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4th Super B Collaboration Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "4th Super B Collaboration Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Super B Collaboration Meeting
Physics Overview Jim Olsen Princeton University 4th Super B Collaboration Meeting June 1, 2012 Outline: A few slides on LHC search status Summary of the Physics Workshop Overview of collab mtg physics sessions

2 Pop Quiz What are the only new particles discovered at the LHC to date? Higgs boson Black holes Gluinos Squarks B hadrons - CMS (April, 2012) - LHCb (May, 2012) - ATLAS (Dec, 2011) L. Martini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

3 in the title since Dec… (and zero before)
Where is the SM Higgs? SM Higgs excluded: 127.5 – 600 GeV (95% CLS) 31 papers on arXiv with “125 GeV Higgs” in the title since Dec… (and zero before) If not here… It must be way out here June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

4 Where are the MSSM Higgses?
Direct searches exclude low mass for almost all values of tanb June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

5 Where is “Everything Else”?
> 150 searches: “no significant signal was found…”

6 No stone unturned, no loop untied…
Summary of LHC: Spring 2012 Most of the low-hanging fruit has been picked Starting to get creative (“SUSY with no MET”, etc) SM reigns supreme at the LHC thus far With no clear hint of NP in direct searches, flavor physics continues to be a critical search focus No stone unturned, no loop untied…

7 Super B Physics Workshop
Thursday, May 31 (9:00-18:00) 30 participants, good discussion Plenary only format, similar to Dec workshop 13 speakers (8 thy, 5 exp) Invited talks from LHCb, CMS, BES III Apologies Shameless use of other’s slides Any misrepresentations are mine! Ordering rearranged June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

8 Agenda June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

9 Session III: Rare decays
Experimental talks B physics at CMS (Luca Martini) B physics at LHCb (Patrick Koppenburg) Emphasis on NP searches in Bs  mm and B  K*mm Theory talks Bs  mm vs B  tn (Gianluca Blankenburg) Hadronic form factors in tauola (Pablo Garces) June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

10 Bs  mm @ CMS Conditions at LHC not a big prob: Luca Martini
June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

11 Bs  mm @ CMS Using 5fb-1 Luca Martini
Improvements on the way, including MVA June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

12 Patrick Koppenburg Bs  LHCb June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

13 Gianluca Blankenburg Bs  mm vs. B  tn June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

14 Bs  mm vs. B  tn Gianluca Blankenburg MSSM (no g-2) 2HDM
June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

15 Patrick Koppenburg B(*)  K(*)mm at LHCb June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

16 Session II: Vub Theory Experiment Overview (Paolo Gambino)
Vub and B  Xsg from global fits (Kerstin Tackmann) Vub and CKM fits (Marco Ciuchini) Right-handed effects in Vub (Andreas Crivellin) Experiment Overview (Marcello Rotondo) June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

17 Vub: Tension2 Inclusive vs. Exclusive Inclusive vs. CKM
Paolo Gambino (+ M. Bona) + Marcello Rotondo Vub: Tension2 Inclusive vs. Exclusive Inclusive vs. CKM

18 Paolo Gambino Charm Enhances Beauty June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

19 Paolo Gambino June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

20 Kerstin Tackmann June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

21 Potential Impact of Super B
Kerstin Tackmann Potential Impact of Super B June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

22 Marco Ciuchini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

23 Marco Ciuchini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

24 Marcello Rotondo June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

25 Right-handed Currents in Vub?
Andreas Crivellin Right-handed Currents in Vub?

26 Session I: Charm Theory Experiment
Hadronic uncertainties in DACP (Luca Silvestrini) Lattice and charm (Cecilia Tarantino) Experiment DACP in charm from LHCb (Benoit Viaud) Rare charm decays at BES III (Xiao-Rui Lu) June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

27 Benoit Viaud LHCb

28 DACP @ LHCb Benoit Viaud ~50 citations since end of 2011 June 1, 2012
Physics Overview

29 Benoit Viaud June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

30 Luca Silvestrini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

31 Luca Silvestrini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

32 Luca Silvestrini June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

33 LQCD: Releasing some Tension
Cecilia Tarantino LQCD: Releasing some Tension June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

34 Update on Charm Results from BES III State of the art in Tauola
Xiao-Rui Lu State of the art in Tauola Pablo Roig Garces

35 Workshop Summary An efficient overview of several important topics
Great speakers, great audience, lively discussion I learned a lot! June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

36 June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

37 More June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

38 Luca Martini B CMS Branching Fractions Production Cross Sections Very active program in B physics, despite the trigger challenge Search for D0  mm New baryon June 1, 2012 Physics Overview

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