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Officer Training.

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1 Officer Training

2 Presentation Layout Club Officers Description Meeting Order
Parliamentary Procedure

3 President Prepares an agenda and presides at all meetings.
Understands and follows basic parliamentary procedure. Appoints committees. Works with advisors to ensure every meeting runs effectively.

4 Vice President Presides over the meeting in the absence of the president. Serves as chairman of the program planning committee. Coordinates the work of committees.

5 Secretary Keeps compete and accurate minutes of each business meeting.
Writes club correspondence. Records attendance of members and advisors. eetingNotesWorksheet.doc

6 Treasurer Handles club money.
Maintains accurate and current financial records. TreasurerReport.pdf

7 Recreation Leader Plans and leads recreation at each meeting.
Plans special events and parties. Involves other members in leading recreational activities.

8 News Reporter Writes interesting and accurate reports of the club meetings and special activities. Sends reports of meetings and activities to local media. Maintains a club scrapbook.

9 Health and Safety Officer
Helps members understand health and safety principles. Arranges for educational programs such as field trips or speakers on health or safety.

10 Environmental Officer
Helps members become more aware of our world and encourage club members to be better stewards of our environment.

11 Order of Business 1. Call to Order 2. Pledges 3. Roll Call
4. Secretary’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. Committee Reports 7. Old Business 8. New Business 9. Announcements 10. Adjourn

12 Parliamentary Procedure
An organized method for a group to accomplish its goals in an effective, fair, and efficient manner. Key Terms Motion Amendments To Lay or Take From Table Adjournment

13 Resources on/4-H_Leadership_ pr.pdf

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