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Presentation on theme: "CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Center for Industrial Development
Newly established sector in Croatian Chamber of Economy Implementation of national strategies Strengthening the triple helix collaboration Support the strengthening of national competitiveness Competitiveness determinants of Republic of Croatia: Investments in RDI Manufacturing products with high added value Boosting products and services to a higher level in GVCs Export growth Efficiency of national institutions

3 Center for Industrial Development
Basic information about the projects: Applicant: MINEEC Partner: CCE – Center for Industrial Development(CIRAZ) Duration of projects: 48 months Implementation is performed through 2 strategic EU projects: Strategic project for support of the establishment of Innovation network for industry and thematic innovation platforms Strategic project for support of cluster competitiveness initiatives

4 Center for Industrial Development
1.Pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, medical equipment and devices; 2.Health services and new methods of preventive medicine and diagnostics 3.Nutrition 1.Energy technologies, systems, and equipment 2.Environment-friendly technologies, equipment and advanced materials 1.Added value manufacturing of road and rail vehicles parts and systems 2.Environment-friendly transport solutions 3.Intelligent transport systems and logistics 1.Cyber security 2.Defence dual-use 3.Mine action program 1. Sustainable food production and processing 2. Sustainable wood production and processing Health and quality of life Energy and sustainable environment Transport and mobility Security Food and bioeconomy Horizontal sectors and technologies: KET & ICT

5 Center for Industrial Development
KEY ACTIVTIES: raising competitiveness Developing employee competencies Creation of GVCs RDI Attracting FDIs Internationalization Strategic analysis and assessment of CC position withing GVC Public-private dialogue framework Cluster position by 13 STPA Definition of strategic segments Preparation of partnerships for joint investments Public-private dialogue B2B meetings Workshops Forums

6 Center for Industrial Development
KEY ACTIVTIES: raising competitiveness Action plan for strengthening the position of Croatia within GVCs Guidance for public administration Project diagnostics Actions and recommendations for implementation of policies Identification of specific niches and markets for attracting FDI Gap analysis within GVCs Definition of markets for each niche Identification of counties and LSGs with the highest potential for attracting FDIs Marketing action plan for attracting FDI National marketing strategy Promotional tools for each market Specific fairs and conferences Investment forums and ‘’outreach missions’’

7 Center for Industrial Development
KEY ACTIVTIES: raising competitiveness Creation of Export strategies and Action plans for export initiatives Identification of potential markets Source of funding for trade promotion and commercialization Action plan for territorial and product branding Branding and promotion of sector/region Territorial initiatives and online tools Triple helix Industrial development academy and Competitiveness summer school Development of smart skills of the business sector GVC and supply Export promotion

8 Technological mapping of business sector
Center for Industrial Development KEY ACTIVTIES: raising the awareness level of investment in RDI Establishment of Innovation network for industry and Innovation council for industry Innovation WEB platform Tehnical secretariat for Thematic innovation councils Organization of meetings, conferences INOVA THINK TANK International advisory council Analytical reports on regulations Strategic and legal framework for future development of national innovation system Financial instruments Technological mapping of business sector Mapping of technological capacities Technological development forecast based on current situation

9 Center for Industrial Development
KEY ACTIVTIES: raising the awareness level of investment in RDI INNOVATION NETWORK FOR INDUSTRY INDUSTRY INNOVATION COUNCIL Council president- Minister of Economy Members: MRDEUF, MSES, MEC, MT, MLPS, MA, AIC, HAMAG-BICRO, Rectors of universities, Croatian County Association, Croatian Chamber of Economy, CEA, Croatian Exporters Association, Presidents of thematic innovation councils TPA HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE TPA ENERGY AND SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT TPA TRANSPORT AND MOBILITY TPA SECURITY TPA FOOD AND BIOECONOMY Innovation council for health and quality of life Innovation council for energy and sustainable environment Innovation council for transport and mobility Innovation council for safety Innovation council for food and bioeconomy 3 subthematic priority work groups 2 subthematic priority action groups 3 subthematic priority action groups INNOVATION WEB PLATFORM CROATIAN COMPETITIVENESS CLUSTERS

10 Center for Industrial Development
KEY ACTIVTIES: raising the awareness level of investment in RDI Innovation WEB platform Capacities display of scientific and entrepreneurship sector Central hot spot for communication and networking of innovation value chain Development of RDI strategies for business sector Long-run development strategies for TPA Implementation action plans Narrow product segments Specific niches within TPAs Pipeline of RDI projects Achieving goals from RDI strategies Expert and technical assistance in the preparation of tender documentation

11 Internationalization
National market Specialization Internationalization

Nova cesta 7, HR Zagreb Mateo Ivanac Tel.: +385 (0) Fax: +385 (0)


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