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Course Level Assessment in the Context of ABET

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1 Course Level Assessment in the Context of ABET
A Presentation for the Lumina Tuning Council Community College Committee September 16, 2011 Dr. LouAnn Berman Assistant Vice President for Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

2 The Big Picture Courses completed at Community Colleges
Lead to an accredited degree at a baccalaureate granting institution So all assessment of programs and courses needs to be consistent with the expectations of accrediting organizations (ABET, ACS, SACS, WASC, etc.)

3 ABET Harmonized Criteria
General Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Program Criteria

4 ABET Harmonized Criteria
General Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Program Criteria Specifies expectations of the student several years after graduation, usually about five years.

5 ABET-EAC Baccalaureate Level
General Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Program Criteria (a) Math, science, & engineering (g) Communication (b) Design & conduct experiments (h) Broad education (c) Design (i) Life-long learning (d) Multi-disciplinary teams (j) Contemporary issues (e) Solve problems (k) Engineering tools (f) Professional & ethical responsibility These are just the brief titles. Give out the criteria here.

6 ABET Harmonized Criteria
General Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Program Criteria Defines the curriculum in broad terms. It does not specify the number of credit hours or specific courses.

7 ABET Harmonized Criteria
General Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Program Criteria Specifies additional criteria that may exist for particular programs. Not all programs have program criteria.

8 The Building Blocks Course Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes
Program Educational Objectives

9 Some Definitions Program Objective—Expected accomplishments of graduates during the first several years of professional practice following graduation from the program. Program Outcome—That which students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation from the program. Course Outcome—That which a student should be able to do at the end of a particular course

10 How the Pieces Fit Professional Accreditation Regional accreditation
Program Objectives and Outcomes Community Colleges Regional Accreditation Community College Transfer Coursework Baccalaureate Programs

11 A Typical Assessment Flowchart

12 A Typical Assessment Flowchart

13 Forward—Backward Looking

14 Forward—Backward Looking

15 Three Steps of Assessment
Articulate the goals for student learning Gather evidence of student performance Direct measures—exams, papers, projects Indirect measures—asking students how well they learned, tracking job placement rates Use the information for program improvement Walvoord, Barbara A., Assessment Clear and Simple: A Practical Guide for Institutions, Departments, and General Education, Jersey Bass, 2004.

16 An Example of the Plan Let’s use Calculus I and the follow-on courses as an example of the course assessment process.

17 An Interesting Thought
From Gloria Rogers new blog: You don’t have to be bad to get better.

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