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The Principles of Management

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1 The Principles of Management
What do managers do? Every manager regardless of the area does these things, it is important to remember that they are transferable to any type of business or organization but we will be concentrating on how they relate to the sport industry. With your neighbor think about all of the duties that managers in any field may do, then share them with each other writing down the list as you go. Do not worry about right and wrong or if it deals with sport right now. We are going to share them with the class.

2 Management Vs. Leadership
What is Management? The process of working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals What is Leadership? The process of influencing individuals and group behavior for some desired results. What is a Management leader? Using your supervisory role to accomplishing organizational goals through influence and respect Define Management The process of working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals Define Leadership The process of influencing individuals and group behavior for some desired results.

3 Challenge the status quo
Leader vs. Manager Leader Innovate Develop Inspire Long-term view Ask what and why Originate Challenge the status quo Do the right thing Manager Administer Maintain Control Short-term view Ask how and when Initiate Accept the status quo Do things right

4 KEY POINT!! In order to be a Manager / Leader Must have subordinates
Must work with and through people Must be in a supervisory position!

5 In order to be a sport be playlike in nature
involve some element of competition be based on physical skill involve element of skill, strategy, and chance have an uncertain outcome

6 Sport Management: Any activity, experience or business enterprise focused on fitness, recreation, athletics, or leisure. Allows for non-competitive things like working-out, running,and dancing. Sports Management –OR:

7 4 functions/activities of management
Organizing Planning Controlling Implementing/ Staffing

8 Planning Developing goals, objectives, strategies, procedures, policies and rules to produce goods and services in the most effective manner. Analyzing information about what needs to be done. Making a “TO DO LIST” EXAMPLE: The general manager of a private gym predicts an increase in enrollment for the start of the upcoming year. After analyzing the goal, he makes a list of what he needs to do to be ready for the increase. Planning - Developing and implementing goals, objectives, strategies, procedures, policies and rules to produce goods and services in the most effective manner. Analyzing information and making decisions about what needs to be done. The general manager of a private gym predicts an increase in enrollment for the start of the upcoming year and arranges for the facility to be open 15 hours per day instead of 10 hours.

9 4 functions/activities of management - REVIEW
“TO DO” List - BEFORE Organizing Planning Controlling Implementing/ Staffing

10 Organizing Arranging resources (human, financial, equipment, supplies, time, space, information) for producing goods and services in the most effective and efficient manner. ACTUAL DECISIONS – also “before” Example: The general manager of a private gym chooses which new equipment is needed for extra hours of fitness.

11 4 functions/activities of management - REVIEW
“ACTUAL DECISIONS- BEFORE “TO DO” List - BEFORE Planning Organizing Controlling Implementing/ Staffing

12 Implementing/ Staffing
Carrying out plans and making sure that the adequate personal and resources are available to accomplish all the necessary tasks. CAN BE CONSIDERED “DAY OF” ACTIVITIES- during the event Example: Laying out the new equipment, opening up the extra hours/dates StaffingRecruiting: hiring, training, developing, and/or replacing the employees needed to produce goods and services in the most effective manner. Example: A fitness manager advertises for the job available, then holds interviews, checks references, makes job offers, and hires new staff Implementing/ Staffing Implementing - Carrying out plans and making sure that the adequate personal and resources are available to accomplish all the necessary tasks. Assigning supervisors to be present at home Basketball games to ensure a positive experience for all involved StaffingRecruiting, selecting, orientating, training, developing, and replacing the employees needed to produce goods and services in the most effective manner.A local golf course advertises for the positions of 3 teaching professionals, one maintenance person, and one administrative assistance, then holds interviews, checks references, makes job offers, and selects the staff to run a new golf school at a local course.

13 4 functions/activities of management - REVIEW
“ACTUAL DECISIONS- BEFORE “TO DO” List - BEFORE Planning Organizing Controlling Implementing/ Staffing “DAY OF” ACTIVITIES

14 Controlling Evaluating whether the employees are on task, evaluating if they making progress towards achieving the goals, etc. “AFTER” activities. Example: After three months the general manager monitors the progress of the new hours, equipment, discussing new ways to make the program better and attract even more new members to the facility. Did we make our goal of increased membership? ControllingE

15 4 functions/activities of management - REVIEW
“ACTUAL DECISIONS- BEFORE “TO DO” List - BEFORE Planning Organizing Controlling Implementing/ Staffing “AFTER” THE EVENT ACTIVITIES “DAY OF” ACTIVITIES

16 4 functions of management Activity
Based on the top 10 sporting events, choose one and identify 4 things that would be done at each of the functions.

17 Team Project Planning Organizing Implementing/Staffing Controlling

18 Old one : Super Bowl Coaches
Compare and contrast the two head coaches in the Super Bowl! More info the better! Start with background and upbringing.

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