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Mid term review.

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1 Mid term review

2 Neolithic Revolution Paleo, Humans, Neolithic revolution, Permanent settlements Cities, Complex Governments, Writing, arts, Technology Geo Features- Fresh water, Fertile Soil, Mild Climates Stable food source allows for specialization in other fields Turning point- alternative to hunting and gathering Women's roles decrease as men’s increase Mesopotamia, Huang He, Nile River, and Indus- Settled around river valleys

3 Ancient Civilizations
Mongul: Akbar- Peace and stabilty Gupta (India)- Contribution to arts and science Hindu traditions, poems, drama Age of Pericles(Greece)-Contribution to arts and science Tang Dynasty(China)-Contribution to arts and science, civil service exams Song China- Developed paper money- pay taxes with money instead of grain

4 Religions Judaism- 1st monotheistic religion, emerged among Hebrews. Single God Zoroastrianism- Persian, monotheistic Christianity- Percecuted by the Romans, refused to worship Roman gods and emporers

5 Greek Civilizations Mountain terrain isolated people into city-states
Polis- City State

6 Women in the Roman Empire
Could make wills Own Land Roman women enjoyed some rights in the Roman Empire

7 Taj Mahal Built by Shah Jahan as a tribute to his dead wife

8 Technological Advancements in China
Contributed to the economic growth and cultural advancement in China

9 Medieval Europe Silk road- Trade route from China to the West
Feudal System(Like the Caste System in India)- Social class system that developed after the turmoil of repeated invasions into the Roman Empire Crusades- Christians and Muslims fought over control of Jerusalem, the Holy City to both. Impact of the Crusades- Increase trade Ends Crusades by creating an trade revival and exposure to new technology and learning.

10 Black Death People thought it was the wrath of God or Jews poisoning Christians

11 Role of the Catholic Church in Western Europe
Stability, Unity, and order to Western Europe

12 Exploration in the 1400’s All water route to Asia Renaissance Spirit
Technological advances allow for exploration further

13 Renaissance in Italy Creativity Highly encouraged
Leonardo Da Vinci- Paintings and inventions Nicolo Machiavelli- Wrote “The Prince” about how to stay in power-FEAR Humanist study human form

14 Printing Press Availability in books Increase in literacy rates
Spread of Martin Luther’s ideas

15 Reformation Reformers unhappy about church selling indulgences- paid forgiveness of sin Corruption in the Church Martin Luther- disagreed with sale of indulgences, Started Reformation, Faith alone will save you John Calvin- Reformer like Luther, Predestination-God already knows if you are going to heaven

16 Counter Reformation Reinstate the power of the Catholic Church
Thirty Year War- War between Catholics and Protestants

17 Exploration and Colonization
Columbian Exchange- Transfer of foods, plants, and animals during colonization of Americas. Effect- Introduction of new foods to both Europe and Americas

18 Pre-Columbian Empires
Aztec- Central Mexico, Calendar, Conquered by Cortes with superior military technology Mayans- Yucatan, Calendar, concept of Zero Incas- South America, Road System

19 Merchantilism

20 African Slave Trade African culture spreads across Americas
Africans in the Americas have no common culture Population losses in West Africa Triangular trade depended on Slave Trade

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