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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
EQ: Was the Industrial Revolution a blessing or a curse?

2 Change!! Let’s Refresh…. What is a revolution?
What is brought about during/after a revolution? Change!!

3 Causes to the Industrial Revolution
Agricultural Revolution Population explosion New Technology

4 Agricultural Revolution (1750s)
What was life like on the farms before the agricultural revolution? Work with hands & crude hand-made tools Simple cottages by candlelight Made their own clothes & own food

5 Agricultural Revolution
Revolution began with the Dutch who built dikes to take back land from the sea  Also combined smaller fields with larger ones to be more efficient Made use of fertilizer from livestock to renew the soil

6 Agricultural Revolution: British expansion
Farmers begin to mix soil to get higher crop yields New methods of crop rotating are tested Lord Charles Townshend encouraged growing turnips to restore soil Jethro Tull invented the seed drill : A device used to plant seeds in rows Mmmm, delightful!

7 Agricultural Revolution
Enclosure movement: taking over & fencing off land formally shared by peasant farmers Done by rich landowners Done to set aside land for animals to graze along with creating larger fields for higher crop yield and efficiency Benefits of Enclosure: Wool output Crop output # of workers needed

8 Agricultural Revolution
Higher output of crops + less people to work on farms = ?? More food! No work! Higher population! Movement into towns/cities!

9 Population Boom Due in large part to the agricultural revolution
More food = more people Some numbers to munch: Britain in 1700 = 5 million  By 1800 Britain = 9 million Population of Europe shot up from 120 to 190 million in the same time period Population boom  Declining death rates > Rising birthrates Agricultural revolution reduced the risk of famine Women were healthier and bore stronger babies Better hygiene, sanitation, health care slowed deaths from disease

10 Oh, these streets are so crowded!

11 New Technology Old Energy sources New Energy sources Fe

12 New Technology Thomas Newcomen- developed the first steam engine powered by coal to pump water out of mines. James Watt- (**Father of the IR**) improved upon Newcomen’s model which became the key piece of machinery in the Industrial Revolution

13 New Technology Coal was also used to process iron
Abraham Darby used coal to smelt iron and discovered a new process that created a stronger, cheaper type of iron. His sons improved on his method still further leading to iron being used in almost every endeavor Railroads, construction, etc.

14 First to Industrialize
Great Britain is the first country to industrialize WHY?!?! CELLS

15 Capital Hi!  Capital = wealth to invest
In what?! Factories , machines, new technology Britain’s economy had prospered from lots of trading overseas (Helloooooooooo 13 colonies!!) Hi! 

16 Entrepreneurs What is an entrepreneur?
Britain’s business class was investing their capital in new ventures Inventors were eager to make their impact on history

17 Land Small nation, but had a huge supply of coal & iron

18 Labor Population boom in Britain created a workforce of many willing & able souls (also due to the agricultural revolution) Lots of this Plenty of this

19 Stable Government Supported economic growth
Strong navy – protected British empire and trade routes overseas Religious ideals of thrift & hard work

20 Let’s recap, what do you know?
What is a Revolution? What were some farming methods used during the Agricultural Revolution? What was life like before the IR? How did life change because of the IR? What did these people do? Jethro Tull, Charles Townshend, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt, Abraham Darby Why was Britain the first to industrialize?

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