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Guidance and Career Education

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1 Guidance and Career Education
Welcome Central Peel Guidance and Career Education This presentation to the grade 12 class took place on Wednesday September 25th at 8:30 a.m. The date was announced on the Morning Announcements and in the student agenda.

2 The Guidance Team Ms. Thomson (A-G) Ms. Parker (H-La) Ms. Grant (Le-O)
Mrs. Allworth (P-Z) Mrs. McGee Remember that there is an Walk-In counsellor lunch hour from 11: :30, Mon – Thurs. You can drop by and ask quick questions when the WALK-IN counsellor is available or you can book an appointment with your alpha counsellor. To book an appointment see the Walk-In counsellor.

3 Planning Questions 34 Credit Threshold
Where do I want to go? What do I want to take? What are the requirements? When and how do I apply? What are the procedures? What are the deadlines? How am I going to pay? Right now students need to research and make decisions about pathway, schools and programs.

4 Education & Training Choices
Work On-the-job training Employment Ontario Apprenticeship Paid, hands-on, short in-school sessions College Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Career Colleges (private) Emphasize practical, occupation-driven University Emphasize theoretical, general education Bachelor degree (types) – Masters – PhD Professional programs – law, medicine, teaching Lots of choices to look at in terms of post secondary education. To graduate from high school you need 30 credits (18 compulsories), 40 hours of Community Involvement and the Literacy test. You need to research what specific courses are required as “prerequisites” for the program you are interested in. This information can be found online at for Ontario Universities. The website,, provides a program locator to research community colleges, and the Guide to Apprenticeship Pathways is available in the Guidance Office.

5 How Can We Help? Session today University and College Visits
Only chance to talk to representatives at CPSS Thurs. Nov 2, Period 1 Applying to Post-Secondary Assemblies College and University - separate sessions Nov. 23 – period 2 Extremely important to stay in the loop! Listen to the daily announcements, check the announcement board each day, check the bulletin boards around Guidance, check the scholarship binder and file cabinet in the Guidance Office, …. You need to know the dates of the various information fairs and open houses. Atlantic Canada, Quebec and B.C. schools will come to Ontario. The bulletin board outside the Guidance Office is the place to look for further info. In November, we have invited a number of post secondary schools, to come to Central Peel. Don’t miss out. Apprenticeship opportunities can be sought out through the internet, and through Job Connect, in Brampton.

NO PROFICIENCY TEST IF… A minimum of 3 – 4 years of full-time study in an English language school system in a school where English is considered the primary language. MUST PROVE ENGLISH MEDIUM EDUCATION IF CAME TO CANADA IN LAST COUPLE YEARS. If less than 3-4 years in English School, complete English Proficiency Test See Post-Secondary Institution website for details, and if unsure, see your counsellor

7 Apprenticeship Training
Four Sectors Auto Service Mechanic, Painter, Small engine technician, etc. Construction Carpenter, Electrician, RAC mechanic, etc. Manufacturing Machinist, Millwright, Tool and die maker, etc. Service Chef, Hairstylist, Horticulturalist, ECE, etc. Canadian Armed Forces Avionic systems technician, Naval electronics technician, etc. Rewards Good wages ($20-27/hour) Career path – supervisory, training, entrepreneur There is a Guide to Apprenticeship Pathways that can be viewed through your Guidance Counsellor. There are great websites about apprenticeships, including government sites. And Job Connect in Brampton looks to assist young people in their search for trades people to work under.

8 Apprenticeship Training
What is it? Paid, on-the-job training (90%) Short in-school sessions (e.g. 8 weeks x 2) Registration with Apprenticeship Office Provincial examination 2-5 years (total) – until fully certified How do I start? Work: find employer sponsor, register College: diploma, Modified App. Program (MAP) Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) High school credits (co-op) + apprenticeship hours Minimum requirements Most require grade 12 diploma Many students do not know about OYAP – the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. You can earn four credits toward your high school diploma AND start an apprenticeship! Students need to check minimum course requirements carefully. The resource book entitled “Apprenticeship Subject Pathways” will outline the levels of math, science etc. needed for a specific trade. Many trades have a high degree of technology attached to them.

9 Apprenticeship Information
(“Employment Ontario”) Other websites include: (password required) JOB CONNECT in Brampton is an excellent resource as well.

10 Why Choose College? Offers the program you want
Prefer practical, focused, more hands-on learning – matches your learning style Tuition less expensive Smaller Applied degrees offered*** A step towards university Diploma Programs – ENG 4C0 plus other grade 11 or 12 courses as specified by the college. Step towards University-Students can take a program at a college and then apply to a related program at a University Partial credits may be awarded by the university (see the Universities/Colleges for details as this varies from institution to institution and program to program) See for transfer information between college and university Applied degrees-employers approached the Colleges to design programsgraduates are better prepared for work force Combine the hands on, practical experience (College) with the theoretical (University) Applied Degree. Need six grade 12 U/M courses (ENG 4U0) For more information go to

11 Which College? Choose a program (career planning) Choose a college
Where is your program offered? Research your needs ****** Post-Secondary Fair at CPSS Nov. 2 Visit (open houses, tours) ONTARIO COLLEGE INFORMATION FAIR Monday, October 24 (5pm to 9pm) & Tuesday October 25 (9am to 2pm) Direct Energy Centre • Exhibition Place • Toronto The College Guide on is a good starting point. More information can be obtained from the individual College websites and the course calendars.

12 Post Secondary Fair - Colleges
Thursday, November 2 8:30- 10:30 am CPSS Cafeteria Cambrian Centennial Conestoga Durham Fanshawe George Brown Georgian Humber College Mohawk Niagara Seneca Sheridan St. Clair Study North *Trios *Metalworks *Armed Force *Police *RCMP *not community colleges

13 Admission Requirements
Know admission requirements Ontario Secondary School Diploma (NOT “U” courses) OR Mature Student Status (19 before start) Other specific courses (calendar, website) “Highly Competitive” programs Additional requirements (portfolio, audition, interview) Apply online (OCAS) $95.00 (up to 5 programs) ****** It is up to you, the applicant to determine the requirements for the program. If you need help understanding the expectations, see the on call counsellor for assistance. Highly competitive-nursing, paramedics, dental hygiene…grades are essential as a limited number of applicants are accepted.

14 College Timelines Nov. – Jan. Apply online February 1st Feb. – March
Nov 23rd – How to apply assembly February 1st Deadline “equal consideration” Feb. – March Earliest offers It is extremely important that all the information in the school computer is correct – name, address, phone number. Changes done by end of October. Board will download all this information to OCAS at the beginning of November. If enrolled in a Dufferin Peel night school course, heritage language, Night school for semester 2 must make sure they appear on your online application. November lunch sessions on how to apply You must apply online. $95.00 for the five choices. Maximum of three programs at one school. You will be required to check the marks submitted. May 1st Confirm acceptance June 15th Earliest tuition

15 Cost of College Potential Expenses/Year (approximate)
Tuition……………………… $2,400- $5000 Books/Supplies………….… $1300 Misc. College Fees………… $ 800 TOTAL……………………… $ $7100 **not including living/travel costs (based on information)

16 University: Choosing a Program
Types of degrees Which program will I apply for? Which university do I want to go to? Degree types; over 65 of them!! Bachelor of Arts/ Science/ Bus. Admin. etc.. Notice that same program at a different university can have a different degree awarded.E.g. Commerce B.Com, BBA, BA, BAS Three years or four years? Some Universities no longer offer 3 year degrees; four year needed to apply to graduate school First degree is a Bachelor; then Masters then Ph.D. also professional degrees D.D.S M.D. etc… Some programs can not be entered in your first year – see “Further Information” on eINFO e.g.. Education, Law, Dentistry, Medicine, Optometry MUST visit each school you are considering – right FIT for you versus friend; Maclean’s magazine on universities…. Class sizes, library collection, taught by tenured faculty, support to first year students, Special needs support LOTS of research to do

17 Researching Information
Ontario Universities Fair Sept ***this weekend!!! OUF Passport – register in advance and connect easier with Universities Student Life Expo (outside On.) Oct (free entrance when you register in advance) 1. Ontario Universities – application is online through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). Centralized location that processes the applications for them. Also collects the marks from the Peel board and transmits them. 2. For Out of Province Universities - write, phone or to get application For American Universities - write, phone or The web site is a good one for information. **It is important to recognize that the procedures and timelines are different from Ontario.

Researching Information Continued University Visits 2016 THE FOLLOWING UNIVERSITIES WILL HAVE A TABLE DURING OUR POST-SECONDARY FAIR ON THURS. NOVEMBER 2 – 8:30-10:30 AM Algoma Brock Cape Breton Carleton Guelph Guelph-Humber Lakehead Laurentian Laurier McMaster Nippissing OCAD Ottawa OUIT Queen’s Redeemer Ryerson Toronto Trent Tyndale Waterloo Western/Brescia/Huron/Kings Windsor York

19 University Timelines -Ontario
Nov. 23 'How to apply online' sessions December PIN numbers distributed December 2016– January 17, 2017 Complete application It is extremely important that all the information in the school computer is correct – name, address, phone number. Changes done by end of October. Board will download all this information to OUAC at the beginning of November. This will generate a PIN number for you and when you go online your personal information will be there along with the courses you are taking this year. If enrolled in a Dufferin Peel night school course, heritage language for semester 2 must make sure they appear on your online application. PIN numbers will arrive at the beginning of December . You must apply online.

20 University Timelines Some offers; Most in May. Check out eInfo program locator for the policy at each individual institution Feb. – April May 29 Latest response from U’s Feb. 2014 Recommended final date for university or program changes to be made. June 1 Earliest date the University can require a response

21 Admission Requirements
Specific courses and grades (e.g. all Ontario Universities require six 4U/M courses) Required vs. Recommended Ranges – not “cutoffs,” guidelines Additional admission requirements Personal Experience forms Upgrading/Full disclosure Alternate offers of admission Use carefully as your starting point. The program locator allows you to research each program – how many spaces available in the program; mark ranges; required courses; calculation of the admission average; other information required; alternate offers; repeated courses policy Some universities will mail you a Supplemental Application Form or tell you to download it from the Internet - these are important! start working on them right away do a good job type them if possible **Make sure you know the timelines in terms of when they are expected back at the university. If mailed send them by Expresspost so that you have a traceable receipt. Example: Concurrent Education at Brock University requires the Personal Information form by January 18, 2009. In the past – two students at Central Peel applied to Queen’s; the one with the lower average actually got in on the basis of her supplemental form 82.6%. Student with 83.5% was on the waiting list.

22 Cost of University (approx.) First Year Expenses
On-Campus $22, Off-Campus $16, (no meal plan) At Home (Local) $13,427.99 Sample of the costs to attend McMaster university. Big investment. Need to plan how you are going to finance it. Going out of province or to the U.S. can be very expensive. Sample includes tuition, books, fees, residence, meals. (McMaster 2016 financial calculator)

23 Ontario Colleges Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
Agricultural Colleges Apply online Career Colleges Private Accelerated programs (often done in less than one year) Apply individually RESEARCH THE COLLEGE’S CREDENTIALS Ontario Colleges can be divided into two groups: - community colleges, including agricultural colleges - Career Colleges – also known as private colleges (post-secondary, privately funded career colleges)

24 Blurred Lines College University Joint programs Transfer agreements
Certificates Diplomas Some degrees (applied) University Degrees Joint programs Degree + Diploma Concurrently Transfer agreements College to University Joint Programs - graduate after four years with a Degree from the granting University and a Diploma from the granting College. Growing in popularity, as offer academic rigour through University courses and ‘real-world’ applications through College courses. Transfer Agreements - ‘side-door’ to University - pre-established agreement between a college and a university, allowing a student who has completed between 1-2 years of college, to transfer into a pre-determined program at the accepting University. The University will give some credit for the college courses. Not all programs have this flexibility (e.g. engineering)

25 Transmissions to App. Centres: College AND University
November Current courses/history Late February Semester 1 Marks Late April Semester 2 - Midterm Marks Grades are sent electronically to OUAC by the Peel Board First transmission of marks is actually in February after Term 1 and updates. Students will receive an message to go online and verify the grades. Same process for Term 2. Admission offers in late March and early April will be made to students with superior academic achievement. See eINFO for details. Students will receive the offer via and/or letter. Marks sent late April to OUAC after the Term 2 report. OUAC then sends them on to the universities. Majority of decisions made regarding admissions and scholarships. Students receive offers in late May. Students will receive an offer via and/or letter. OFFER OF ADMISSION via online application!! Final transmission of marks and diploma status (Literacy test, Community Involvement) by the Peel Board on July 2014 to OUAC. OUAC then transmits all of this info to the universities. *AN OFFER OF ADMISSION IS CONDITIONAL! WHEN THEY RECEIVE THE FINAL TRANSMISSION THEY MAY CONTACT YOU IN AUGUST AND TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE NO LONGER ELIGIBLE. Mid-July Final marks *Full Disclosure – all grade 11 and 12 courses submitted

26 Scholarship Information for both College and University
CPSS Awards and Scholarship form (Ms. Parker) – makes you a candidate for Nominated Scholarships and Awards –pick up in Guidance Office today!! SIN (Social Insurance Number) Visit for other scholarships for which you can apply Scholarship Deadlines run throughout the year! and Ontario Colleges websites - Scholarships/Bursaries by College/University Parents - Workplace Scholarships? SCHOLARSHIPS Start your research now if you want a scholarship. Students applying to an Ontario University are automatically considered for many of the entrance scholarships. College scholarships are available. A number of universities offer prestigious scholarships that do require separate applications. For some of these scholarships, we can nominate only one , two or possibly three students from our school. In these cases nominations are decided by our in-school scholarship committee There are three binders in the Guidance Office about scholarships. Good Internet web sites to search - see our Internet Resources page in the Guidance Office Also is a financial planning tool OSAP – strongly encouraged to apply online versus a paper application.

27 Scholarship Information for both College and University
Attend the OSAP presentation at Lunch – date tbd Apply for OSAP in May Never leave a scholarship until the deadline!! Being late for a deadline takes you out of the running for a scholarship. Teachers need at least a week to write letters of recommendation – approach them early. Questions? See the WALK-IN Counsellor on your lunch Leadership opportunities, volunteer experiences, and excellent grades are common requirements for Scholarships SCHOLARSHIPS Start your research now if you want a scholarship. Students applying to an Ontario University are automatically considered for many of the entrance scholarships. College scholarships are available. A number of universities offer prestigious scholarships that do require separate applications. For some of these scholarships, we can nominate only one , two or possibly three students from our school. In these cases nominations are decided by our in-school scholarship committee There are three binders in the Guidance Office about scholarships. Good Internet web sites to search - see our Internet Resources page in the Guidance Office Also is a financial planning tool OSAP – strongly encouraged to apply online versus a paper application.


29 Remember to: Focus on what is important to you
Balance dreams with reality Start your search NOW Detective work–use all research tools available to gather all of the information you need to make informed decisions Stay positive –invest time & energy! Take the time to VISIT all of the schools


31 Talk to the Walk-In counsellor
Questions? Talk to the Walk-In counsellor

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