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Ch.13 Mass Society and Democracy

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1 Ch.13 Mass Society and Democracy

2 Sec. 1 Growth of Industrial Prosperity
Main Idea 1.New sources of energy and consumer products transformed the standard of living for all social classes. 2. Working-class leaders used Marx’s ideas.

3 I. Second Industrial Revolution
Bet steel replaced iron. steel was easier to shape and built lighter, smaller, and faster machines, engines, and R.R.’s The leading countries for producing steel were G.B., France, Belgium, and Germany Electricity was a major form of energy. It could be converted into heat, light, and motion

4 Electricity gave birth to new inventions
By 1910, hydroelectric power stations and coal-fired steam generating plants allowed houses and factories to be tied together. Electricity gave birth to new inventions Light bulb (Thomas Edison) Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) Radio waves (Guglielmo Marconi) Electric street cars Subways Factories could run non-stop

5 Development of internal-combution engine gave rises to ocean liners, airplanes, and automobile
This new technological age increased industrial growth. Wages increased. Department stores began to sell consumer goods. clocks, bicycles, electric lights, and typewriters

6 II. Organizing the Working Class
In 1848, Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto (upset by industrial working conditions and blamed capitalism) Marx believed that all of world history was a history of class struggles (Gov’t was an instrument of the ruling class)

7 Marx believed society was divided into 2 groups;
1. bourgeoisie (middle class oppressors) 2. proletariat (working class oppressed) Marx thought these two classes would be in conflict and cause a revolution. The result of this revolution would be a dictatorship.

8 Working class leaders formed parties based on Marx’s ideas
Working class leaders formed parties based on Marx’s ideas. The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) worked to pass laws for improving conditions for the working class.

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