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Grant Funding Workshop

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1 Grant Funding Workshop
Vic Middlemiss Head of Contracting & Procurement

2 Introduction Housekeeping Format of the workshop Estimate 90 mins
Presentation Explain policy & bid requirements Table discussion/ formulate questions Q&A session Next steps Tea and coffee Timings – 2 hrs allocated. May not need all of this time but want to ensure adequate time for questions.

3 Overview of the Grant Funding Policy
Recently developed policy Second time this has been offered by WCCG Specifically for the third sector Recognises funding constraints in wider system 2016/17 – ‘pilot’ year, subject to evaluation Applications for funding up to £25,000 Not restricted to end of financial year. Needs to demonstrate a ‘health impact’ Within Wolverhampton boundary Third sector includes – not for profit organisations, independent from government eg social enterprises, charities, voluntary and community organisations, faith based groups and other non-profit groups

4 In line with CCG priorities ….
Right care, right place, right time Supporting independent living Combating social isolation Focussing around people who have long term conditions and/ or the frail and elderly Underlying determinants of admission Emphasis on maintaining independence Seeking to improve community services Refer to CCG roadmap, strategic direction

5 Assessment Criteria As per Appendix D of the CCG Grant Policy:
Weighting Local knowledge and experience relevant to the proposed service 15% Proposed service meets key CCG priorities 25% Evidence of service user involvement in quality service provision 5% Evidence of management capacity and financial stability Value for Money 20% Contribution to social added value/ additional resources eg local volunteers, training, partnerships

6 Feedback from 1st Round….
36 applications, 4 of which were successful Those approved scored 75 or above (deemed to have best met the criteria) Three organisations scored 64 – 75, ‘possible’ depending on the outcome of Round 2. The CCG welcomes re-applications Longer timeframe given Panel decision is final, no appeals process Refer to CCG roadmap, strategic direction

7 Process Workshop held for organisations Application forms returned – 4 May Evaluation panel meet to discuss and decide successful grants Offer letters and grant schedules issued by early June Funds issued – 1 Aug

8 Table Discussion Take about 15 minutes to discuss on tables and develop 5 – 6 initial questions

9 Question and Answer session

10 Application form

11 Suggested tips/ approach
Keep simple Ensure that you demonstrate a health impact for the local population Refer to grant assessment criteria (Appendix D of the grant policy) Ensure link to CCG priorities Refer to CCG website for additional information Clear articulation of value for money – consider overall cost per service user. Adhere to deadline Attach references (optional)

12 Next steps Update FAQs on website 22 April Application forms returned
4 May Panel meet to discuss and decide successful grants 13 May Offer letters and grant schedules 3 June Decline letters Offer letters accepted 1 July Funds issued 1 Aug

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