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Welcome 8th Graders! Physical Education & Health

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 8th Graders! Physical Education & Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 8th Graders! Physical Education & Health
Ms. Strom & Mr. Simonis Remember us from 6th Grade Health?!

2 Ms. Strom 4th Year at AUGS Girls’ Softball Coach
8th Grade Girls’ BBall SUMMER! D.C. Trip, wedding/buddymoon, birthday in Chicago, 4 concerts, Devil’s Lake WI, Cubs game, pool manager, Great America, fishing tournament, Lake Geneva 4th of July, sand volleyball, movies, turtles, TJMaxx, & tacos!


4 PE – What you need to know:
What does dressing for PE look like? AUGS PE Uniform only – with YOUR name written on it New Uniform = $20 ($10 each), Used Uniform = $6 ($3 each) Loaners = 25¢ each, money due by the end of the week or it doubles Athletic/gym/tennis shoes All jewelry left in locker (small pieces okay) Hair pulled or pinned back, or use of a headband Please spit out gum Parent & Doctor Notes: Parent note = good for only 2 days, must dress, alternative activity After 2 days you return to PE or need a doctor’s note Doctor note = out until further notice, no dressing, alternative activity Please keep cell phones and electronics in hall locker No exceptions, arguments, or negotiating 

5 Physical Education Weekly Grades: Trimester Grade Units
Weekly Unit Grade Weekly Fitness Day(s) Grade Daily Points Participation Effort Sportsmanship Safety Heart Rate Tracking Trimester Grade Personal Portfolio – Data Collection Fitness Reflection Fitness Goal Setting Units Fitness Testing, Station Training, Football, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, Badminton, Lacrosse, Handball, Ultimate Frisbee Some units may be added or skipped depending on time and student behavior

6 8th Grade Health First 6 weeks of Trimester 2
Glencoe McGraw-Hill Teen Health: Healthy Relationships & Sexuality Weekly In-class Assignments & Assessments Writing, Reading, Real Life Issues, Guided Notes, Worksheets Active Learning Projects Unit Tests Look Listen Link – Suicide Prevention Program

7 PE – Upcoming days Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Rules, expectations, & consequences activity You may bring locker stuff tomorrow (like deodorant and hair ties…) Friday Begin assigning lockers Bring your uniform or money Monday! Monday Finish lockers Start checking/purchasing uniforms Tuesday Finish checking/ purchasing uniforms Any other business Wednesday Dress Brainstorm warm-up ideas

8 PE – Locker Room, Gym, & Class Behavior Expectations
Day 2 PE – Locker Room, Gym, & Class Behavior Expectations

9 Rules, Expectations, & Consequences
Groups of 6 within your class Brainstorm ideas for locker room and gym expectations, and discuss consequences for not meeting expectations. Strom groups – locker room expectations & consequences Simonis groups – gym/outside expectations & consequences After brainstorming with your group Get butcher paper and a marker Neatly, and using positive wording, design a poster to be hung in the locker room or gym that displays the locker room or gym behavior expectations. Positive wording = Please Walk (instead of Don’t Run) Hint* Think: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe When finished Strom and Simonis groups will present to each other. Finally – discuss as a class

10 Period 1- Ideas & Expectations
Locker Room Respect each others privacy No inappropriate activity Please do not use your phones Bring deoderant Use your clothes only Use your time effectivly Gym/Classroom Be on time Please don’t chew gum Listen to instructions Keep your hands to your self Be Polite Always stay positive Put gym equipment away after you use it

11 Period 3 - Ideas & Expectations
Locker Room Put all belongings in your locker then close it. Keep hands to self Bring your gym uniform Tie your shoe Don’t bring spray deodorant Gym/Classroom Play fairly Respect personal space Leave your phone in your locker Keep your hands and feet to yourself Use equipment safely Keep food and drink in hall locker or cafe

12 Period 4 - Ideas & Expectations
Locker Room Use your indoor voice Spit out gum before entering No pushing Leave your phone in your hall locker Stay out of peoples lockers Use your time efficiently Respect other’s property Gym/Classroom Treat others with respect Don’t forget your gym uniform Respect your peers Try your best no matter what Release your urine or your in trouble Wear the proper shoes

13 Period 5 - Ideas & Expectations
Locker Room Give privacy to others Don’t Waste Time Turn off the showers after you use them. Change quickly Gym/Classroom Treat equiment with care  Play safe so nobody gets hurt. Spit out all gum Do what your told to do Please pay attention Bea good sportp0

14 Period 8 - Ideas & Expectations
Locker Room Keep phones out of locker room Close your lockers Keep hands and feet to yourself Shall not pants people in locker room Gym/Classroom Stay on your side of the curtain Stay away from closed bleachers Be on time

15 Locker Room Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Always walk
Use your own locker Always lock your locker Be quick Use locker room time to go to the bathroom Keep locker room clean Stay in the locker room until the bell rings Ask questions or for help when needed Keep your combination to yourself Be Respectful Use inside voices Speak appropriately Respect each other’s space, property, and privacy Keep hands and feet to yourself Keep aerosols/sprays at home Be Safe Always walk Close locker gently Remove jewelry Tie/pin/headband hair back Throw out gum Keep food/drink in hallway locker

16 Gymnasium/Classroom Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful
Be on-time to class Be prepared Sit in assigned squad lines Ask for permission to leave the gym for any reason (bathroom, drink, nurse, etc) Follow directions and instructions the first time they are given. Ask questions or ask for help when needed. Be Respectful Wait to be dismissed into the locker rooms Speak appropriately Help set-up and clean-up when asked Keep your hands & feet to yourself Have good sportsmanship & be positive Be Safe Walk until told to do otherwise Walk around the right side of the curtain Stay in your own personal space Report any injuries or problems to your teacher immediately Follow directions and instructions the first time they are given. Keep food/drink in hallway locker Use equipment appropriately and only when instructed

17 Possible Consequences
Discuss with student(s) Call or home Discuss with administration Loss of daily points Unsafe behavior = removal from activity & loss of points Minor tracking & ODR Removal from the locker room Removal from PE or the gym Cell Phone or electronics in PE/Locker Room: Zero tolerance – taken to the office.


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