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Marc Pattinson ECCP Project Director
Introducing ECCP to Black Sea Horizon H2020: Cluster Cooperation Opportunities Marc Pattinson ECCP Project Director Budapest
European Cluster Policies
8/3/2016 European Cluster Policies
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EEN/Thematic Group Clusters TCI European Cluster Observatory Low Carbon Business Initiatives ECCP BSR/Central Europe/ Danube Region ESCP-4i partnerships Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms Sectorial cluster networks National platforms/ associations 19/01/2017
International cooperation - CONNECTIVITY
Find the opportunities, grasp them and find partners to go for them! VISIBILITY & INTERACTION SUPPORT to the cluster community: Cross-borders and cross-sectors Find cluster specific calls Find partners and be found as partner mapping 19/01/2017
ECCP – The extra dimension for your communication efforts
CO Profile, Achievements, Reports, News, Events – anything that can be of interest for the global cluster community – and promote your cluster! 19/01/2017
ECCP is the Cluster Organisations’ Platform
Made by you and for you! Adapted to different cluster definitions and concepts The technical development considers your needs and feedback and will continuously improve We offer you a complex support framework, being at your service You create your own content, you get the global visibility It is friendly to handle, saves you time and it is free Get on board (profile, subscribe for the info services, publish content) and use it frequently 19/01/2017
Key Focus areas of European Cluster Policy (principally DG GROW)
Inter clustering: Creating new sources of growth and new industrial strengths Promotion of greater linkages between clusters from different sectors and value chains Interregional cooperation and smart specialisation Acceleration of convergence of the less developed regions while providing more developed regions with the possibility of expanding business opportunities, knowledge sharing and value chains Support for the internationalisation of EU firms through clusters Pooling of resources, knowledge, competences, critical mass for joint internationalisation strategies towards third markets Support excellence in cluster management (labels)
Cluster firms… - are more innovative than non-cluster firms
One of main reasons cluster policies are developed : Cluster SMEs are more innovative! And this is regardless of the cluster definition! Cluster firms… - are more innovative than non-cluster firms - register more trademarks and apply for more patents - cooperate more Source: European Commission Innobarometer on clusters‘ role in facilitating innovation in Europe and 2008 Staff Working Document on the concept of clusters and cluster policies and their role for competitiveness and innovation: Main statistical results and lessons learned. See 8
Five broad types of cluster cooperation activities
Regional, national and international : activity based and networking based organisations : National cluster organisations, France Clusters TCI, ECCP … Often focus on management and good practices exchanges, limited budgets… Sectoral focus (vertical value chain …) : national or international, focus on delivering value for cluster ecosystem members (SMEs) and supporting RDI activities Cross sectoral (horizontal ): supporting new and emerging value chains, new value propositions for the cluster members Policy and project development exchanges: Interreg Europe, BalkanMed VB…. RDI led cooperation for cluster ecosystem members (national or EU funding) eg France Poles de Competitivités and EU H2020 … Research or project development focus 19/01/2017
Various examples of sector or thematic based cluster cooperation networks
Silicon Europe Alliance (EU wide) Eastern Europe Food Clusters Network The Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network Water France (national level) Media and Cultural industries : NEMS (EU wide) EACP : Aerospace industry (EU wide) Photonics 21 (led by RDI actors) Council of European Biotech Regions Various networks emerging from ESCP’s and Vanguard regional networks such as Sports, MedTechs, Textiles … often supported by clusters and industrial federations Details of most can be found on ECCP. networks/sectors
European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International ESCP-4I
For more information on the current projects validated in 2016 (26 projets) Check out 8/3/2016 European Cluster Policies
Giving inter-clustering a common focus: European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCP-4i) Overall, 24 EU Cluster Partnerships "Go international" (incl. 15 co-funded) involving: European cluster organisations 17,000 SMEs across 23 European countries Others: Korea, Taiwan, North & West Africa, ASEAN, Gulf/Middle East
Using cross sectoral and inter-clustering to facilitate value chain innovation and industrial transformation Promoting collaboration and innovation across regional and sectoral silos & accelerating industrial change and smart specialisation synergies Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains (Innovation actions under Horizon2020 by promoting cross-sectoral and cross-regional collababoration, INNOSUP-1 with ca. €130m until projects selected in 2015, 3 new projects selected in with €15 million – Next call deadline April 2017 with €18,5 million) European Cluster Observatory (European Cluster Panorama, European Cluster Trend report, advisory support to model demonstrator regions…) New service contract in 2017 – open call end of 2016
Project website:
Aerospace meets Water ! Inter clustering for innovation Good Practice: NEPTUNE Blue Growth Accelerator “New cross sEctorial value chains creation across EuroPe faciliTated by clUsters for SMEs's INnovation in BluE Growth” NEPTUNE Consortium Main Objectives Key Figures Project website:
NEPTUNE: Most important activities so far
Innovation Brokerage Events First Call for Expression of Interest Online Matchmaking Event Support project emergence process Support creation of partnerships Help interested participants to answer the NEPTUNE call Agenda: Webinar presentation (45 participants) Virtual one-to-one meetings (48 participants - 34 meetings organised) For: SMEs and Would-be-Entrepreneurs Proposes: Vouchers (up to 60 K€ ) Professional coaching & mentoring services Topics of interest: Results at first Cut-off Date: > 80 applications from 8 countries 1st Deadline: March 15, 2017 2nd Deadline: Sept 15, 2017 Renewable Water Energies Rural Water Management Maritime Transport Port Logistics Urban Water Management Fluvial Transport Environment More information: Call information:
Cluster Policy Development Support Actions via Interreg Programmes
Policy development actions and best practice exchange. Interreg Europe. Some five cluster based projects in Calls 1 & 2, e.g. Clusterix 2.0 ClusterFY ClusterRIS3 More details Territorial Collaboration via Interreg BalkanMed V-B. Five cluster projects (29 partners) currently present in Axe 1 sub programme SO.01 focus on clusters supporting interregional cooperation via actions for SME innovation Entrepreneurship support More details BalkanMed website:
Cluster Excellence Programme : Clusters usually from the same sector
New call expected in late 2017 – 1,2m € Previously : 6 projects launched in January 2016 (call 2014, 1,4 Mio €) and 5 projects started in 2016 (call 2015, 1m €). Overall Programme objectives: Improve cluster management and services delivery, especially for SMEs More information on previous calls : 02-clusters-excellence-programme Information on running projets via ECCP: initiatives/Cluster-Excellence A path towards Cluster labels: ESCA Gold, Silver, Bronze 8/3/2016 European Cluster Policies
Example of a Cluster grant scheme: -EaP Plus
On the basis of the report “Review of the State of Development of clusters in Eastern Partnership countries”, a grant scheme was launched in June 2017. The objective of the grant scheme is to finance the international cooperation activities of 6 EaP clusters and their European partners (10K€ per cluster) Scheme launched on 15 June Scheme closes on 30 September 2017 Applications must be sent on behalf of the Eastern Partnership country Concerns 6 countries in Eastern Partnership Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus and all EU Member States.
Cluster Grant Call How to apply: Read the Expression of Interest on the event page to see if you are eligible Applications must be sent electronically to Svetlana Klessova and Krisztina Dax
New and ongoing cluster actions for 2017-18
More support for interregional Inter clustering and supporting innovation for SMEs Annual INNOSUP call for cross sectoral cluster partnerships: Creating new sources of growth and new industrial strengths Launch of further ESCP-4i Cluster Go International Call for ESCP for smart specialisation Interreg Europe and Interreg territorial cooperation programmes: clusters actively support EaP Plus : cluster grant programme ECCP matchmaking missions Etc etc
Inter-clustering and internationalisation - CONNECTIVITY
Find the opportunities, grasp them and find partners to go for them! VISIBILITY & INTERACTION SUPPORT to the cluster community: Cross-border and cross-sectors Find cluster specific calls Find partners and be found as partner mapping Quickly 19/01/2017
European Cluster Policies
Register on ECCP Cluster Mapping : Find your partners in a growing international cluster community 8/3/2016 European Cluster Policies
ECCP is the Cluster Organisations’ Platform
Made by you and for you! The technical development considers your needs and feedback and will continuously improve We offer you a complex support framework, being at your service You create your own content, you get the global visibility It is friendly to handle, saves you time and it is free Get on board (profile, subscribe for the info services, publish content) and use it frequently Meet the team at C2C events : Thessaloniki 13-14th September with 45+ EU clusters & policy event 19/01/2017
THE PLATFORM IS YOURS – USE IT. Marc Pattinson m. pattinson@inno-group
THE PLATFORM IS YOURS – USE IT! Marc Pattinson 19/01/2017
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