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Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church

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1 Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church
welcome Lent 2017 – St. Joseph’s Church

2 How did it go this week? Are you enjoying reading The Seven Last Words?
How are you doing with your Lenten promise(s)? Getting started!

3 What are the seven last words of christ?
Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Today you will be with me in Paradise. Woman, here is your son…Here is your mother. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? I am thirsty. It is finished. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. What are the seven last words of christ?

4 SECOND word “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23: 43 READ TOGETHER for context Luke 23: 39-43

“Luke emphasizes the mercy, compassion and healing power of Jesus, who does not go to death lonely and deserted, but is accompanied by others who follow him on the way of the cross.” ROLE OF THE “COMMUNITY”

Many who stayed with Jesus did not do it out of belief but unbelief. “You are getting what you deserve – you thief, you murderer, you blasphemer, you insurgent, you ugly human being.” ROLE OF THE “COMMUNITY”

7 The “low-life” criminal joins the jeering crowd: “If it’s true what they say about you, then save yourself! Jump down from the cross and save yourself! If you are God, then save yourself, and us, too! Get us all out of here right now!” SECOND word

8 DISCUSSION Can we relate to the mocking and sick humor in the face of such unimaginable suffering? This Lent, how can we be more tuned in to the suffering of others?

9 SECOND word The other criminal: “The two of us are getting our just punishment for the wicked things we have done…He has done nothing wrong.”

10 Discuss: What was Jesus accused of doing? What were his crimes? SECOND word

11 SECOND word Dismas says: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus says: “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”

12 Pope Francis, Holy Thursday 2016: “[God] enables us to move directly from the most shameful disgrace to the highest dignity without an intermediary stages.” How can we do this for others? SECOND WORD

13 “Our response to God’s superabundant forgiveness should be always to preserve the healthy tension between a dignified shame and a shamed dignity.” What does that mean? SECOND word

14 SECOND word The forgiven criminal confessed his “wretchedness” to Jesus. In your quiet prayer this week, ponder the “wretchedness” that you need to admit to Jesus.

15 Meditate on p. 33-34 Four statements that begin “Today… Watch:
Closing prayer

16 MEET the author, FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st
MEET the author, FR. Tom ROSICA Retreat at st. joSEPH’s The Words of the resurrection: May 7 – 8 – 9 7:00 - 8:30pm

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