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Project Based Learning (PBL)

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Presentation on theme: "Project Based Learning (PBL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Based Learning (PBL)
Preliminary Business Studies A Guide

2 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
The Project The project is to complete assessment task 3. This task requires that you produce a business plan in the form of a business report for your market stall business You should review the assessment task requirements after completing this PowerPoint presentation. It can be found on the Mcmoodle assessment page. A copy has also been given to you. Read the assessment task requirements carefully and discuss any questions you may have with your teacher. You will produce your business plan using Google Docs (Word)

3 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
Structure You will work through a series of mentormob lessons accessed via your Mcmoodle business studies page. This PowerPoint presentation is part of Lesson 1 Each lesson will contain links to subject content. This may be a reference to readings from the text book or a PowerPoint presentation. The lesson may also contain a video for you to watch and links to sources which will help you with your project. At the end of each lesson you will be required to produce an element of your business plan.

4 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
Elements and Activities Throughout the PBL lessons you will be required to take part in some individual and group activities, which will enhance your understanding and increase your skills in a particular area of business planning. Your teacher will advise when these activities will take place. The majority of your learning and project production can be done at your own pace, HOWEVER, you must meet specific deadlines for submission of elements of your business plan as advised by your teacher. Please take note of the submission date for your business plan assessment task!

5 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
Roles You are in control of your own learning. You must meet certain deadlines as directed by your teacher and must submit your business plan on time, however, you can move through the lessons at your own pace. Access to laptops will be provided for each lesson, so that you are able to view each lesson and produce your plan using Google Docs. Your teacher is the facilitator for your project. Use their knowledge and skills to assist you in your learning and project production.

6 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
Roles You are now part of a management team. As you know, mangers of each business function need to work together to achieve business goals. You will need to create a Google Docs word document as your group business plan and share this document with each member of your group AND your teacher.

7 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
Roles You will work as a team to complete the first four parts of the plan Business Overview including the business name Vision Business goals Situational analysis After completion of the above sections each function manager will be responsible for producing the plan for their own function of the business (Operations, Marketing, HR, Finance)

8 What will PBL look like for Preliminary Business Studies ?
What next? Your first step is to complete lesson 1. There are some videos about planning a business for you to watch. Then move on to Lesson 2. You will need to arrange meetings for your group managers to ensure that you all understand what is required in the business planning process. Ypu should arrange regular meetings to discuss the allocation of work and production of the plan

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