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Martin Greimel, member of the Platform Team

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1 Martin Greimel, member of the Platform Team
Workshop for the Participation of Non-EU Black Sea and EaP Countries in Thematic Cofund ERANETs & JPIs The Platform of bio-economy ERA-NET Actions Martin Greimel, member of the Platform Team WS on Danube Funding Coordination Network, 31 May, Berlin

2 ERA-Networks were proposed as part of the ERA Concept (Lisbon strategy, 2009)

3 ERA-NETs provide coordination and collaboration among national and regional programmes through a step-wise approach

4 ERA-NET COFUND Evolvement
Horizon 2020: ERA-NET Cofund Co-funding of a single joint call for trans-national proposals, in addition other joint activities including other joint calls without Union co-funding (33% rate), plus standard coordination costs (EUR 11,962.50) FP7: ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus ERA-NET: as under FP6 ERA-NET Plus: co-funding of a single joint call for trans-national proposals, 33% reimbursement rate for the costs of funding the projects FP6: ERA-NET Funding of costs related to the coordination of national research programmes, 100% reimbursement rate for coordination and management costs

5 ERA-NETS in the FP7 theme Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology .. Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE)

6 Networking the P2P’s for impact
PLATFORM of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions H2020 – GA No Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions Networking the P2P’s for impact

7 Presentation_WP5_project_2015.03.18
Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions PLATFORM PLATFORM2 Call topic: FP7-KBBE Grant Agreement No 1 January 2012 – 31 December 2014 EC grant € 499,424.00 Consortium Call topic: H2020-ISIB Grant Agreement No 1 March 2015 – 28 February 2018 EC grant € 499,593.75 Consortium 1. WUR, Netherlands 2. Ministry EL&I, Netherlands 3. FNR, Germany 4. INRA, France 5. FRB, France 6. Defra, UK 7. BBSRC, UK 8. JUELICH, Germany 9. BMWFJ, Austria 10. DASTI, Denmark 11. AU-ICROFS, Denmark 12. NICe, Norway 13. Tekes, Finland 1. WUR, Netherlands 2. Ministry EZ, Netherlands 3. JUELICH, Germany 4. FNR, Germany 5. BMLFUW, Austria 6. MIZS, Slovenia 7. AU-ICROFS, Denmark 8. IFD, Denmark 9. Mipaaf, Italy FP7 PLATFORM H2020 PLATFORM

8 PLATFORM is... for coordinators and participants of P2P partnerships in the bioeconomy area ...
Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions mutual learning forum joint dissemination forum strategic forum

9 Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions

10 Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions
FP7 PLATFORM deliverables include a set of recommendations on topics such as Performance of joint calls and other impact indicators of bioeconomy ERA-NETs Managing calls efficiently and effectively in bioeconomy ERA-NETs Increasing collaborations between bioeconomy ERA-NETs for future benefits Increasing collaboration and cooperation between ERA-NETs and JPIs Getting ahead: recommendations for ERA-NETs and industry in the bioeconomy Benefiting the bioeconomy through global cooperation Fostering partnerships and national embedding for ERA-NET actions with impact

11 From Book to PLATFORM DB
Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions From Book to PLATFORM DB Giving information and insight BioHorizon 2nd Bioeconomy Stakeholder Workshop, 11th April 2016, Utrecht 12

12 PLATFORM Events Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions Annual Events: 2015: ERA-NETs for impact and global cooperation 2016: The bigger picture: ERA-NETs for Inclusiveness and Innovation Workshop exploring views on ERA-NET; 2016, Schiphol MasterClasses: ERA-NET planning and management; June 2015, Brussels MasterClass Inclusiveness in ERA-NETs; May 2016, Vienna 2017: *Anual Event: Rome, September *Workshop Impact Assessment of Bioeconomy P2Ps *MasterClass ERA-NET cofund organisation (May)

13 PLATFORM Events Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions PLATFORM World Cafe Workshop March 27th, TheGROUNDS, Schiphol Airport, Netherlands Aim: identifying challenges of existing instruments and designing and discussing improved schemes Methodology: Group work with the Lego Serious Play Outcomes: feed into Annual Event, policy brief and Questions

14 Master Class on Inclusiveness
Date: 10/11th May 2016 Venue: Vienna, BMLFUW Participants: 15 to 20 decision makers in funding institutions, and information brokers such as NCPs, from Low Performing Countries (LPC). Invitation based on results of the T2.2 inventory and survey. Aim: Providing information on widening participation. Providing training and guidance on how to get actively involved in bioeconomy related collaboration actions.

15 Cooperating institutions/actions:
Concept: Presentation of results from T2.2 Fostering inclusiveness (survey, analysis, support activities for engagement of LPCs) Information from other EU activities with corresponding aims: ERA-LEARN 2020, COST, MIRRIS, NCP Biohorizon, INCO Best practise examples Cooperating institutions/actions: ERA-LEARN 2020, COST, EC Task leads: Organisation Master Class : Martin Greimel, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria Survey, analysis and support activities: Kim Turk, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia BioHorizon 2nd Bioeconomy Stakeholder Workshop, 11th April 2016, Utrecht 17

16 Reasons for not participating in ERA-NETs

17 Many more suggestion in the Report of Inclusiveness Surveys
Take home messages Invite organizations to join the consortium early, not as last minute additions Formally invite new countries by targeting high level officials Proactively give new members responsibilities in WPs/Tasks Increase the number of experts from new countries involved in the ERA-NET (Strategic Advisory Board, Scientific Evaluation Board) Invite funding agencies from not-participating Countries as potential partners to observe ERA-NET activities Include inclusiveness mechanisms in Joint Transnational Calls (adjust cofund rate for new countries, quota system, use a wildcard system) Many more suggestion in the Report of Inclusiveness Surveys – PLATFORM2 – Annual Event, 6-7 October 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia

18 Era-Net Sumforest Tackling the Challenges in the Implementation of Sustainable and Multifunctional Forestry through enhanced Research Coordination for Policy Decisions Project funded from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no

19 WP6: International Cooperation
Objectives Active networking and communication with Russia and the Eastern partnership countries Definition of joint EU-Russia research priorities Implementation of a Joint EU-Russia Call for research project (WP5) Integrate the outcomes of FORESTERRA: ERA-NET on North and South Mediterranean Forest issues Tasks 6.1: Russia and Eastern partnership countries 6.2: Link to FORESTERRA

20 What is done Deliverable Joint EU-Russia research priorities defined
Milestone number Milestone name Lead beneficiary Delivery date from Annex I MS12 First workshops with Eastern Partnership countries organised 2 12 MS13 Joint EU-Russia research priorities defined 24 Schedule of relevant Milestones Workshop in Kazan in November 2014 – done Workshop in Minsk in May 2015 – done Deliverable D6.1 Report on existing research capacities in the Russia-Eastern Partnership countries: Summary of all existing research capacities, infrastructure and programmes in the respective countries [month 12] – done D6.3 Report on EU-Russian-Eastern partnership common research priorities: Synthesis of all common research needs [month 26] – done

21 Further activities within Sumforest
Russia and Belarus joint the Sumforest Call Belarus partner in 1 project (90.000€) Russia: ?? 2017: 2-step training for young researchers and funding managers on funding management 1st step: summer school 2nd step: Network event at the final conference Focus on younger generation Focus on research management mechanisms

22 Thank you for your attention!
Further reading H2020 PLATFORM H2020 ERA-LEARN: Austrian ERA Portal: EC ERA site: Thank you for your attention! Martin Greimel Figuurtje met trechter is De verloren boodschapper van Jeroen Bosch Figure of the lost messenger, from Hieronymus Bosch tryiptych ‘The Temptation of St. Anthony

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