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Briefing to Permanent Missions in Geneva

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1 Briefing to Permanent Missions in Geneva
Gaetano Leone, Regional Office for Europe 19 January 2010

2 Presentation Outline Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF): General information 11th Special Session: - Schedule - Agenda - Themes - Expected Outcomes - Draft Decisions - Documentation Questions and Answers UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

3 Presentation Outline Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF): General information 11th Special Session: - Schedule - Agenda - Themes - Expected Outcomes - Draft Decisions - Documentation Questions and Answers UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

4 GC/GMEF Governing Council
Promotes international cooperation in the field of the environment; Provides policy guidance; Keeps under review the world environmental situation; Promotes knowledge and information; … (GA resolution 2997) Reports to GA through ECOSOC. GC Regular Sessions (…, 2007, 2009, 2011, …) - usually in Nairobi - decide on UNEP work programme and budget. GC Special Sessions (…, Dubai 2006, Monaco 2008, Bali 2010, …) - take very few decisions. Global Ministerial Environment Forum Reviews important and emerging policy issues in the field of environment (GA resolution 53/242) Annual Sessions. UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

5 GC Membership 58 Members Elected by the General Assembly for four-year terms, taking into account the principle of equitable regional representation Bureau President: Serbia Vice-Presidents: Algeria, Mexico, USA Rapporteur: Indonesia UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

6 Presentation Outline Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF): General information 11th Special Session: - Schedule - Agenda - Themes - Expected Outcomes - Draft Decisions - Documentation Questions and Answers UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

7 Schedule 21-22 February .Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum
.Meetings of Regional Groups 22-24 February .Simultaneous Extraordinary Meetings of Basel, Stockholm, Rotterdam Conv. COPs 24-26 February .GC/GMEF 23 February .Sasakawa Awards Ceremony 25 February .Ministerial Breakfast 27 February .Possible Field Excursion Throughout .Six lunch-time special events .Media events .Social events UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

8 Provisional agenda Opening of the session 2. Organization of work
(a) Election of officers (b) Adoption of the agenda (c) Organization of work Credentials of representatives Emerging policy issues: environment in the multilateral system Other matters Adoption of the report 7. Closure of the session UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

International Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development Green Economy Biodiversity and Ecosystems UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

GC/GMEF Work GOVERNING COUNCIL/ GLOBAL MINISTERIAL ENVIRONMENT FORUM Plenary Committee of the Whole Working Groups Secretariat for Governing Bodies UNEP DIVISIONS UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

11 Expected Outcomes Review of the report of the Consultative Group on IEG and the Secretary-General’s and Executive Director’s response to the JIU Report. Improved understanding of the further interventions that will be necessary to make the transition towards a green economy. Advice and guidance on the future challenges and opportunities for addressing biodiversity and ecosystems in the areas of economics, governance and science. Assessment of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 and of the outcomes of the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 15) and their implications for UNEP. Nusa Dua Ministerial Declaration/Statement/Communiqué capturing the high level political messages from the world’s environment ministers to the UN system (including the CSD), to governments, the business community, and civil society. President’s Summary of the Ministerial Consultations. GC decisions. UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

12 Draft decisions International environmental governance
Enhanced coordination across the United Nations system, including the Environment Management Group Intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services Environmental law Draft guidelines for the development of national legislation on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters Draft guidelines for the development of domestic legislation on liability, response action and compensation for damage caused by activities dangerous to the environment Follow-up report on the environmental situation in the Gaza Strip Oceans UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

13 Documentation Invitations letters dispatched 29/9/09
Official notification sent out 2/12/09 and posted on UNEP website. 8 working documents (with addenda) and 5 information documents being prepared. Working documents available in all languages on UNEP website: UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

14 UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session
Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

15 Presentation Outline Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF): General information 11th Special Session: - Schedule - Agenda - Themes - Expected Outcomes - Draft Decisions - Documentation Questions and Answers UNEP GC/GMEF 11th Special Session Bali, Indonesia, February 2010

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