish), 2-4pm (English) Contact Cluster IM if they want training in Kobo tools or adapting needs assessment templates Partners So far no partners have been in touch asking for this Share SAG contact details  On desks and on our website Share sub-cluster Focal Point contact details

3 Federal MoE update on Mosul

4 Mosul update So how is this Retreat so timely?
Mosul Offence start date due to be October 15th Mosul Central Planning Map, now draft 17 Removal of Tikrit, Baiji & Shirqat from Quadrant 4, people won’t be allowed south of Qarrayah Larger focus on Hamdaniyah Map is subject to constant change, we will circulate all new drafts as soon as we get them! Please share this with your Senior Management, for your agency’s Mosul planning

5 Humanitarian Concept of Operations for Mosul

6 Populations leaving the city will be directed; six steps are involved
Step 1: The ISF will direct IDPs through the frontline Step 2: IDPs will assemble at Mustering Points behind the frontline. Security forces will conduct weapons checks and provide immediate assistance Step 3: The ISF or the Peshmerga will quickly transport IDPs from Mustering Points to Screening Sites Step 4: Security forces will screen male IDPs at Screening Sites while families wait; humanitarian partners will provide first-line assistance to families Step 5: The Ministry of Displacement and Migration will assign families to a settlement. If the settlement is far from the Screening Site, the Ministry of Transport will move families from the Screening Site to the settlement Step 6: The Ministry of Displacement and Migration will register families when they arrive at either a camp, emergency camp or informal settlement; ministries and humanitarian partners will provide assistance

7 Camp/EC / informal site
IDP Flows Mosul Peshmerga Frontline ISF Frontline Pesh MP ISF MP Pesh MP ISF SS KSF SS MoDM Camp/ Informal Site KRG MoDM Camp/EC / informal site UN/Partn er Camp/EC MoDM Camp/ EC

8 In a worst case scenario, 700,000 ‘beds‘ need to be secured in the
following types of accommodation: Camps: Camps are purpose-built sites with full services including water supply, sanitation, health care and education support. Families will receive food, household items and special protection services. At present, no camps in the designated areas are ready; 5 more are under construction and 4 are planned. All camps will be managed by MoDM (in Peshmerga areas, the KRG will designate a manager). Camp construction is delayed by: a) lack of funding and b) difficulties in securing land. Emergency Camps: Emergency camps have only rudimentary infrastructure including a registration facility and some latrines. Shelter kits and tents will be pre-positioned in these sites. Families are expected to erect their tents or make their own shelter. Basic services will only be provided once IDPs arrive. At present, no emergency camps have been erected. All emergency camps will be managed by MoDM (in Peshmerga areas, the KRG will designate a manager). Informal Settlements: Informal settlements include abandoned buildings, collective centers, and empty public facilities. Families sent to these sites will receive household kits and shelter kits before they leave the Screening Sites. MoDM will appoint a focal point for the settlement (in Peshmerga areas, the KRG will designate a focal point). Assistance will be provided to families in these areas through mobile units and at designated depots. If families are forced to wait at Screening Sites or if camps are overcrowded, families will spontaneously settle where-ever they can.

9 Access issues Ninevah Operational Command Access Requests
OCHA promulgated mechanism to request access permissions from the Ninevah Operational Command - open to all humanitarian organizations operating in Iraq. Submissions are voluntary. Information submitted will be used to facilitate permissions from ISF for humanitarian actors to deliver services and cargo in Ninevah. Information submitted must be accurate and only reflect that from the submitting organization. Template will be attached to the Cluster minutes. Please communicate access constraints to the team. A dedicated telephone number is available to support the process and for emergency issues. KRI: +964 (0) / Federal Iraq:+964 (0) OCHA Access Team Contact Details: OCHA Baghdad OCHA Erbil Themba Linden Phone: +964 (0) Teri Ann Bryans Phone: Ruben Stewart Phone: +964 (0) Angus Lambkin Phone:+964 (0) Jochen Riegg Phone: +964 (0) DECONFLICTION Federal Iraq: (0) KRI : (0)

10 IHPF update The Cluster defended and secured the funding we wanted for the chosen IHPF proposals  Overall, 21 Education/EiE+CP proposals were submitted (11 of these from National NGOs)

11 IHPF Feedback Common weaknesses for agencies to avoid in the next IHPF Allocation!!!! Budgets: Must have a clear breakdown of equipment & materials costs—how much for each student kit, teacher kit, classroom materials, and what do they contain (specifications) CFS vs TLS: Combining a CFS and TLS is feasible, we suggest TLS in the morning and CFS in the afternoon shift, but proposals must indicate what elevates the status from a CFS to a TLS… = Learning! Curriculum: Must be clear exactly what remedial / catch-up / non-formal curriculum and approach you plan to use. Transition to Formal education: Proposals must have clear linkages to formal schools - NFE should provide a bridge to formal education (e.g. advocacy/outreach activities with DoE, back-to-school campaigns, enrollment support with nearby formal schools) Incentive Payments: make sure you pay your non-formal teaching staff enough ($400/month on average) - some proposals were paying them the same (or less!) than the cleaners. PSS: Recreation, drama and art activities do not alone constitute good PSS—be clear on what curriculum and methods will be used. Training costs: Trainings should take place as close to the affected population as possible – IHPF cannot pay to bus 30 Mahkmour teaching staff to a hotel in Erbil, high transportation, accommodation & incentive costs! Use DoE as free training venue.

12 Schools as Shelter Previously schools were chosen and used as a shelter option, but it has taken years to rehabilitate them back to functional status Education Cluster would like to publish a position paper or advocacy statement on using schools as shelter in time for the upcoming displacement. As a Cluster we want to stress that they should only be considered as a FINAL resort when all other collective centre options are tried (e.g. shopping malls, mosques, etc) Is this Position Paper publication something Cluster partners would support? If so, Cluster SAG will meet today after this meeting to start drafting the position paper

13 Refugee update UNHCR update – DAFI and HOPES programme
August’s refugee education Dashboard – thank you to all those partners that provided input! Cluster has recently written a ‘Refugee Education Secondary Data Report’ – a summary of all assessments and data on refugee education – on our website!

14 3RP Partner Consultation workshops took place last week (1 with partners and 1 with UNHCR) Input was provided on narrative, indicators, needs, gaps, priorities, activities, etc Need to verify the results with MoE KRG and then field-level validation Narrative, PIN numbers, Logframe and Budget due 16th October

15 Gender / GBV We’d like to have a Gender/GBV Focal Point in the Education Cluster! Why? What would the Focal Point have to do? Attend any gender/GBV trainings Advise Education Cluster partners on mainstreaming Attend the monthly GBV Sub-Cluster meeting and make sure education-related gender and GBV issues are on their radar CONTACT THE CLUSTER TEAM IF YOUR AGENCY IS INTERESTED!

16 Information Management (IM)
‘Project Funding Status’ map Cluster Coordination structure - organogram Cluster Newsletter Activity Info deadline (5th) Assessment tools

17 AOB - Mine Risk Training
MAG have organised a Mine Risk training for Education Cluster partners, to ensure your front-line workers can stay safe during your EiE work in the field Wednesday 5th October, 12-2pm (in Kurdish) and 2-4pm (in English) Save the Children office Max 25 people - 1st come 1st served, sign up now!

18 AOB - PFA Training Psychological First Aid – Al Mortaqa, TdH and War Child were trained as the Education Cluster PFA Master Trainers When would you like them to run a PFA training for the rest of you? Wednesday 26th October? (another good resource for you!)

19 AOB - Anbar Sub-National
We have now established an Anbar Sub-National Cluster! If your agency is working there or wanting to find out more about education needs in Anbar, please contact below: FOCAL POINTS: Iman Abdullah, UNICEF, , Laura Walton, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), ,

20 AOB – Katy’s last meeting
The permanent Cluster Coordinator, Abdirisak, arrives on Saturday! I’ll be here until 15th October for any support until then  It has been a great 3 months getting to know you all and supporting all your important EiE work across Iraq. Hope our paths will cross again 

21 Next meeting: 17th October Save the Children office
Thank you! Next meeting: 17th October Save the Children office Skype – KatyNoble.HST Skype – Samirizzat Skype – hat_kajsis Skype – dominik.koppl

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