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Implementation of home-based insulin management (HIM) without refrigeration in Dagahaley refugee camp, Kenya Said Abdullahi Hassan1, Abdijabir Adan1,

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of home-based insulin management (HIM) without refrigeration in Dagahaley refugee camp, Kenya Said Abdullahi Hassan1, Abdijabir Adan1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of home-based insulin management (HIM) without refrigeration in Dagahaley refugee camp, Kenya Said Abdullahi Hassan1, Abdijabir Adan1, Bashir Abdiweli1, Rachel Kamau1, Dzhamila Rakhmatbekova1, Susana Cristofani1, Iza Ciglenecki1, Philippa Boulle1 1Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Geneva, Switzerland Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

2 Background Dagahaley camp
Population : mostly Somali refugees (UNHCR April 2017) 810 MSF NCD patients (1.2% camp population) - 21.9% DM and 54% HTN MSF Operations March 2009: primary health care (PHC) August 2011: added secondary health care NCD care is integrated into PHC Patients using insulin received it twice daily at the emergency room of the camp hospital High insecurity. MSF is the only medical organization. Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

Increasing number of patients requiring insulin Distance and insecurity Poor glycemic control (due to non-adherence) Frequent admissions due to acute complications. Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

4 Objectives Assess the feasibility of home-based insulin management in a complex humanitarian setting without refrigeration Improve access to and adherence with insulin use Prevent acute complications Decongest emergency room and reduce ward admissions Improve diabetes control and patient outcomes. Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

5 Methodology Descriptive study
Retrospective analysis of routine program data Meets exemption criteria set by MSF-ERB (ethics review board) Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

6 Steps in implementation
SOPs development Eligibility criteria, Medical care Follow-up, monitoring and evaluation Community and patient sensitization & awareness Insulin thermostability study Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

7 Eligibility criteria for HIM
All diabetic patients requiring insulin management Willing to inject insulin and to check own blood sugars Willing to be admitted for insulin optimisation, education, and come for follow up Able to read, write and understand numbers (or caretaker to do so) Possessing sufficient manual dexterity (or caretaker to do so) Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

8 Competency & CHW home visit check
Done on discharge from the ward and at 6 months in the program Key components:- Signs & symptoms of Hypo/hyperglycemia and how to react Insulin storage Hygiene Injection technique and dosing Sick day rules Infection prevention and safety Food availability Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

9 to self-inject my insulin dose”
“Am happy, I now know how to self-inject my insulin dose” Child with diabetes Discharge package Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

10 Charcoal cooler “QABOOJIE”
Said Hassan/MSF Said Hassan/MSF Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

11 Results - patient characteristics
We started with 24 patients 8 new patients joined the program in 2016 6 exits (5 relocation and 1 death of an unrelated reason) 1 to 65 years (mean 20.4, SD13.38) 11 patients <18 years 10 (41.7%) Female Age n % 0-4 2 8.3 5-14 4 16.7 15-49 17 70.8 50+ 1 4.2 Sex n % Male 14 58.3 Female 10 41.7 Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

12 Results- patient characteristics
25% of the cohort had a comorbidity Time since diagnosis ranged from 1 month to 12 years (mean 4.34 years, SD2.97) Comorbidity No (%) DM T1/HTN 1(4.2%) DM T2/HTN 2(8.3) DM/renal impairment DM/ eye complication Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

13 Results-patient outcome HbA1c analysis
Initial 12 months n % < 8.5 5 20.8 4 22.2 8.6-11 11 45.8 7 38.9 >11 8 33.4 HbA1c = a measure of patients’ diabetes control (target < 8.5% for this program) Done at enrolment, 3, 6, 9, 12 months At enrolment: to 14% (mean 10.4 SD0.02) At 12 month in 18 patients: 7.0 to 14% (mean 10.2, SD1.86) 44.4% improved Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

14 HbA1c Analyzer Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

15 Results- ER consultation and hospitalization
Hospital diabetes admissions Emergency stabilization Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

16 Results- insulin recovery rates
33 residual insulin samples sent for potency analysis: 32 analysed 12-31 days period of storage all samples within targeted range of 100+/- 10 - thus conform to pharmacopeia. Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

17 Results- temperature monitoring
Periodic temperature monitoring for the charcoal coolers Hottest and coolest months of the year Varied between (min/max) [°C] Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

18 Limitations Diet Poor socio-economic status Illiteracy
Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

19 Conclusion Home-based insulin management is well accepted by patients- allows them to return to their normal activities. HIM appears feasible in a complex humaniterian setting without refrigeration Improved patient care, 44% improvement in HbA1c, no admission due to acute complication. This model of care can be implemented in other MSF and non-MSF settings. Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

20 Acknowledgments Many thanks to:- MSF-CH field and co-ordination teams
OCG Medical Department and MOSU  OCG innovation unit UNIGE Dagahaley Community and patients We confirm we have permission to use images from participants included in this presentation Said Abdullahi, MSF. Home Insulin Management without refrigeration

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