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Website: 6th Grade Science Mr. Bartalomy email: website:

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1 website:
6th Grade Science Mr. Bartalomy website:

2 Supplies green binder with paper
black/blue pens and pencils on test/quiz days Index cards-in their lockers Agenda-Please check your child’s agenda on a daily basis.

3 Website Or
You can start at Seneca’s Homepage The homework, notes, and vocab definitions will be posted. See the science links. The website is designed to keep the students and the parents informed of the homework, upcoming assessments and events taking place in school.

4 Parent Portal It is imperative that the Parent Portal is checked on a regular basis. Weekly homework assignments, quizzes and tests will be posted on the Portal. Progress reports and report cards will only be available on the portal. Go to and click on the “Parent Portal” on the right hand side. If you can’t log on, please contact guidance immediately.

5 2nd Half of the Year (Jan-Jun)
Curriculum Here are the topics that we will be studying this year: 1st Half of the Year (Sept-Jan) Chemistry Scientific Method and Measurement Properties and States of Matter Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Intro to Atoms Periodic Table & Chemical Bonding 2nd Half of the Year (Jan-Jun) Physics Motion and Forces Gravity and Motion Machines Energy Electricity Magnetism Waves Sound Waves Light Waves

6 Tests and Grades Tests count as 50% of the marking period average.
There is one test per Unit/Chapter. Quizzes/labs count as 40%. There is at least one quiz per chapter. These quizzes usually revolve around the unit’s vocabulary There may be pop quizzes throughout the year so it is imperative that your child is studying every night. Homework counts as 10%. Students have record sheets in their binder. Tests and quizzes will be recorded on the record sheet. Parents will be asked to sign the record sheet after a grade is given and students will have 2 nights to get the record sheet signed.

7 Homework Homework is given during the week and over the weekend.
Even when there isn’t written homework, the students should study their vocabulary words, notes, and worksheets. Students should be writing down the homework in their agenda everyday.

8 Missed Homework A missed homework counts as a zero towards the homework average. Each daily homework will be give a grade out of ten. Zero (incomplete), 5 (partially complete or late), or 10 completely done Consistently missing homework will result in a call home. On the Parent Portal, the homework assignments will be updated on a daily basis. If your child’s grade is less than the total amount of points possible, then he/she did not complete an assignment or partial credit was given.

9 Absences When a student is out you may call the guidance office and request their HW be sent to the guidance office for you to pick up after school. Otherwise it is their responsibility to see me when they return. Students should reference the website to see missed assignments. Students must make up all work that was missed (class work, notes, homework, etc.). When a student is absent for multiple days, I will meet with the student and we will discuss when the missed assignments will be due.

10 Extra Help Science extra help will be provided with a day or two of a test. It may be an AM or PM session. Attendance will be taken at extra help so you can always contact me to see if your child has been attending. Extra help is truly beneficial, so please stress it’s importance to your child.

11 Classroom Rules Be prepared
Be respectful of your teacher, your classmates, your environment and yourself Do not leave your seat during the instructional part of the lesson Raise your hand if you would like to participate Try your best

12 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns.
website: Seneca’s Main Office:

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