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Improvement of DPM Generator

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1 Improvement of DPM Generator
Dual Parton Model (Quark-Gluon String Model) A. Galoyan, JINR, Dubna, Russia 1. Improvement of inclusive spectra: meson spectra baryon spectra 2. New parameterization of elastic scattering hadronic scattering Coulomb scattering 3. Conclusion

2 Improvement of DPM Generator
Results of DPM on inelastic pbar-p in PandaRoot

3 Improvement of DPM Generator
Results of DPM on inelastic pbar-p in PandaRoot

4 Improvement of DPM Generator
A.Galoyan, V.Uzhinsky, AIP Conf. Proc. 796 (2005) 79, Bonn Dual Parton Model (Quark-Gluon String Model) Process "a" is responcible for multi-particle production at low energies 3Pi0, Pi0 Pi+ Pi-, …. Process "b" leads to 2-baryon final states, like Lambda-Lambda-Bar, Delta-Delta-Bar and so on. Process "c" gives 2-particles states at low energies - Pi+Pi-, Pi0Pi0, K+K-

5 A.Galoyan, V.Uzhinsky, AIP Conf. Proc. 796 (2005) 79, Bonn
Improvement of DPM Generator Process “h” - low mass diffraction Process “g” is going through pomeron exchange. A.Galoyan, V.Uzhinsky, AIP Conf. Proc. 796 (2005) 79, Bonn

6 Improved DPM - some results.
Tuning of string junction annihilation (a) and quark-antiquark annihilation (b). Implementation of LMD (h) Subroutine init.f

7 Improved DPM - some results.
Tuning of string junction annihilation (a) and quark-antiquark annihilation (b). Implementation of LMD (h) Subroutine init.f

8 Improved DPM - some results.

9 Improved hadronic elastic scattering in

10 New parameters for hadronic elastic scattering in DPM-generator
dσ ⁄ dt = A1 (exp (B1 t/2 – A2 exp(B2 t/2)2 + A3 exp(B2 t)

11 Improved elastic scattering - some results.

12 Improved elastic scattering - some results.

13 Improved elastic scattering - some results.

14 Improved elastic scattering - some results.

15 Improved elastic scattering - some results.

16 Coulomb, interference, hadronic parts of elastic scattering in DPM generator.

17 Results of the new version of DPM and experimental data E760 collab.

18 Conclusion 1 Fine tuning of DPM is performed in a part.
2 Spectra of mesons are Improved. 3 Low mass diffraction is implemented for improvement of spectra of protons and antiprotons. 4 Simulation of binary channels is Included. The consideration of these channels will be done. 5 Parametrization of elastic scattering is improved. 6 Smearing of a beam is implemented in DPM (results are prepared and will be presented). 7 Draft of a paper on the new parameterization in DPM is prepared.

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