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Seneca Valley Middle School Health Office

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1 Seneca Valley Middle School Health Office
Staffed by: Mrs. Williams, RN, BSN, CSN

2 “Health is at the Heart of Education” Mark Twain
                                                                               “Health is at the Heart of Education” Mark Twain

3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

4 All medications given at school must have:
Medication Policy All medications given at school must have: A Parent’s Signature A Doctor’s order (with the exception of Ibuprofen/Tylenol) Emergency medication to be carried by the student must still have written permission from parent and doctor (inhalers)

5 Shots (Oh No!!) Required Immunizations: DPT shots 1 Tdap booster
4 Polio shots MMR shots 3 Hepatitis B shots 1 MCV shot 2 Varicella shots* * Or a written statement that they had chicken pox

6 Screenings 7th Grade: Height/Weight 8th Grade: Vision Hearing
Scoliosis 8th Grade:

7 Required Examinations
Physicals: Kindergarten 6th Grade 11th Grade Dentals: 3rd Grade 7th Grade

8 Please keep your emergency form up to date!
Emergencies Please keep your emergency form up to date! Let me know if you Change jobs Change phone numbers

9 When should I keep them home?
Fevers over 100.5 Vomiting or excessive diarrhea Pinkeye Lice Chicken Pox Impetigo, Scabies, and Ringworm* Strep throat and Scarlet Fever*

10 Tips for Parents Encourage your child to eat breakfast or provide funds for them to eat at school Encourage your child to get enough sleep Encourage and offer a balanced diet Encourage involvement in some type of physical activity or after-school activity Be understanding to the new physical and mental demands of middle school, as well as hormonal changes Listen with open ears and an open mind Feel free to contact your child’s guidance counselor or nurse with any concerns


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