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Economic development and political institutions

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1 Economic development and political institutions
Dr. Joaquín M. Molins Emeritus professor Political Science Autonomus University of Barcelona Brussels meeting, January 2017

2 Inclusive Institutions allows Sustained Prosperity
Acemeglu and Robinson argument Rule of Law

3 The long road towards nowhere or the “so-called the Catalan problem”
: A regional conservative government: Increasing powers for better public policies? “Catalonia First” or a nationalist strategy to “build a nation” and be ready for secession

4 The long road towards nowhere or the “so-called the Catalan problem”
: Left Coalition government: A New Self-Rule Law (Estatuto de Autonomía 2006): - Citizens’ demands more moderated in their preferences than political elites - Increasing powers without constitutional reform (Colino, Publius vol.39.2) - Sentence of the Constitutional Court (2010) and a “rally” against the “rule of Law”

5 The long road towards nowhere or the “so-called the Catalan problem”
: Conservative government From the negotiation of a fiscal agreement to the referendum demand From symbolic to legal breakdown: Generalitat doesn’t follow the rules of the new Self-rule Law for change (2/3 of seats in Parliament) The “deligitimation of Institutions”, mainly of the Constitutional Court 2015-present Patriotic government and the forgotten citizens

6 Catalan Nationalism’s narrative:
Taxation-issue: Spain squeezes Catalonia. Borell & Llorach (2015) “Las cuentas y los cuentos de la independencia” Constitutional-issue: Spain discriminates Catalonia. F. De Carreras (2016) “Discurso ingreso Real Academia” Culture-issue: Spain marginalises Catalonia. Catalan language :94,3 speaks;80,4 speaks,60,4 writes (Idescat 2013) Political-issue: Spain bullies Catalonia. Molins & Medina (2015) “El auge de la demanda secesionista en Cataluña y el Pais Vasco”, CIS

Right to decide vs self-determination Catalan referendum’s demand vs. Two decisions allready taken on self- rule Spanish Constitunional Court position German Constitutional Court position Italian Constitutional Court position Venetian Convention on best practiques on referendums *(J. Suiter, Political Insigh, Dec 2016))


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