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1 Follow these directions…
Put out Homework (2 Protagonist / Antagonist) RRJs, Book Club novel Write down HW: RRJ 3 due Friday 11/18. Use the RRJs to have a group discussion around the Focus for Reading: How does the Point of View develop characterization? Be sure to use the text to find evidence that supports your discussion.

2 What are Central Ideas? Readers ask:
What BIG ideas are the story about? What universal ideas are in the story that a reader relates to? Concrete Nouns

3 Central ideas are revealed through Literary Elements
Characters Setting Plot Conflict Central Idea Central ideas are revealed through Literary Elements

4 Possible Central Ideas:
abandonment death identity privacy acceptance deceit ignorance reputation ambition duty integrity rivalry anger empathy intolerance secrecy beauty entitlement isolation self- improvement betrayal fear jealousy self-reliance blame forgiveness legacy suffering class freedom love survival community grace loyalty temptation compassion greed maturation transformation conformity grief popularity truth courage guilt prejudice cowardice happiness pride

5 What are Central Ideas? “All Summer in a Day”
What BIG ideas are the story about? What universal ideas are in the story that a reader relates to? Turn and talk: How are the following nouns a Central Idea of the short story? Jealousy Cruelty Intolerance

6 Tracking Central Idea: “All Summer in a Day”
Central Idea: cruelty Synonyms: inhumanity, wickedness Antonyms: compassion CHARACTERS: "What are you looking at?" said William. Margot said nothing. "Speak when you are spoken to." He gave her a shove. (1) SETTING: It had been raining for seven years; a thousand forests had been crushed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be crushed again. (1) PLOT EVENTS: "Oh, but," Margot whispered, her eyes helpless. "But this is the day, the scientists predict, they say, they know, the sun..." "All a joke!" said the boy, and seized her roughly. "Hey, everyone, let's put her in a closet before the teacher comes!" (3) CONFLICTS: The children do not want to believe that Margot remembers seeing the sun.(2)

7 RRJ 3: Tracking a novel’s Central Idea As you read this week, continue filling in this organizer.

8 Day 2 – Central Idea in Narrative Writing
Decide which Seed Idea you will use. Narrow Event Sequences (Story Shapes) to two. Brainstorm characters and Point of View. Decide upon Protagonist, Antagonist, and Point of View. Using ideas for plot events, brainstorm 3 applicable central ideas. Create a graphic organizer for your narrative story.

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