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26/2704 Multi-loop Controllers

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1 26/2704 Multi-loop Controllers
Introducing 26/2704 Multi-loop Controllers Revised December 2000

2 26/2704 Presentation 26/2704 Overview IO Expander Software tools
Order Coding Series 2000 Product Line

3 26/2704 Flexibility

4 Product Requirement Model 2704: Released for sale: April 2000
Replace existing 900EPC Graphical user interface Increase functionality Provide improved user interface 120 X 160 pixel dot matrix display Direct Vacuum Measurement                           Model 2604: Released for sale: Sept 99 Similar base functionality to 2704 Dual 5 digit plus LCD display Bridge gap between 2404 & 2704 Provide cost competitive solution

5 26/2704 Overview Custom Displays 3 Control Loops Advanced Control
Overview of Loops Parameter promotion Alarm messages User messages 3 Control Loops PID, VP and On/Off Autotuning Gain scheduling Advanced Control Cascade Ratio Override Carbon Potential Hardware Standard IO 2 Analog IP, 10 dig IO 5 IO Module slots Max 5 TC/RTD inputs Expansion IO Din rail unit 20 Digital inputs 20 Digital outputs 24V Supply Digital Comms Modbus RTU slave Profibus DP Programmer 50 programs 500 Segments 3 profiles/program 16 event outputs ToolKit Blocks Analogue operations Digital operations Timers & totalisers Real time clock 16 Point linearisation

6 26/2704 Hardware Standard I/O: High resolution PV input
                                                                             Standard I/O: High resolution PV input -10 to +10vdc input 1(2) Digital input 7 Bi-directional digital I/O 1 Changeover relay I/O Expansion comms Modular I/O : 5 I/O Slots Most isolated 2400 modules 26/27 PV Input 26/27 Analogue Input 2 Comms Slots 2400 modules EIA 232/485 Expansion I/O : 20 Digital inputs 20 Digital outputs

7 Additional Modules Not available on 2400
Analogue Input (AM) Same Spec as 2404 DC input module Slots 1,3,4 or 6 TC, RTD, mV, mA, Volts, High Z volts PV Input (PV) Slots 3 & 6 0.25uV Resolution 1 TC/RTD/mV/mA & Volts input Isolated input Dual Analogue Input (DP) Slots 3 & 6 Inputs not isolated from each other 1 TC/RTD/mV/mA & 1 Volts input Ideal for carbon probe input

8 Module Availability Module Order Code Displayed As Number of Channels
Change over relay 2 pin relay Dual relay R4 R2 RR Form C Relay Form A Relay Dual Relay 1 2 Triac Dual triac T2 TT Dual Triac DC control D4 DC Control DC retransmission D6 DC Retrans PV input PV PV Input Triple logic input Triple contact input TL TK Tri-Logic IP Tri-Contact IP 3 Triple logic output TP Tri-Logic OP 24V transmitter supply MS Transmitter PSU 5VdcTransducer power supply G3 Transducer PSU 10VdcTransducer power supply G5 Potentiometer input VU Pot Input Analogue input module (2604/2704 dc Input) AM DC Input Dual PV input (Dual Probe Input) DP Dual PV In

9 26/2704 Control Functions Up to 3 independent control loops
Autotune & gain scheduling Cascade, ratio or override Standard functions Feedforward function Output characterisation PV/SP Trending per loop(2704) Special Functions Humidity measurement Wet & dry technique Carbon Potential Zirconia input

10 26/2704 Software Tools iTools: Used for Cloning, Configuring and
Commissioning 26/2704 instruments via digital comms or configuration adaptor 26/2704 Upgrade Utility: Used to upgrade the firmware of the 26/2704 instruments via digital comms or configuration adaptor (separate from iTools)

11 26/2704 Digital Communications
Slave Communications 2 Communication slots Modbus RTU EIA232, EIA485 2 & 4 wire Profibus DP High Speed(1.5mB) EIA485 Support for EI-Bisync Orderable as special EE0430

12 Pattern Generator Can be interfaced to SP programmer
Digital Pattern No1 D OP 1 D OP 2 D OP 8 D OP 3 D OP 4 D OP 5 D OP 6 D OP 7 ON OFF D OP 16 Can be interfaced to SP programmer Used to provide advanced programmer functions Digital pattern groups 16 patterns can be stored Each pattern can have 16 outputs 2 patterns can be active at any time

13 Digital Programmer Timed control of a single output
Can be interfaced to SP programmer 4 outputs can be programmed 8 On/Off times Run,hold & reset inputs Off1 Off2 Off3 Off4 On1 On2 On3 On4

14 26/2704 Setpoint Programmer Ideal for : Multi-variable applications
20 or 50 Programs 3 Synchronised SP profiles 500 segments Ramp Rate or Time to Target Program & segment names 16 Digital event outputs 8 Digital logic operations Ideal for : Multi-variable applications Carburising Furnaces Test Chambers Autoclaves Multi-zone applications Creep & tensile testing 3 Zone furnaces Semiconductor Diffusion

15 Programmer Enhancements
2704 Display Programmer mimic Segment names Selectable start segment Editing of any segment Program user values 2 Values(0-100) Select pattern generator Select digital programmer

16 SP/PV Trending One trend per loop Display High & low
Adjustable in config Time 30s-24Hrs Adjustable on-line

17 26/2704 Toolkit Blocks Used to create custom configurations
Equivalent to 900EPC user wiring Provides maths & PLC functions 32 Digital operators 24 Analogue calculations 12 User values Wire from any parameter Wire to selected parameters Timers & totalisers Pattern generator Digital programmer

18 26/2704 Toolkit Blocks What You Get
Standard unit includes: 8 digital operations Timers and totalizers Toolkit I (U1) includes: 16 analog operations 16 digital operations Pattern generator Pulse programmer 4 User values Toolkit 2 (U2) includes Toolkit 1 plus: 8 analog operations (24 total) 16 digital operations (32 total) 8 user values (12 total)

19 26/2704 User Interface Customisation
Summary views Loop summaries Instrument summary view Naming of loops 10 Promoted parameters Parameter renaming Setting of access levels Others UI features Program names Setpoint profile names Segment names(2704) Renaming of alarms Alarm messages 8 User messages

20 26/2704 Input Operators Standard
Custom Linearisation: - Up to sixteen points - Can be applied to an input or output - Up to three separate linearisations Thermocouple/Pyrometer Switching: - Provides a smooth transition between two inputs Monitor Block: - Logs minimum and maximum PV values - Counts the time above a threshold - Provides a time alarm BCD Input Block: - Calculation of decimal value from BCD input switch - Can be ‘wired’ to any value with wireable address

21 26/2704 Timer Blocks Standard
Four timer Blocks: - Four timers available; on pulse, off delay, one shot and minimum on timer Clock: - Real time clock (24hr) which can be used to operate other time based functions Two alarm (clock) blocks: - Alarms can be switched on or off at a particular time and provide a digital output Four totaliser blocks: - Provides a running total of a parameter and give an output when a pre-set total is reached

22 2000IO Expander Compatible with 26/2704 Din-Rail mounting
Proprietary comms 24Vac/dc powered 24Vdc output Max 20 Inputs 24Vdc isolated Max 20 Outputs Volt free relay Indication of I/O status Two versions available 10in/10out 20in/20out

23 Series 26/2704 IO Expander

24 Hardware Order Code

25 Quick Start Order Code

26 Available Documentation
Document Name Part Number Current Issue Number 2604 Installation and operation handbook HA026491 1.0 August-99 2604 Engineers handbook HA026761 2.0 December-99 2704 Installation and operation handbook HA026502 1.0 April-2000 2704 Engineering handbook HA026933 1.0 May 2000 2604 Data bulletin HA026669 3.0 2704 Data bulletin HA026916 1.0 2604 Humidity control supplement HA026748 2604 Cascade control supplement HA026708 2604 Override control supplement 2604 Ratio control supplement HA026707 2000 IO Expander data bulletin HA026907 2000 IO Expander installation manual HA026893 2604 & 2704 Sales brochure HA026750

27 Future 26/2704 Development 2704 user screens Master communications
2500, 2400 etc Memory module Devicenet connectivity Valve position heat/cool Pulsed burner Gravimetric control Digital sequencing


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