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Chess in the Community 50+

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1 Chess in the Community 50+
Jon Lloyd CSC chess tutor

2 Who am I? I am over 55. I worked in the art material industry for 35 years - 23 years as a manager/ senior manager. I have a degree in in psychology, technical and management degrees and an MBA in strategic management. I could not continue in my job because of cognitive decline resulting from treatment for a serious illness. I am an active chess player [ECF grade 165] and CSC tutor to children at two schools in Surrey/Berkshire.

3 Attitudes to the older person
Joe Bartley, 89 from Paignton placed an advertisement in his local paper asking for work to stop him from dying of boredom. The BBC led the report on this story as ‘When most people are thinking of putting their feet up….’

4 Loneliness in Old Age Silverline is a UK charity providing 24/7 support to lonely older people. They have received 920,000 calls since their call centre was founded in November 2012, 53% of the callers saying they had no one else to talk to. They receive 10,000 calls every week from lonely and isolated older people.

5 Cognitive Functioning
Training for cognitive skills has been shown to help maintain or improve cognitive abilities that diminish with age. Chess can help maintain or improve cognitive abilities e.g. reasoning performance and speed of processing. Reference: e.g. G.W. Rebok et al [2014].

6 Strategic Review Feb 2016: 12 page strategic review outlining why CSC should support chess for older people. Organisational context Environmental Forces & internal requirements SWOT analysis Marketing including products, price, promotion. Controls and contingencies The key is to match core competences with critical success factors [what CSC do well compared to what the customer wants].

7 Selling the program Parkinson’s UK Reading [networked from voluntary work] Age UK Reading. Bracknell Forest Borough Council. Age UK Reading want to set up a club for members and this to become self-sustaining. BFBC want to introduce the program as part of Self-Care Year.

8 BFBC Initiative £2000 lottery grant award. Tutor cost £1,200; venue hire £800; CSC provides sets. Start date 01/01/17. To finish by year ending 2017. 4 x 10 week courses at open learning centres. Participants aged 50+ Bracknell residents selected from advertising on Public Health Community Network. Chess course to follow CSC curriculum. Train trainers for the wider community.

9 BFBC Initiative Measures: Number of participants
Number of participants playing the game elsewhere after training e.g. local clubs Number of trainers Cognitive improvement – discussion to take place with Reading University Psychology Dept. January 13th 2017.

10 My Vision

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