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Ancient Greece Cultures of the Mountains and Sea

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1 Ancient Greece Cultures of the Mountains and Sea
Mr. Stowinsky World History

2 Mycenaean Civilization Develops
The Minoans settled on the island of Crete, off the coast of Greece The Mycenaeans settled on the mainland The two civilizations met, and the Mycenaeans adopted much of Minoan culture, including sea travel, art, writing, and religion

3 Geography Shapes Greek Life
Greece was not a united country but many city-states separated by sea and mountains Greeks became master sailors and traveled mostly over water Most land was rocky and not good for farming Warmer climate meant Greeks had mostly outdoor lives


5 Greek Culture Declines Under the Dorians
Dorians spoke a dialect of Greek and were less advanced Did not have writing Learned history through spoken word Epic – narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds Homer created The Iliad and The Odyssey Myths – traditional stories

6 Section 2 Warring City-States
Polis – a city and its surrounding countryside Acropolis – fortified hilltop Monarchy – ruled by a single ruler Aristocracy – ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families Oligarchy – Ruled by a few powerful people Tyrant – People who seized control of the government by appealing to the common people for support

7 Athens Builds a Limited Democracy
Democracy – rule by the people Draco – all Athenians, rich or poor, were equal Also had harsh criminal punishments and debt slavery Solon – outlawed debt slavery Made 4 social classes Cleisthenes – let citizens submit laws and vote on them Only landowning males could be citizens

8 Sparta Builds a Military State
Very militarized society Men joined the army at age 7 and could not leave until age 60 Tough life – slept on hard benches with no blankets, trained in all weather, fed little food Women were equal

9 The Persian Wars Greeks had iron weapons and armor
Phalanx – army formation where soldiers stand side to side holding spears and shields in their hands Persia tried to invade Athens and were defeated at the fields of Marathon Persia then tried to invade Sparta


11 The Spartans and other Greeks held the Persians back so they could not advance
While other Greeks retreated, all 300 Spartans remained – and all died The Persians were eventually defeated and left Greece Athens became the head city-state and began conquering other Greek city-states

12 Section 3 - Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age
“Golden Age” lasted only about 50 years Pericles strengthened democracy by making government jobs paid jobs so poorer citizens could hold public office Direct democracy – citizens rule directly, not through representatives

13 Arts & History Art, especially sculpture, greatly improved at this time Tragedy – serious drama with a tragic or unhappy ending Comedy – humorous plays or plays with a happy ending History is first recorded accurately, as it actually happened

14 Peloponnesian War Athens vs Sparta Athens – stronger navy
Sparta – stronger army Sparta eventually defeats Athens, Greek democracy collapses and Athens’ empire fails

15 Section 4 - Alexander’s Empire
Macedonia was north of Greece and wanted to be part of Greece Philip II invaded and conquered Greece, was murdered at his daughter’s wedding Alexander, Philip II’s son, become king of Macedonia

16 Alexander invaded Persia and broke through Persia’s defenses, King Darius III of Persia ran away
Darius III offered Alexander half of Persia. Alexander refused and continued to fight until he conquered the entire empire After conquering Persia, Alexander conquered Egypt and attempted to conquer India After returning home, he got sick and died at age 32 His empire was broken into 3 parts by his generals – Egypt, Macedonia/Greece, and Persia

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