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Union Actions for Decent Work for Migrant Workers Workshop Orientation

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1 Union Actions for Decent Work for Migrant Workers Workshop Orientation
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV-KOILAF Workshop A Trade Union Training on Union Actions for Decent Work for Migrant Workers 29 Nov 3 Dec 2010: Seoul, S. Korea Workshop Orientation

2 Estimates of Migrant Workers (in millions, 2010)
Background Migration for employment, while not a new phenomenon, is now becoming a major issue in this era of globalization & economic liberalization - & is expected to grow even more… Estimates of Migrant Workers (in millions, 2010) Globally: 105 million workers out of the total 214 million persons living outside their countries of origin; One of out of every 33 persons in the world today is a migrant! – almost 30% live in Asian countries.

3 Background Despite many positive aspects of labour migration for both source & destination countries, most governments have adhoc policies in regard to the migrant workers, which puts them in vulnerable situation; Most migrant workers end up in 3D jobs, mostly in precarious employment situations, with little or no social protection; Any attempt to seek rights as workers leads to threats of dismissals from jobs, imprisonment &/or deportation – women migrants are most vulnerable in this regard; For national unions, the dealing with & standing up for Migrant Workers is a major challenge!

4 Background Since 2004, ILO has actively sought to assist countries to adopt Rights Based Approach on labour migration so as to promote a fair deal for migrant workers in a global economy; ACTRAV has supported TU capacity building initiatives in a number of countries to promote – - Ratification of ILO Conv. (87 & 98 and 97 & 143), - Promotion of the ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration, - Inter-union cooperation for organizing & social protection of migrant workers (Actrav model agreement initiative) Approach: Organize ‘ALL’ to ensure Decent Work for All!

5 Objectives of the Workshop
Promote cooperation and networking among unions for Organizing & Decent Work for migrant workers; Build understanding among the unions on ILO’s rights based approach to labour migration & promote actions to improve conditions of work for migrant workers; Discuss and plan a follow up on Actrav Model Agreement for bilateral cooperation between unions in countries of destination & countries of origin Develop a plan of action for organizing & social protection of migrant workers, including women workers.

6 Key Issues to be Discussed
Changing World of Work, Migrants, the challenges before the Labour Movement Country Reviews: Challenges facing unions in regard to Migrant Workers Policies & Initiatives for Migrant Workers in Korea International Labour Standards for Migrant Workers, & role of TUs in promoting standards

7 Key Issues to be Discussed
Globalization and International Labor Migration - Realizing Decent Work for Migrants in ASIA ILO’s Rights-based approach to Labour Migration Union initiatives for Migrant workers in Asia Actrav Model Agreement for bilateral cooperation in support of migrant workers Trade Union Follow-up action plan for Promoting Decent Work for Migrants

8 Evaluation End of the Workshop Evaluation
Feedback is welcome on daily-basis

9 Role of Participants Be active & participative in all activities through out the workshop – your experience is also a source of education for all, including us! Be PUNCTUAL! – please…..  Start thinking of your follow up Work Plan Ideas

10 * Any Questions?

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