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Na Xu, Yun Ye, Shofiyaa Abdul Samad LaGuardia Community College

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Presentation on theme: "Na Xu, Yun Ye, Shofiyaa Abdul Samad LaGuardia Community College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Na Xu, Yun Ye, Shofiyaa Abdul Samad LaGuardia Community College
Applying Computer Science in Biology A Model for Incorporating Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Approaches through ePortfolio in the First Year Experience at LaGuardia Community College Na Xu, Yun Ye, Shofiyaa Abdul Samad LaGuardia Community College

2 First Year Institute at LaGuardia Community College
The First Year Institute provides a variety of programs and support services for new and first-year continuing students during their first-year experience. Programs and Services on Campus Co-curricular Activities First Year Students Faculty Student Success Mentor


4 The Student Success Mentors
Current LaGuardia students or alumni A few have taken the First Year Seminar (FYS) already Have undergone intensive training before facilitating a Studio Hour and working with students Committed to improving students’ first year experience! 31 SSMs as of Spring 2016 Estefany The Student Success Mentors

5 Estefany

6 The Design Faculty Hour Studio Hour Taught by Faculty
Intro to the discipline Advisement Career planning Facilitated by the SSM ePortfolio development Introduction to advisement tools College resources David Sample ePortfolio

7 Benefits of Having a Mentor
Experienced Relatable Knows the ” ins and outs” Share resources, opportunities and tools to help you succeed in college Be your personal cheerleader when things get tough

8 Become Involved on Campus
My First Day My Campus Events ASAP College Discovery President’s Society Peer Advisor Academy

9 Stay Connected & Informed
Like us on Facebook! Feel free to always stop by throughout your first semester with any questions in room C-447. @studentsuccessmentorprogram

10 Examples of Our Student’s ePortfolios

11 First Year Seminar for Liberal Arts Math and Science Students
Career Choice for Future


13 Using ePortfolio to Develop an Interdisciplinary Project in two Classes, Addressing the Need for Interdisciplinary Careers

14 Methodology Slides By Yun

15 Task for LMF students: a.       Select an article about the application of computer science in health and medical studies and write reflection about the research article. b.      Read the background of the project and run the programs created by the ECF students c.       Make comments on the class discussion board on eportfolio d.      Write a reflection on the project, conduct a discussion with the ECF students and propose future improvements of the project.

16 Survey item ECF090 student response (n=11/21) LMF101 student response (n=15/26) Before this class, have you ever participated in an interdisciplinary project? No=91%, Yes=9% No=94%, Yes=6% Before this class, have you heard about interdisciplinary majors? No=82%, Yes=18% No=59%, Yes=41% After the lecture, the concept of interdisciplinary major is easy to understand.   3.1/4 (standard deviation +/-0.54) 2.59/4 (standard deviation +/-1.09) The Assignment was easy to understand. 2.8/4 (standard deviation +/-0.75) 2.76/4 (standard deviation +/-0.81) It was easy to access the resources needed for the project. 3.0/4 (standard deviation +/-0.63) 2.94/4 (standard deviation +/-0.73) LAGCC Library staff helped me to understand how to access the resources needed for the project. 2.7/4 (standard deviation +/-1.0) 3.06/4 (standard deviation +/-0.80)

17 Survey item ECF090 student response (n=11/21) LMF101 student response (n=15/26) I feel that I gained knowledge about interdisciplinary major and subjects as a result of this project. 3.2/4 (standard deviation +/-0.87) 2.88/4 (standard deviation +/-0.93) I feel that I gained new skills as far as computer science and biology as a result of this project. 2.8/4 (standard deviation +/-0.60) 2.88/4 (standard deviation +/-0.70) I received a better understanding about the programming skills and DNA sequences as a result of this project. 3.1/4 (standard deviation +/-1.0) 2.81/4 (standard deviation +/-0.83) I become more interested in interdisciplinary projects after finishing this assignment. 2.7/4 (standard deviation +/-1.0) 2.56/4 (standard deviation +/-0.89) I feel interested in exploring more options about interdisciplinary major in the future. 2.8/4 (standard deviation +/-0.75) 2.44/4 (standard deviation +/-1.03) Would you like to have similar project for another class, let’s say -  Engineering or Computer Technology? No=45%, Yes=55% No=62%, Yes=38%

18 Students Reflections “I have learned many things from this research project. I wasn't really sure what an inter-discipline major was and now I have a better understanding. I learned how different fields of study could come together to be more efficient and help for a much bigger cause.” “Compared to single discipline major, multiple discipline major gave me opportunities to increase my knowledge in many disciplines that are not really related to my career.” “This semester gives  me the opportunity of using eportfolio for my homework and communication indirectly with other students as well. Eporfolio allows me to read others' posts and gives me the possibility of asking questions when I don't understand.”

19 Interactive Group Activity

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