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HEAR Higher Education Access Route 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "HEAR Higher Education Access Route 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEAR Higher Education Access Route 2018

2 National Picture Overview UCC Picture Success Story!

3 What is HEAR? The Higher Education Access Route is an admissions route for school leavers who for social, financial or cultural reasons are under-represented at third level education. It was set up to ensure that all Leaving Certificate students have a fair and equal opportunity to progress to third level education.

4 Where can I go to College?
Dublin Institute of Technology Dublin City University Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dún Laoghaire RCSI Trinity College, Dublin University College, Dublin Marino Institute of Education National College of Ireland St. Angela’s College, Sligo. IT Sligo Maynooth University Pontifical University NUI Galway University of Limerick Mary Immaculate College University College Cork

5 Why apply to HEAR? Reduced points CAO offers in the participating colleges provided you meet the minimum entry requirements. Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and Post-entry supports such as financial, academic, social and personal.

6 National Picture Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

7 HEAR Spread of applicants by County 2016
Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

8 Eligibility - HEAR 2015 2016 Opted In for HEAR 9158 9532
2015 2016 Opted In for HEAR 9158 9532 Applications assessed 6127 6080 Final number eligible 4276 4221 Carried forward eligibility 412 462 “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

9 % of Applicants meeting each Indicator
Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

10 Number of Indicators met 2016
Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

11 72% of Eligible HEAR Students Accept
Offers & Acceptances - HEAR 72% of Eligible HEAR Students Accept a CAO Offer. Total Eligible Total Offers % Receiving Offers  2016 4221 3565 84.5  2015 4276 3701 86.6 Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

12 Prioritised Groups – HEAR & DARE Eligible
265 Students Eligible for HEAR & DARE in 2016 50% of these students received an Offer. Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

13 UCC PLUS+ Programme Outreach Admissions Support Graduation


15 Snapshot of UCC PLUS+ 2017/18 Linked DEIS Secondary Schools
First Year Students UCC PLUS+ Supported Students Graduates 32 256 830 1,250

16 Allocation of HEAR Places
Being eligible for HEAR does not guarantee a reduced points place. University College Cork reserves approximately 5% of School Leaver places for students applying under the HEAR Scheme.    To be considered for a reduced points HEAR place you must: Be eligible for HEAR Meet minimum entry requirements Meet any additional specific course requirements Achieve a minimum of 300* points Achieve at least 85% of the Leaving Certificate points required for the course.  Once these requirements have been met, University College Cork allocates the reduced points places to eligible applicants in order of points merit.

17 52% of UCC HEAR Admissions in 2017 were below points
HEAR Admissions UCC Plateaux 52% of UCC HEAR Admissions in 2017 were below points

18 UCC PLUS+ Supports Residential Orientation Programme
Dedicated First Year Support Officers UCC PLUS+ Resource Room Subsidised Printing Laptop Loan Service Extra Academic Tuition One-to-one Support Drop-In Facility Financial Bursary Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

19 Outcomes Retention Rate identical to general student body
96% of Graduates achieve honours!

20 Graduate Destinations - 2016
 2016 UCC PLUS+ UCC In Employment 57% 58% In Further Study 37% 36% Seeking Employment 4% Unavailable for Employment or Further Study 2% 3% Employment or Further Study 94% 56% earning €25,000 + Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and

21 Data Analytics Associate
Graduate Destinations – Employment Accountant Teacher Credit Analyst Trainee Tax Consultant Staff Nurse Social Worker Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and Occupational Therapist Midwife Quality Control Analyst Data Analytics Associate Graduate Software Developer

22 PhD Environmental Science
Graduate Destinations – Further Study Master of Social Work MSc Occupational Health PhD Science MSc Information Systems Risk Management MSc Corporate Finance Use comments from your own students here eg Orientation, etc: “Orientation was the best, it took the fear out of going to college” Or I made new friends and Professional Master of Education MA Film and Screen Media MA Criminology PhD Environmental Science MSc Analytical Chemistry

23 UCC Student Leadership Awards.
Exceptional Students UCC Student Leadership Awards. These prestigious awards are for students who made outstanding contributions to student life here in UCC

24 To this day I am very thankful for the advice I received from the career guidance counsellor at my school who not only encouraged me to pursue a university degree but introduced me to HEAR and assisted in all steps of the application process. Thanks to the support I receive through the HEAR scheme I managed to graduate from my Bachelors with a high second class honours, complete an Erasmus year abroad in the Czech Republic and I am due to graduate from the top of my class with an LL.M in Hamburg, Germany. I hope to continue along the academic path for now by completing a PhD in the area of Human Rights and eventually to train as a lawyer in London. I feel this will give me the opportunity to continue to work internationally and hopefully make a difference for those who need it.

25 Further Information:

26 Application Advice Clinics Thank you ! Olive Byrne Programme Manager

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