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Word Segments List 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Segments List 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Segments List 1

2 First Things First…. The word prefix means it comes at the beginning of the word. The word root means it is the base of a word. The word suffix means it comes at the end of a word.

3 Prefixes Pre- before, in front of Precede Predict Preface

4 Prefixes Post- after, behind Postpone Posthumous Post-game

5 Prefixes Tele- distant Telephone Telepathy Television Telegram

6 Roots Aqua-/aque- water Aquatic Aquarium Aqueduct

7 Roots Duc-/duct- lead Induce Deduce Conduct Abduct Aqueduct

8 Roots Fin-/finit- End, limit Final Definite Infinite

9 Roots Magn- Large, great magnify Magnificent

10 Roots Scrib-/ script- To write, written Manuscript Scribe Proscribe

11 Roots Sol- alone Solitary Solo Soliloquy Solitaire

12 Suffixes -ate To make Donate Vibrate Implicate

13 Suffixes -ation The result of doing Donation Vibration Implication

14 Suffixes -ify To make Justify Magnify Intensify

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