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Presentation on theme: "LECTURE ORGANIZED BY C&S MOVEMENT CHURCH, AKURE."— Presentation transcript:


TOPIC: THE TRANSFORMED LEADER TEXT: John 21:15-17 Resource Person: Pastor D. ‘Wale Adekanye t: Youtube: Douglas Wale Adekanye Blog: e:

3 Bible Text “So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than you these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, ‘Feed My lambs’. He said to him again a second time, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?’ He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.’ He said to Him, ‘Tend My sheep’. He said to him again the third time, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?’ Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, ‘Do you love Me?’ And he said to Him, ‘Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed My sheep’.

4 INTRODUCTION Every human organization is committed to achieving a set of goals which is spare-headed by one (or few persons) who has the vision to take others to the destination. Such person (or persons) is called a LEADER. On this note, I welcome you all to this segment where we are going to discuss the topic: ‘The Transformed Leader’ in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5 Q: Is Church also an organization?
Like the secular organizations, the CHURCH is also an organization that needs qualitative leaders to chat the course of the GOSPEL in such a way that profits are made for God (as in Kingdom expansion) here and preparing people for the home going which may come up anytime unannounced. Hence, we need to check the leadership of the church in the searchlight of transformation.

6 Q: What is transformation or being transformed about?
Transformation is defined as a marked change in appearance and/or character for better. To be transformed then means – living in constant positive change in CHARACTER (within) till it shows on appearance and deeds (without). Transformation is not one sided (for leaders alone) but also for followers.

7 Q: Who then is a Leader? LEADER Any person who leads or conduct Anyone who goes first Anyone having authority to direct Anyone placed in advance of others Who leads you as a person will determine how you lead others, and how far you are led will determine how far you will lead others.

8 Q: Are all leaders transformed leaders?
Leader versus Transformed Leader Everyone is a leader in whatever capacity, but not all are transformed leaders based on the outcome of who each person is within and without. A leader outside church may not be qualified in the church. but Christ Jesus expects a transformed leader in the church goes out there to influence leadership for Him. So, not all leaders are transformed.

9 Q: What qualifies a person to be a transformed leader?
Qualification for Transformed Leader Because the Church is an institution that Christ Jesus laid the foundation, the criteria for anyone to be a leader is therefore stated by the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul in I Tim. 3:2-7.

10 Q: How do I recognize a transformed leader as a follower?
Leadership by Life There are 4 Ms that a transformed leader exhibits and those are the roles expected of anyone in that office. I Peter 5:1-4 explain them

11 Minister to the people – meeting needs, serving the followers
Mentor the people – investing in the followers, being good examples and not lording over them Manage the people – exercise oversight functions over the people entrusted to his care Model for the people – demonstrating how to live for God and lead others practically by example of his life

12 Q: How do I know if I am truly transformed as a leader?
Yardstick characteristics of a Transformed Leader Becoming a transformed leader is a daily process and not a day’s work, therefore there is a process to be followed diligently to achieve such and remain fruitful in the assignment. II Peter 1:5-10

13 A transformed leader must have Faith – this is the foundation on which we grow spiritually into being transformed Virtue – represents a life of strong character and discipline to attain Knowledge – having understanding of what God thinks and values Self control – displaying the ability to lead oneself well before leading others Perseverance – exhibiting the ability to patiently stick to what is right without compromising Godliness – being Spirit-filled and spiritually led in the kind of lifestyle lived reflecting God always Brotherly kindness – showing a lifestyle of caring, warmth and relational Love – this is the highest quality that enables a lead to give sacrificially to others without checking back.

14 Q: What next? Duality of Roles and Responsibilities Leaders today were followers yesterday and followers today will become leaders tomorrow. Hence, every leader who lives a transformed life and serves diligently must be encouraged, honoured and compensated (no matter how small). As well as followers who follow suit should not be left out, because when encouraged, morale will be boosted to put in more effort towards achieving the goals and interest of the church and not personal. I Tim. 5:17-18

15 Prayer! It is my earnest prayer that we all will become the type of leaders God expects us to be in this generation, and live for Him without disappointment when He comes to take us. I pray our church (C&S Movement Church worldwide) will begin to be led by internally and externally TRANSFORMED LEADERS to restore our lost glory in Jesus Name. Amen. Shalom!

16 Questions & Answers Resource Person: Pastor D. ‘Wale Adekanye t: Youtube: Douglas Wale Adekanye Blog: e:


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