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Business Rules Of Data Capture

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1 Business Rules Of Data Capture

2 Content… Topics Covered: KYC (AML related) Application Number Rider
Application Form Name Format Mailing Address & Address Mobile Number Pin code Parents and Spouse Name Plan Details Receipt Fund details Payment Method – ECS / SD/Credit Card/SI Illustration Advisor code KYC (AML related) Rider Nominee and appointee details Policy Identification Employer Employee cases HUF case Existing Client Details PAN CARD NEFT Rejection of application Fund transfer cases Capturing eIA details SP Signature

3 Application Number Application Number Original Receipt
Application number to be captured exactly as per the application form. The coder needs to cross verify the indexing number while coding the application number. In case of any manual correction on the application form with regards to application number, the name, address and application number are to be verified with the details mentioned on original receipt. If yes, proceed with the corrected application number and if no, reject it. Any correction on original receipt or the application number on the application form needs to be counter signed with the stamp and seal of BSLI. For example, if all details are correct except the application number, this is corrected to the correct application number and countersigned by the BSLI branch. Application Number Original Receipt Application Number

4 Application Form Adult Form – “A” Adult Form – “A”
Reject the application if incorrect form is used, that is, major form used for minor and vice-versa. The different types of application prefixes used are as follows: A – Adult M- Minor CA-Combo Adult CM-Combo Minor Capture all the details mentioned on the application form. Version of the application form is mentioned on the Top left side. This is to ensure that outdated forms are not used. Also, based on the IRDAI instructions new versions of forms would be rolled out. Adult Form – “A” Adult Form – “A”

5 Name Format As per Application First name - Jay Kumar Surname – Singh
First name - Mohd Iqbal Salim Surname – Memon First name - M Salim Surname -  First name - Salim M Surname -  First name - Salim Surname – M First Name – Jay Last name – Kumar Surname – Singh First Name - Mohd Iqbal Last name – Salim Surname – Memon First Name - M Salim Last name -  Surname -  First Name – Salim Last name – M Surname -  First Name – Salim M Last name – Surname -  To be Captured As Initials (single alphabet) are not allowed in the Surname and First name field.

6 Mailing Address & Email Address
Should be mentioned exactly same as per application form. Each row is validated to 25 characters in the address field. In case the address exceeds 25 characters, the address would be logically continued in the next line. For Example: First Floor 204, Srikara’s Short forms if it is too long should be used like Bldg for building, Flr for Floor. However, this has to be done logically and only if address is too long. Also, the address should not contain all short forms. Special characters can be used. For Eg: # can be used for number like in the case of Flat number. id is mandatory for client where the nationality mentioned as NRI/FNIO/PIO/others If client is opting for Go Green indicator, address is mandatory. id should be mentioned exactly as per the application form. id should be complete and domain name.

7 Mobile Number The mobile number should be of 10 digits that is, +91 need not prefixed as the same is automated. In case of NRI clients, the 10 digits validation would not be there. NRI mobile numbers are sometimes 8 or 11 digits. For Indian mobile numbers, capture the mobile number exactly as per the application. If mobile number exceeds more than 10 digits or is less than 10 digits, then do not capture the mobile number and keep the field blank and raise the requirement of RQ021 (confirmation of mobile number). If more than 1 mobile number is provided same should be capture as alternate mobile number. Do not capture two number putting (-,/), capture it separately.

8 Pin Code Cross verify with the details on address proof submitted.
If pin code is not given on the application then capture the pin code from the receipt. If details of City, State are not mentioned on the application, refer the receipt for these details. If the same is not mentioned on the receipt also then raise a requirement of complete mailing address. Cross verify with the details on address proof submitted. If its not given : Refer to “Receipt” Receipt Pin Code Application Pin code

9 Parent & Spouse Name: Parent and spouse name should be mentioned exactly as per the form. Plan Details: Plan details on illustration should match with application. For any mismatch requirement should be raised. The plan details include name, Term, Application Number, Product, Plan, Premium Payment Term, Policy Term & Amount. Premium Amount Policy Term & Pay Term Plan Sum Assured Payment Mode

10 Receipt The amount mentioned on the application form and illustration.
If there are two receipts issued for one application form, then the first OR (Original Receipt) should be mentioned. Tally the receipt amount of both the receipt with policy modal premium. For example: If illustration amount is Rs.4998 but client gave a cheque or amount of Rs.5000, then amount on application form is Rs However, client cannot pay less than the amount of Rs.4998. For fund transfer cases, the receipt number can be captured as Manually written receipts should be rejected. Receipt date should not be prior to the application form date.

11 Fund Details This is applicable for ULIP based product only.
The investment fund option as indicated by the customer has to be incorporated; this includes Increasing Sum Assured etc. If the product is ULIP based and investment fund option is not provided by the customer, then requirement has to be raised for the same. ULIP*:Unit Linked Insurance Plan Fund Details

12 Payment Methods Payment Mode Annual Premium Modal Premium
Payment methods are ECS/SI/SD/CC/NACH. ECS was the previous facility which will be replaced by NACH as NACH as most of the branches are not having ECS facility. If ECS is ticked as payment method and ECS Mandate Form submitted and Cancelled Chq also submitted, then capture the details of Payment method as “ECS”. Modal premium and Initial Premium. NACH mandate cannot be accepted if there are any corrections made or whitener used. For NACH transaction, NACH Xerox can be submitted which would be followed by NACH original document. Cancelled cheque should be pre-printed and not manually return. However, there are some banks which have the exception of submitted written cheque. For non-printed cheque, bank statement to be collected. If credit card  code should be mentioned as ‘Direct Bill’. If Standing Instructions  code should be mentioned as ‘Direct Bill’. Example of the premium payment modes Payment Mode Annual Premium Modal Premium Initial Premium Annual Payment Rs.1,20,000 Half Yearly Payment Rs.60,000 Quarterly Payment Rs.30,000 Monthly Payment Rs.10,000 Rs.20,000 ** Note: Premium is Rs.20,000 for monthly payment as it takes more than 30 days to get the amount credited through ECS. This premium amount of Rs.20,000 is only for the first two months and premium amount would be Rs.10,000 from the third month.

13 Illustration Sum Assured All details on illustration and application form to be tallied Customer Name, Age, Gender, Plan Name, Sum Assured, Premium, Policy Term, Premium Paying Term, Fund Details, Investor Profile, Rider Details, Employee/Product/Channel Discount, Smoker/Non Smoker Rates etc. From I-champ, illustration is generated, that is, complete plan details as per customer information and sales person’s observations. Illustration details should be as per the information on the application form. Illustration needs to be signed by the policy owner. If it is not signed, raise requirement. The Robin Hood channel (Mentioned agent code) – A separate declaration would be submitted along with illustration as illustration although it does not contain the signature, then case can be proceeded. Customer Name Age Gender It defines as “Estimation Of Plan Values & Details” Policy Term Payment Mode Rider Basic Premium

14 Advisor Code: Advisor codes pertaining to the specific sourcing channel are to be used. Example, The source Channels are: Agency Channel Third Party Distributor Specified Person of CA KYC {AML Related}: In case the proofs are submitted in vernacular language, the same needs to be translated and attested by a designated person from the sales team (Refer grid). In case, only one proof is submitted towards all the KYC requirements, the details are to be captured at the coding stage basis the proofs (for example, if passport is submitted, the same can be scanned under age proof, ID proof and address proof)

15 Rider Riders are not allowed for ULIP plans.
Riders are not allowed for other than Indian LI/Proposer. Wavier of premium (WOP) not allowed if life insured and owner are both major persons. Capture the rider details as per the illustration. (Refer plan details) However, if there is a mismatch in details mentioned on application and illustration; raise a requirement for confirmation for the same. (Follow the product wise business rule for each product.)

16 Nominee & Appointee Details
If Nominee Not Mentioned “Keep Blank” If nominee is not mentioned, keep the field blank. If incomplete appointee details are mentioned, raise the requirement. If nominee is minor and appointee details are not given, requirement has to be raised. In case, insured and proposer are different on the application form, nominee details should not be captured in the nominee field except for employer-employee case. For MWP cases, the nominee field should be captured as “MWP act policy” and relationship as “Testimonial Trust” even though the owner and insured are different persons. In case of C client, nominee should be captured as HUF policy and relationship as ‘other’ even though the owner and insured is different person. The relationship and DOB should be mentioned as per the application form if nominee is mentioned. The signature and relationship has to be captured for appointee, if not available, raise requirement. MWP*- Married Women's Property Act HUF*- Hindu Undivided Family If Nominee Is Minor & Appointee Details Are Not Given” “ Raise Requirement” If Appointee Incomplete Info “ Raise Requirement”

17 Policy Identification
On the basis of IAR, policy identification should be captured like General, HUF, Keyman, Employer-Employee, MWP, Partnership, NRI. If there is any document attached to specify any policy like HUF or MWP etc, the same should be thoroughly checked and policy should be identified. Keyman insurance – only term plans are allowed under this insurance. Employer takes the keyman policy for an employee who plays a key role in the company to substantiate the financial loss arising out of the death of keyman. Partnership Insurance – Only term plans are allowed. The insurance needs to be taken on all the partners unless any of the partner/s is not eligible. For NRI clients, IAR and nationality should be checked in the application form. If advisor updates as General but nationality is mentioned as NRI, then policy identification should also be NRI. Proper document check should be done and if anything not available, requirement has to be raised. NRI details as per the questionnaire should be captured whenever it is submitted. If nominee details are mentioned as MWP or if MWP addendum is submitted, then policy identification should be mentioned as MWP although advisor mentions it as General. All documents to be checked and if any document is missing, requirement has to be raised. In cases where ‘HUF’ is mentioned as owner and insured, policy identification has to be updated as ‘HUF’ although ‘General’ has been mentioned. All HUF required documents should be checked and if not available, requirement has to be raised. If any document is attached with application for e.g. NRI questionnaire or HUF addendum or MWP addendum then capture the policy identification accordingly Partnership – In this case, all the partners should be insured and ‘only’ Term plans are applicable. Mail Order – Application is sent through mail to the client who completes the application form and sends back through mail. Suitcase selling – Applicable for cases where adviser goes to Gulf to source the policies. Salary Deduction – Employer deducts premium amount from salary NRI – NRI questionnaire to be submitted. id is mandatory.

18 Employer-Employer Cases
Where owner & insured is employee & employer is the payer. Where owner is employer & insured is employee. In this case, it states that all the rights are with the employee Employer. Nominee name should be captured if given. Insured – Employee Owner – Employee Payer – Company For such cases the policy identification should be employer-employee & details of insured should only be of employee. Legal person declaration should be included in the documentation. The DOB for the owner has to be considered as 1/1/1900. Insured – Employee Owner – Company Payer – Company For such cases capture the details of insured as Employee and Owner details as employer and policy identification should be employer – employee.

19 Hindu Undivided Family(HUF) Case
There are four ways to identify a HUF case : Owner name section on the application form (on the 1st page) Signature of Proposer and HUF stamp on the 4th page in the application form IAR – Identification type HUF Addendum In HUF cases, the HUF entity is the owner. In the eyes of law, the HUF entity & the individual are separate legal entities. If the name of the insurer and owner is same, then HUF is mentioned against the owner to identify. Capture relationship of life to be insured as others, policy identification should be HUF, nominee name should not be captured. In HUF cases, the owner can be the owner and a relative can be the insured. Capture relationship of life to be insured as others, policy identification should be HUF, nominee name should not be captured. In HUF cases, Owner gender should be captured as ‘Company’ with Dummy Date of Birth i.e., HUF entity can never be the life Insured.

20 Existing Client Detail
On the first page of the application form, there is a question to confirm if the client has previous policy details. The details to be updated are as follows: Yes or No should be mentioned to confirm if previous policy details exist. If yes, policy number should be updated. If no, policy number should be left blank. If yes and client has multiple policy number, mention any one of them.

21 PAN Card Pan card is mandatory for application logged where annual premium is Rs.50,000 or Above. PAN is a ten digit alphanumeric number. Example: BPRSP3616F B, P and Rare alphabets A to Z. 4th letter P indicates Person (others are C- Company, T for Trust, F for partnership, G-Govt, GH- HUF) 5th letter will be first letter of name/first name.

22 If client has provided the PAN CARD copy, then pan number needs to be captured as per number mentioned on PAN Card copy. PAN number should be verified from NSDL site and if found discrepant then requirement for PAN card should be raised. PAN card requirement should be raised for owner and payer, both in case they are different. This can be identified from the receipt copy wherein you find the payer is different from LI and PO. PAN Card copy is applicable for Corporate/ Partnership Firms/ Sole Proprietary firms whoever is the owner & payer in the policy. The pan card number can be used as per the self-attested pan card copy if client has provided the PAN CARD. Requirement is raised in the following cases: PAN card requirement will be raised for the application receipted where the Annual Premium is Rs.50, 000 or above. (How data entry user will come to know about all the policies Annual Premium). If pan card is not signed by owner or if there is a mismatch in signature. If there is name mismatch on pan card and application, then DOB on pan card and signature on the application form should be cross verified. If it is not matching, raise requirement for pan card.

23 Exception – Certain exceptions are followed for PAN Card
In case pan card is lost (guidelines to be followed). Form 60 Form 60 can be accepted in place of Pan Card copy for few customers, Details of Form 60 to be captured while data entry of application, like, Name, Address, Annual Income, Transaction amount etc. Persons not having any taxable income or exempted from Income tax and thus not required to file the Income tax return e.g. NRI not having taxable income in India, Agricultural income. Members of a Scheduled Tribe residing in areas such as Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, etc. Person who is a Sikkimese (whose name is included in the Register of Sikkim subjects) and derives income from any source within Sikkim. Note: The details stated in points 1 to 3 should be verified with the information stated on the proposal form, for e.g. if the customer states on Form No. 60 that he does not possess a PAN being a NRI, then one should verify that the customer has also declared himself as NRI status on the proposal form.

24 Form 60 should be completely filled up and should be accompanied with valid address proof.
In Case of incomplete submission of ‘Form 60’and declaration or signature mismatch, a requirement for ‘Form 60’ needs to be raised. If client has not submitted the address proof along with Form 60 then requirement of Form 60 needs to be raised and requirement text to be updated as ‘Address proof not submitted along with Form 60.’ Address on the Form 60 needs to be verified with the application form & address proof submitted. If the address does not match then requirement of Form 60 needs to be raised. Please check following at Data capture Level Check whether the entire form 60 is filled up by the client. Check whether the signature is matching with the application form and form 60. Check whether the address mentioned on the form 60 and address on the KYC Address proof is matching. Check whether the Form 60 is attested by the client. If so, select the option ‘YES’ for the question ‘Is Form 60 attested?’

25 NRIs have to submit completely filled “Form 60” (Refer Annexure)
NRIs have to submit completely filled “Form 60” (Refer Annexure). If the same is not submitted, or the submitted Form 60 does not have the signature of owner or payer, or if the signature of the owner or payer does not match then the requirement of ’Form 60’ needs to be raised. The person with agricultural income needs to submit completely filled “Form 60” (Refer Annexure). If the same is not submitted, raise the requirement of PAN card. In case submitted ‘Form 60’ does not have the signature of owner or payer, or if the signature of the owner or payer does not match then the requirement of Form 60 needs to be raised.

26 NEFT – Banking Details In Aug 2014 as per guideline from regulator, any payout should be done through NEFT. Later, it has been introduced that if annual premium is above Rs.10,000, then, NEFT should be done and cheque can be taken for annual premium above 10,000. As per the recent last regulation, for annual premium below Rs.25,000, banking details were not required. Banking details are a MUST for all kinds of policies whatever maybe the amount. Capture the NEFT details as per the NEFT proof submitted and verify the details are matching with application form. NEFT Details A/C Holder Name A/C Number IFSC Code

27 Authorized BSLI Personnel BM/BH/BP/AP/MP/SM/ASM/TM/ZM Key Account Manager
Below guidelines need to be followed while capturing NEFT details: Client can give NRI/NRO/NRE account details, in case he doesn’t have Indian bank account details? NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) is acceptable but we cannot accept NEFT details for NRE (Non-Resident External). NRO account is like a savings account. NRE account has the rule of transacting between NRE accounts only. If owner and payer/life insured are different, then whose NEFT details are required? We require the NEFT details of the owner along with the proofs. If IFSC code not preprinted on the proofs provided? You may accept handwritten details, however, it has to be attested by BSLI’s branch manager (BM) and CSE both. Same IFSC code should be mentioned on the application form by the customer. What to do if name is mismatching with bank details of client. The same is not acceptable and raise the requirement.

28 Authorized BSLI Personnel BM/BH/BP/AP/MP/SM/ASM/TM/ZM Key Account Manager
Client can give NRI/NRO/NRE account details, in case he doesn’t have Indian bank account details? NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) is acceptable but we cannot accept NEFT details for NRE (Non-Resident External). NRO account is like a savings account. NRE account has the rule of transacting between NRE accounts only. If owner and payer/life insured are different, then whose NEFT details are required? We require the NEFT details of the owner along with the proofs. If IFSC code not preprinted on the proofs provided? You may accept handwritten details, however, it has to be attested by BSLI’s branch manager (BM) and CSE both. Same IFSC code should be mentioned on the application form by the customer. What to do if name is mismatching with bank details of client. The same is not acceptable and raise the requirement. Can we accept passbook/statement copies where only 4 digit a/c no. is printed. No, we cannot accept the same. We need complete details. If 4 digit account number is printed on passbook first page, can we accept this if complete account number is printed on next pages. Yes, if there are complete account details on the inside pages where the page reflecting complete account number must be authorized by BSLI authorized person. Note: Requirements to be raised for NEFT details, if any of the above conditions are not met.

29 Rejection Rules Of Application
Kinrep mail BSLI if there are any discrepancies after rejecting the application: If applications form, illustration, age proof and receipt copy have not been submitted or incomplete application form or unclear documents are submitted. If wrong version of application form or wrong version of illustration have been submitted. If the application form is not signed. If guidelines have not been followed to fill up the application form. Need more clarity on TAT part i.e. within how many days the application will be sent back to Branch. What is the monitoring mechanism? The rejection cases will be informed to BSLI post receipt by end of the day after scrutiny of the application is done.

30 Fund Transfer Cases Data Capture Rule:
All the data capture business rules are applicable to fund transfer cases. For eg KYC rules needs to be followed as per the set process. Share the MIS on daily basis of these cases separately with inward MIS. As per the rule last day of receipting of application for any closure of plan is applicable for fund transfer cases also. If the client wants to change the plan and originals have been sent to sent to KINREP from branch of BSLI HO, coding to be done bases the original application form received. After receiving the application at branch office needs to be verify whether the original receipt is attached with the application form. If the same is not provided along with the application then KINREP will verify the Fund transfer process sheet. Refer the below mentioned snap shot of the Fund Transfer Process Sheet. If the fund transfer process sheet is attached along with the application then it is required to process the case with the OR number mentioned on the process sheet. This OR number should be captured as (4 times one)

31 Capturing eIA Details SP Signature
If the E-insurance account details are provided, same needs to be captured as per application form. What if wrong eIA number provided by customer / typo error by User – it should match with the PAN / UID number of customer. For third party people, there are specified persons who are authorized to sell products. Third party distribution is given to Corporate Agents, Insurance Broking and Individual agents – all these are organized at a company level. These are Specified persons. Specified person signature on the declaration form needs to be verified with CMS (Channel Management System) link details. In case of any discrepancy, please inform BSLI. For Advisor, Sales etc. signature the system integration with CMS/Insignia will be required


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