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And you thought, you knew what a cow is?

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1 And you thought, you knew what a cow is?
Proper Animal Names

2 Goat-Capra hircus Billy Male Goat
Nanny Female Goat that has borne a kid Kid Young Goat Doeling A young female goat that has not borne a kid. Wether A castrated male Kidding- Parturition

3 Sheep-Ovis aries Ram Adult male sheep Ewe Adult Female sheep
Lamb Young sheep, either sex Wether Castrated male sheep Mutton Meat from sheep

4 Duck-Anatidae Family Drake Adult male duck Duck/Hen Adult female duck
Duckling Young duck, either sex

5 Rabbit-Leporidae Family
Buck Adult male rabbit Doe Adult female rabbit Kit Young rabbit, either sex Kindling-Parturition

6 Goose-Ansur domesticus
Gander Adult male goose Goose Adult female goose Gosling Young goose, either sex

7 Chicken- Rooster Adult male chicken Hen Adult female chicken
Chick Young chicken, either sex Capon Castrated male chicken Pullet Young female chicken Cockerel Young male chicken

8 Pig-Porcine Family Farrow Porcine giving birth
Boar Adult uncastrated male porcine Sow Adult female porcine that has farrowed Piglet Young Porcine, either sex Gilt Young female porcine that has not farrowed Barrow Castrated male porcine Shoat Either sex, weighing 60#-160#

9 Turkey- Tom Adult male turkey Turkey Hen Adult female turkey
Poult Young turkey, either sex

10 Horse-Equus caballus Foal Young equine, either sex
Mare Adult female equine, that has foaled Stallion Unaltered male equine Colt Young male equine Filly Young female equine Gelding Castrated male equine Stag Male equine, castrated after reaching sexual maturity

11 Cattle- Bovidae Family
Calf Young bovine, either sex Bull Adult unaltered male bovine Freshen When bovine give birth Cow Adult female bovine that has freshened Heifer Immature female bovine that has not freshened Steer Castrated male bovine Freemartin Twin calf, female, sterile

12 Jack-Equus asinus Jack Male unaltered donkey
Jenny/Jennet Female donkey Mule Offspring of a jack and a mare and is sterile Hinny Offspring of a stallion and jenny

13 Dog-Canine Dog- Male Dog Bitch-Female Dog Puppies-Young Dog
Whelping-Dogs giving birth

14 Cats-Feline Tom-Male Cat Queen-Female Cat Kitten- Young Cats
Kitting-Cats giving birth

15 Misc. Sire An animal’s father Dam An animal’s mother
Dairy Milk producers Veal Milk fed dairy bull calf

16 Common Name Latin(Genus) Latin derived adjective
Dog Canis canine Cat Felis feline Horse Equus equine Cattle Bos bovine Sheep Ovis ovine Goat Capra caprine Pig Sus porcine Bird Avis avian We will treat this as a separate quiz!!!!

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