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Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards 2017 Submission Form

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1 Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards 2017 Submission Form

The Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards is a unique proprietary award that recognizes outstanding work in the online creative community. This year marks the ninth consecutive year of the Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards in Asia: as the market pioneer to give praise to creativity, innovation, imagination and the elusive big idea, we continue to honor the most extraordinary creative minds in Asia’s online community by introducing seventeen awards in Hong Kong and seven awards in North Asia to acknowledge campaigns on Yahoo and its network.

3 Entry Submission Hong Kong Award Category
( Maximum up to 4 categories) Best Acquisition Campaign Best Branding Campaign Best Content Marketing Campaign Best Video Strategy Best Targeting Strategy Best Integrated Solution Best Native Ad Solution Best Use of Native Ad Best Native Ad Campaign (For SME) Best Programmatic Campaign Best Search Campaign Best Use of Search Solution 3

4 Campaign Information Please fill in Hong Kong Details Country
Advertiser (as appears on trophy if won) Media Agency (as appears on trophy if won) Creative Agency (as appears on trophy if won) Campaign Name (as appears on trophy if won) Campaign Booking Period (must start between July 1, June 30, 2017) Submitted By Contact Person Company Name Contact No. 4

5 Company Logos Advertiser Media Creative 5

6 Entry Video Link (Optional but highly recommended)
Please host the submission video on any video-sharing sites, such as YouTube, Vimeo; please set the privacy settings to “Unlisted” and provide the link in the space below. 6

7 Campaign Objective & Target Audience
Provide the campaign background, objective(s) and other relevant information (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form) 7

8 Strategies Describe major creative(s), media strategies, and rationale, with examples. Visual presentation is highly preferred. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form) 8

9 Strategies Describe major creative(s), media strategies, and rationale, with examples. Visual presentation is highly preferred. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form) 9

10 Execution An overview of advertising tactics and the adoption of Yahoo ad solutions to achieve results. Visual presentation is highly preferred. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form) 10

11 Execution An overview of advertising tactics and the adoption of Yahoo ad solutions to achieve results. Visual presentation is highly preferred. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form) 11

12 Results Please provide notable outcome and evidence on how you achieved your objectives and/or overcame challenges. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form). For details of the Judging Criteria and Weighting, please refer to 2017 BIC Website 12

13 Results Please provide notable outcome and evidence on how you achieved your objectives and/or overcame challenges. (In less than 200 words; Font Size 14 points; Can be in point form). For details of the Judging Criteria and Weighting, please refer to 2017 BIC Website 13

14 Ad Creative Demo Links Please host the ad creative on a link and list the links below together with the landing site URL. For Content Marketing Campaigns, please provide content sites, and content videos links. For Search and Native Ad Campaigns, please provide screen cap(s) of the ads and the search result page. 14

15 Ad Creative Demo Links Please host the ad creative on a link and list the links below together with the landing site URL. For Content Marketing Campaigns, please provide content sites, and content videos links. For Search and Native Ad Campaigns, please provide screen cap(s) of the ads and the search result page. 15

16 THANK YOU! We will acknowledge your submission soon.

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