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ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Radar Range Equation: This equation is not very accurate due to several uncertainties in the variables used: 1. Smin is influenced by noise and is determined statistically 2. The radar cross section fluctuates randomly 3. There are losses in the system 4. Propagation effects caused by the earth’ surface and atmosphere 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Probabilities Due to the statistical nature of the variables in the radar equation we define performance based on two main factors Probability of Detection (Pd) The probability that a target will be detected when one is present Probability of False Alarm (Pfa) The probability that a target will be detected when one is not present 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Minimum Signal Detection of Signals in Noise Typical output from receiver’s video amplifier, We have to determine how to decide whether a signal is present or not 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Minimum Signal Threshold Detection Set a threshold level and decide that any signal above it is a valid reply from a target. Two problems: 1. If the threshold is set too high Probability of Detection is low 2. If the threshold is set too low Probability of False Alarm is high 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Source of Noise is primarily thermal or Johnson Noise in the receiver itself Thermal noise Power = kTBn Where k is Boltzmann’s Constant (1.38 x J/K) T is the temperature in Kelvins (~Celsius +273) B is the Noise Bandwidth of the receiver 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Noise Bandwidth H(f0) Bn 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Noise Bandwidth Bn H(f0) In practice, the 3dB bandwidth is used. 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Noise Figure Amplifiers and other circuits always add some noise to a signal and so the Signal to Noise Ratio is higher at the output than at the input This is expressed as the Noise Figure of the Amplifier (or Receiver) Fn= (noise out of a practical reciver) (noise out of an ideal (noiseless) receiver at T0) Ga is the receiver gain 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Since Ga = So / Si (Output/Input) and kT0B is the input noise Ni then finally 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Since Ga = So / Si (Output/Input) and kT0B is the input noise Ni then finally 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Receiver Noise and Signal/Noise Ratio
Modified Range Equation 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Probability Density Functions
Noise is a random phenomenon e.g. a noise voltage can take on any value at any time Probability is a measure of the likelihood of discrete event Continuous random functions such as noise voltage are described by probability density functions (pdf) 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Probability Density Functions
e.g. 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Probability Density Functions
e.g. for a continuous function 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Probability Density Functions
Definitions Mean Mean Square Variance 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Common PDFs Uniform This is the pdf for random phase 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Common PDFs Gaussian or Normal Very common distribution Uniquely defined by just the first and second moments Central Limit Theorem 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Common PDFs Rayleigh Variance Detected envelope of filter output if input is Gaussian Uniquely defined by either the first or second moment 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Common PDFs Exponential Note: Probable Error in Notes 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
First we will determine the threshold level required to give the specified average time to false alarm (Tfa). This is done assuming no signal input. We shall also get a relationship between Tfa and Pfa . Then we add the signal and determine what signal to noise ratio we need to give us the specified probability of detection (Pd) 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
Gauss in Rayleigh out BVBIF/2 Pfa= 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
assuming tk=1/BIF 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
Now we have a relationship between False alarm time and the threshold to noise ratio This can be used to set the Threshold level 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
Now we add a signal of amplitude A and the pdf becomes Ricean. i.e. a Rice distribution This is actually a Rayleigh distribution distorted by the presence of a sine wave Where I0 is a modified Bessel function of zero order 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
This is plotted in the following graph 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Calculation of Minimum Signal to Noise Ratio
From this graph, the minimum signal to noise ratio can be derived from: a. the probability of detection b. the probability of false alarm 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Note that the previous calculation for signal to noise ratio is based on the detection of a single pulse In practice a target produces several pulses each time the antenna beam sweeps through its position Thus it is possible to enhance the signal to noise ratio by integrating (summing ) the pulse outputs. Note that integration is equivalent to low pass filtering. The more samples integrated, the narrower the bandwidth and the lower the noise power 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Note: The antenna beam width nb is arbitrarily defined as the angle between the points at which the pattern is 3dB less than the maximum Beam Width θB 3dB If the antenna is rotating at a speed of θS º/s and the Pulse repetition frequency is fp the number of pulses on target is nB = θB fp / θS or if rotation rate is given in rpm (ωm) nB = θB fp / 6 ωm 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Integration before detection is called predetection or coherent detection Integration after detection is called post detection or noncoherent detection If predetection is used SNRintegrated = n SNR1 If postdetection is used, SNRintegrated n SNR1 due to losses in the detector 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Predetection integration is difficult because it requires maintaining the phase of the pulse returns Postdetection is relatively easy especially using digital processing techniques by which digitized versions of all returns can be recorded and manipulated 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
The reduction in required Signal to Noise Ratio achieved by integration can be expressed in several ways: Integration Efficiency: Note that Ei(n) is less than 1 (except for predetection) Where (S/N)1 is the signal to noise ratio required to produce the required Pd for one pulse and And (S/N)n is the signal to noise ratio required to produce the required Pd for n pulses 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
The improvement in SNR where n pulses are integrated is called the integration improvement factor Ii(n) Note that Ii(n) is less than n Another expression is the equivalent number of pulses neq 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Integration Improvement Factor 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
False Alarm Number Note the parameter nf in the graph This is called the false alarm number and is the average number of “decisions” between false alarms Decisions are considered as the discrete points at which a target may be detected unambiguously Recall that the resolution of a radar is half the pulse width multiplied by the speed of light τ τ τ 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
False Alarm Number Thus the total number of unambiguous targets for each transmitted pulse is T/ τ where T is the pulse repetition period (1/fP) We multiply this by the number of pulses per second (fP) to get the number of decisions per second Finally we multiply by the False alarm rate (Tfa) to get the number of decisions per false alarm. nf = [T/ τ][fP][Tfa] 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
False Alarm Number nf = [T/ τ][fP][Tfa] But T x fP =1 and τ 1/B where B is the IF bandwidth so nf Tfa B 1/Pfa 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Effect on Radar Range Equation Range Equation with integration Expressed in terms of SNR for 1 pulse 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Integration of Radar Pulses
Example: Radar: PRF: 500Hz Bandwidth :1MHz Antenna Beamwidth: 1.5 degrees Gain: 24dB Transmitter Power 2 MW Noise Figure: 2dB Pd: 80% PFA: 10-5 σ: 2m2 Freq: 1GHz Antenna Rotation speed: 30 degrees/s What is maximum range? 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
Radar Cross Section Radar Cross Section (RCS) To simplify things the radar range equation assumes that a target with cross sectional area σ absorbs all of the incident power and reradiates it uniformly in all directions. This, of course, is not true When the radar pulse hits a target the energy is reflected and refracted in many ways depending on the material it is made of Its shape Its orientation with respect to the radar 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
END 5/16/2018 ELEC4600 Radar and Navigation Engineering
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