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Red Supergiants in the Inner Galaxy: an infrared spectroscopic search

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1 Red Supergiants in the Inner Galaxy: an infrared spectroscopic search
Maria Messineo University of Science and Technology of China (USTC -Hefei) Coauthors: Don Figer (RIT) Karl Menten (MPIfR) Rolf Kudritzki (IfA) Rosie Chen (MPIfR) Valentin Ivanov (ESO) Zhu Quingfeng (USTC) Special thanks to: Harm Habing (Leiden), Ed Churchwell (Wisconsin-Madison Univ.), Ben Davies (LJMU) Canberra,

2 Red Supergiants What: Stars > 8 Msun Fate: BH or NS initial mass, Z, Winds, rotation, B Where: in Clusters/Associations isolated ?

3 Massive stars Why: Galactic structure (e.g. spiral arms) ISM-metallicity ISM-shapers Distance indicators

4 Credit: Robert Hurt, IPAC; Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF
Norma Perseus 5 RSGCs Sagittarius 1 RSGCs Scutum-crux Based on: GLIMPSE & Bessel results

5 A infrared stellar cluster rich in RSGs: RSGC1
GAP Figer et al. (2006) Images: 2MASS

6 Color selection 1 Q1 =(J−H)−1.8×(H−Ks); Q2 =(J−Ks)−2.69×(K−[8.0])
Messineo M, Menten K.M., Churchwell E., Habing H., 2012 A&A, 537,10

7 Color selection 2 Q1 =(J−H)−1.8×(H−Ks); Q2 =(J−Ks)−2.69×(K−[8.0])
GLIMPSE NorthI-2MASS catalog Ks < 7 ~9000 stars Aks > 0.4 mag Mbol < -6.1 for 4 kpc i.e. Ks< 4+Aks ~130 stars of which 94 were spectroscopically observed Messineo M., Zhu Q., Menten K.M., Ivanov V.D., Figer D.F., Kudritzki R.P., Chen C.-H. R. (2016, ApJ, 822, 5)

8 Water index is defined as in Blum et al. 2003, ApJ, 597,323

9 (l,b) distribution Targets Known: Skiff & Negueruela et al &
Figer et al & Davies et al. Messineo M., Zhu Q., Menten K.M., Ivanov V.D., Figer D.F., Kudritzki R.P., Chen C.-H. R. (2016, ApJ, 822, 5)

10 Current distances from clump stars
2MASS/UKIDSS K vs J-K diagrams

11 RESULTS Observed 94 targets (10 < l < 65 deg, |b|<1deg) 58 of them are spectroscopic RSGs (no water and EW(CO) > 45 Angstroms). for 68 of them distances are obtained with clump stars. Heliocentric distances: 3.6 to 8.6 kpc. Galactocentric distances: 2.5 to 7.6 kpc. Luminosities: 3.2 x 10^4 to 1.3 x 10^5 Lsun This is an increase of at least +25% (64) in the number of previously known RSGs in the searched area.

12 Spatial distribution of the sample of RSGs (red dots)
Arms: Lazio & Cordes 2001 46% RSGs Free-free

13 Luminosities Ekstroem et al 2012 Chieffi et al. 2013
Messineo M., Zhu Q., Menten K.M., Ivanov V.D., Figer D.F., Kudritzki R.P., Chen C.-H. R. (2016, ApJ, submitted)

14 Future Observed – To be observed

15 THANK YOU to all of you

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