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Section 6.2: Dot Product of Vectors

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1 Section 6.2: Dot Product of Vectors
Do Now – (5 min. – no talking first 4!) Find a unit vector starting at the origin and passing through (-3,-4). Find the magnitude and direction angle of the vector 5i – 12j

2 Find the dot product. Given and ,

3 Use dot product to find magnitude of a vector.

4 Use dot product to find the angle b/w vectors.

5 Orthogonal Vectors The vectors u and v are orthogonal if and only if .
Prove that the vectors and are orthagonal. Parallel: angle b/w vectors is 0 or Perpendicular: angle b/w vectors is 90. Otherwise, neither.

6 Projecting One Vector Onto Another
If u and v are nonzero vectors, the projection of u onto v is… Find the vector projection of onto Then, write u as a sum of two orthogonal vectors, one of which is

7 Application Problem

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