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Neha Nehru Shadab Ambat

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Presentation on theme: "Neha Nehru Shadab Ambat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neha Nehru Shadab Ambat
BEACON & TELEMETRY Neha Nehru Shadab Ambat

2 Objective Periodically send current status information of the satellite to the ground station Send satellite telemetry information upon user request

3 Requirements Beacon Data packet must be APRS compatible Telemetry
Must be sent periodically. Telemetry Must be KCOM encoded before transmission. Data should be sent only upon user request.

4 Data Packets Beacon (34 bytes)- Digital Values Sequence Number
Byte No. Data Unit/Label 1 Data type identifier T 2 3 6 Sequence Number Hash Sequence No. Delimiter # , 7 10 Analog Values Solar Cell voltage mV 11 14 Solar Cell Current mA 15 18 Battery Voltage 19 22 Battery Temp. mdegC 23 26 Processor Temp. 27 Digital Values Solar Cell Channel 2 Digital Values(1/0) 1-true 0-false 28 Solar Cell Channel 1 29 Solar Cell Channel 0 30 Audio File Played 31 Picture Taken 32 Autonomously Executed Commands 33 Battery Charger On 34 Battery Heater On

5 Data Packets Telemetry Packet 1 (42 bytes)- Hard State Data
Byte No. Data Unit/Label 1 3 5 Hard State Data Solar Cell Vtg 1 Solar Cell Vtg 2 Solar Cell Vtg 3 mV 7 9 11 Solar Cell Vtg 4 Solar Cell Vtg 5 Vtg 6 13 15 17 Current 1 Current 2 Current3 mA 19 21 23 Current 5 Current 6 Bus Vtg1 25 27 29 Bus Vtg2 Bus Current2 31 33 35 Soft State Data Rx VHF packets Sent UHF Packets DTMF Command Rx 37 39 Rx S-band Packets Sent S-band Packets

6 Battery Heater Duty Cycle No. of Autonomously Executed Commands
Data Packets Telemetry Packet 2 (40 bytes)- Byte No. Data Unit/Label 1 3 5 Hard State Data Solar Cell Temp 1 Solar Cell Temp 2 Solar Cell Temp 3 mDeg C mDegC 7 9 11 Solar Cell Temp 4 Solar Cell Temp 5 Temp 6 13 15 17 Sec Battery Voltage Sec Battery Temp Charger Current mV mA 19 21 Camera Temp VHF Current 23 25 UHF Current Processor Temp 27 29 31 Soft State Data Audio Files Played CW Beacons Sent Digibeacons Sent 33 35 37 Seconds Passed Pictures Taken Battery Heater Duty Cycle 39 No. of Autonomously Executed Commands

7 Design

8 Code Beacon Input array structure consists of 5 Analog values and an 8-bit Digital value Functions/Macros void BeaconTask(void); // Beacon Task TRY_BCN_PERIOD(unsigned char* period /* Minutes */, unsigned char bcn_interval /* OSTicks */); Waits for a beacon period. Period automatically set to new value if command received from Command_Parse send_tx_bcn(unsigned char *data, unsigned char num_bytes); Sends packet to Packet_Tx for transmission void toAsciiDigit(unsigned int value, ubyte *packet_index; Takes the desired value that is to be converted to ASCII (sequence number/analog values/digital values) and the beacon packet index as arguments Extracts each digit and converts it to ASCII. Each value is converted to ASCII Delimiters (,) are added to distinguish different fields Sequence nos. incremented for each packet Sends final APRS encoded packet to Packet_Tx for transmission

9 Code Telemetry Defined by 2 packet types Functions/Macros
void TelemetryTask(void); // Telemetry Task GET_TLM_CMD(unsigned char* cmd, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* num_bytes); Waits until TELEMETRY_REQUEST command received from Command_Parse *data specifies the packet type (Packet1 or Packet2) send_tx_raw( unsigned char cmd, unsigned char* data, unsigned char num_bytes ); Sends raw unencoded packet to Packet_Tx for KCOM encoding and transmission

10 Code Array Manager Functions/Macros
Allows other tasks to read/write values from the Beacon and Telemetry memory array Functions/Macros ubyte SetBcnArray(ubyte field, ubyte arg, ubyte value); Sets specified field in the memory array to value arg used to supply additional information (channel no., bit position etc.) ubyte GetBcnArray (ubyte *bcn_ptr, ubyte field, ubyte bcn_arg); Gets value corresponding to the specified field Stores the value to *bcn_ptr ubyte SetTlmArray (ubyte field, ubyte tlm_arg, uint16 value); Similar to SetBcnArray except value is a 2 byte unsigned int ubyte GetTlmArray (uint16 *tlm_ptr, ubyte field, ubyte tlm_arg); Similar to GetBcnArray except tlm_ptr is an unsigned int instead of a ubyte

11 Testing Packet format and com link tested
Debugging mainly done using the library function kysat_printf to compare the packet formats to the required one

12 Goals in Progress Status Goals Achieved
Beacon packet format and com link between Beacon and Packet_TX functioning. Com link between Telemetry and Packet_TX tested and working. Com link between Command_Parse and Telemetry tested and working. Goals in Progress Functions for the Array Manager nearly complete(untested) RTCGetTime function and TRY_BCN_PERIOD still to be tested.

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