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Cold War Domain 4 Part IV.

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1 Cold War Domain 4 Part IV

Get up and move around – talk to the people around you, build small-medium-large groups Your objective: have as big a group as you can have with ONLY black dots If you are a red dot, get into as big a group of black dots as you can without them knowing what color you are

3 Opener Following WWII what was America afraid of?
What was America trying to “contain”? List things that you already know about the Cold War.

4 Competition with USSR The Cold War
We built an atomic bomb Then they built one of their own Harry S. Truman used the United Nations (UN) to gain allies and trade partnerships Joseph Stalin would do the same US wanted to rebuild European governments and put Germany together USSR wanted to control Eastern Europe (buffer) and divide East & West Germany US created their first peacetime alliance (NATO) for military support between US and 11 Western European nations USSR created their own alliance set as well (Warsaw Pact) 20


6 NATO vs Warsaw Pact 20


8 Duck and Cover Drill -How will ducking under a desk help and protect you from an atomic bomb?

9 McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy (Wisconsin) brought the issue of anti-communism to America’s front pages and living rooms Stirs up a whirlwind fever – claiming to have a list of 57 (no 81, no 205!) communists working in the US State Department Accused Democrats of being soft on communism 20b

10 How was McCarthyism similar to the Salem Witch Trials?

11 20b

12 Truman Integrates the Military
In 1948 ordered integration of armed forces and an end of discrimination in government hiring practices Could this kind of move cost Harry Truman his hopes of reelection in 1948? 20a


14 Truman Doctrine US financial aid would help to contain communism where it was and prevent it from spreading to democracies the US supported. 20a

15 20a

16 Marshall Plan Named after Secretary of State George Marshall
16 countries – four years - $13 billion in aid Chaotic Western European nations needed reconstruction Economic aid given to western Europe after WWII to help rebuild. Combat the spread of communism 20a

17 20a

18 20a

19 Korea Chinese Civil War 20b When 1927-1949 Who
Chiang Kai-Shek (Nationalist) Mao Zedong (Communist) Who won/Outcome China becomes communist President Truman What did the US do? Nothing When Who North Korea South Korea Who won/Outcome No one. Stalemate 38th parallel President Truman and Eisenhower What did the US do? Supported South Korea 20b

20 Vietnam Cuba 20c,d When 1962 Who Cuba Soviet Union US What
Soviet missiles in Cuba aimed at America Communist take over in Cuba (Fidel Castro) What did US do? Invaded Cuba (Bay of Pigs). Failed CIA operations. US trained Cuban exiles Who won/Outcome Ended with a cease fire and nuclear weapons ban by USSR and US Cuba became Communist When Who North Vietnam (Vietcong) South Vietnam United States Who Won/Outcome North Vietnam Many Americans died or Pulled-out of the war People in America started to hate the war and protest Anti- Vietnam war President Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon What did the US do? Helped out South Vietnam 20c,d

21 “Losing” China China was in a civil war in the 1940s
(US supported) Nationalists vs. Communists Mao Zedong gathered support among Chinese rural peasants to take control of communist China America is not willing to go to a military solution over China – they’re too big and the USSR might get involved Is China a communist country today? 20b

22 20b

23 Korean War In 1950, communist North Korean forces flooded over the 38th parallel into democratic South Korea (whom the US was supposed to protect) The war ended in a stalemate – as the 38th parallel remained the border 54,000 Americans died in Korea America spent $67 billion What are America’s gains and losses from the Korean war? 20b

24 Korean War 20b

25 20b

26 the Cuban Revolution 1956 Fidel Castro led communist revolution for control over Cuba, promising an end to inequality, poverty and dictatorship Relations with the US got worse, but JFK’s new foreign policy when something didn’t go our way was “flexible response” 20c

27 The Bay of Pigs invasion
The CIA trained over 1,000 Cuban exiles to lead invasion of Cuban Bay of Pigs that would lead to overthrow of Castro’s government Nothing went as planned and the US army-led invasion was a giant embarrassment and failure The US had to pay $53 million in supplies for the release of the captured forces Cuba turned to the Soviet Union for more “communist big brother” support 20c

28 Bay of Pigs 20c

29 the Cuban missile crisis 1962
October 14: US planes take photos of Soviet missiles in Cuba – placed there by the USSR to keep America out in the future October 22: Kennedy informs America of danger in Cuba, intent to limit buildup October 24: Kennedy starts naval blockade of Cuba October 25: Soviet Union ships stopped at blockade October 28: Khrushchev (USSR) vows to pull missiles out of Cuba to avoid bigger conflict US had to take missiles out of Turkey as well 20c

30 20c

31 describing the Vietnam War
1953: Eisenhower explains DOMINO THEORY and how US cannot let another nation fall to communism Vietcong will resist US within South Vietnam JFK, afraid to be labeled “soft” on communism, continues US involvement in Vietnam After USS Maddox fired upon, Congress passes Tonkin Gulf Resolution gives wide war-power to LBJ 20d

32 Vietnam War 20d

33 Vietnam War 20d

34 U.S. Troop levels escalate…
1963: 16,000 (JFK) 1964: 50,000 (LBJ) 1965: 180,000 (LBJ) 1966: 385,000 (LBJ) 1967: 500,000 (LBJ) 1968: 542,000 (LBJ) 1969: 480,000 (Nixon) 1970: 225,000 (Nixon) 1971: 160,000 (Nixon) 1972: 10,000 (Nixon) 20d

35 A Difficult War to fight
Elusive/Unclear/Determined Enemy Vietcong were fighting a hundred-year-old war for their survival Impossible Terrain jungles, heat, bugs, rain, traps, hiding Vietcong 3.5 million landmines still in Vietnam today Guerilla Warfare War of Attrition Chemical Warfare Sinking Troop Morale 20d

36 the Tet offensive TET OFFENSIVE – January 1968
Tet holiday ceasefire (Vietnamese New Year) Vietcong ignore ceasefire and attack 100 towns Vietcong lose 32,000 (ARVN/US lose 3,000), - before Tet: 28% doves, 56% hawks - after Tet: 40% doves, 40% hawks 20d

37 The “Living room war” 20d

38 growing opposition to the war
Most soldiers DRAFTED African American Soldiers 10% of forces, 20% of death toll (??) 20d

39 growing opposition to the war
Kent State Shooting growing opposition to the war The New Left (protest leadership) SDS & FSM student groups rage against “the machine” seek to increase youth voice in government Kent State & Jackson State Violence erupts, people die 20d

40 growing opposition to the war
Opposition turns to protest and resistance DOVES vs. HAWKS protesters were unpopular (70% believed it was un-American to protest war) 20d

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