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The Roman Army Wars and Battles.

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1 The Roman Army Wars and Battles

2 Punic Wars Rome fought against Carthage (a city in North Africa) three times during the first three centuries BC VS.


4 This war was fought over the island of Sicily
1st Punic War BC This war was fought over the island of Sicily

5 Key People in PW1 Hanno argued for peace. Sicily was given to the Romans Hamilcar wanted to fight the Romans for Sicily

6 2nd Punic War BC This war was started by the Carthaginian leader Hannibal, who crossed the Alps to attack Rome


8 Battle of Cannae 216BC

9 Battle of Zama 202BC

10 3rd Punic War BC The Romans launched an attack on the city of Carthage and eventually succeeded in burning it to the ground

11 Committed suicide rather than face capture by the Romans
Key People in PW3 Committed suicide rather than face capture by the Romans SCIPIO AFRICANUS The Younger

12 Other notable wars & battles..
3rd Servile War – Spartacus (a gladiator) started a rebellion. This slave army won many battles against the roman army. Roman Civil War – Julius Caesar (a roman military commander) fought for control of Rome. He was assassinated by the senate. Battle of Actium – Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) fought against Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.

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