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History and Governments

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1 History and Governments

2 Rise of Russia Moscovy become the dominate group.
Ivan III expanded the realm Created the nation of Russia. Ivan IV rules (Ivan the Terrible) Established the czar (supreme ruler/god on earth) Absolute monarchy (Autocracy) Used Secret Police Expanded the territory to non-Slavs Felt Nobles had killed wife

3 Romanovs Peter “the Great” Catherine the Great
Enlarged the territory Westernization Built up the military Developed trade Europe Moved capital to St. Petersburg Catherine the Great Expanded Empire Got warm water port on Black Sea. Alexander III expanded Russia Took parts of Siberia Created the Trans-Siberian Railroad From Moscow to Vladivostok

4 Causes Russian Revolution
Czar Alexander III Continued Russian as official language Strict censorship Pogroms Watched schools and universities Forced rapid industrialization With negative side effects

5 Soviet Era The communist era begins with: Bolsheviks vs Mensheviks
Japan defeats Russia Abdication by Nicholas II Russian exit of World War I Provisional democratic government Bolsheviks vs Mensheviks Lenin leads Bolsheviks Mensheviks backed by US and Britain Communist win: want to spread doctrine

6 Stalin takes power Lenin dies; Stalin vs Trotsky
Stalin wins: Trotsky dies in exile Controls Russia with iron fist Establishes secret police Set up gulags Indoctrination censorship Glorification of the state Command economy Denies basic liberties.

7 Cold War Ideas Soviet Union United States Economic System---Communism
Government--- Totalitarian Dictatorship Place in World--- Eastern Europe and Central Asia Goal --- Worldwide revolution Economic System--- Capitalism Government--- Democracy Place in the world--- Western Europe and North America Goal--- Containment

8 Fall of Communism Problems in Communism Mikhail Gorbachev’s idea:
Working class poor Communist rulers with privileges Mikhail Gorbachev’s idea: Perestroika-economic restructuring Glasnost—more freedom in politics. States break away from the Soviet Union 15 new countries formed; create Commonwealth of Independent States.

9 New Russia Russia changed the economy Vladimir Putin reform:
Moved from command economy to market economy Causing unemployment and inflation Vladimir Putin reform: Reformed labor Banking Private property

10 Paragraph What three people most influenced Russia? Why?

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