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Tim Wright Principal Airworthiness Surveyor 8th December 2016

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2 Tim Wright Principal Airworthiness Surveyor 8th December 2016
National Accreditation Tim Wright Principal Airworthiness Surveyor 8th December 2016

3 In response to the Governments Trailblazer incentive.
Note: If a location is listed in the exposition to avoid it being considered a remote site, it must appear in the 147.A.130 independent audit programme.

4 The Parties involved Trailblazer Project – (HM Government incentive 2013) - (Business Innovation and Skills) Provides strategy and guidance … interfaces with the DfE …….. funding etc has helped in establishing 3M apprenticeships' since May 2010; (Bae systems; Fujitus. Etc ). NOS - National Occupational Skills : Produce standards of performance that individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding. Semta – (The Science, Engineering, Manufacturing and Technologies Alliance). Employer-led and not-for-profit . Works on behalf of the advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors. Engages with government, politicians and key stakeholders . Shapes policy to meet the interests of the employers it represents. City and Guilds - AO ( Awarding organisation) BBGA - ( British Business and General Aviation).

5 The Process BBGA drew together the interested parties and a series of meetings were held to scope out the apprenticeship . (what do we need)! Smaller working groups, including industry and the regulator were established to develop the courses. These sessions were chaired by SEMTA who translated the “technical terms and requirements” into the “language” / standard of the NOS and BIS.

6 Engagement with the Regulators
The 2013 Vince Cable letter referred to the “engagement of the regulators” Hence the Awarding Organisation (AO) the City &Guilds and the UK CAA were drawn together to scope out a means of how the two parties could work together and come up with a set of deliverables . Fortunately the C&G’s had already got the C&G 2675 on the shelf !!

7 Part 66.B.400 General States : ”The competent authority may only grant credit on the basis of a credit report prepared in accordance with point 66.B.405”

8 C&G + CAA = NA (National Accreditation)
C&Guilds applied for the accreditation. CAA developed a cross mapping matrix (National Qualification v’s Part 66 syllabus) C&Guilds completed the matrix identifying the deltas and the learning outcomes. C&Guilds + CAA negotiated the deltas and the other differences. (Pass marks !!) An agreement was drafted and …… agreed !!!

9 Accreditation of a Technical Qualification – Application SRG 1028 Issue 02

10 Risk Register

11 Cross mapping matrix

12 Accreditation letter The details and conditions are outlined the Accreditation Acceptance letter which is agreed and signed off by both parties .

13 Other outcomes from the NOS
AEROSPACE TRAILBLAZER APPRENTICSHIP STANDARDS SECTOR Apprenticeship Standard Level Status Aerospace Aerospace Manufacturing Fitter 3 Ready for delivery Aerospace Engineer 6 Aerospace Software Development Engineer Aerospace Electrical/ Mechanical and systems Fitter Ready for delivry Aviation Maintenance Mechanic (Military ) 2 Survival Equipment Fitter Aircraft Maintenance Fitter/ Technician ( fixed and Rotary wing) Aircraft Maintenance Certifying Engineer 4 Airworthiness Planning Quality and Safety Technician

14 Questions?

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