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Persuasion Take out a piece of paper for note taking!

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1 Persuasion Take out a piece of paper for note taking!

2 First…what do you know about the art of persuasion?
Write a definition for persuasion. What are some techniques people use to persuade others? Share your definition and response to #2 with your partner.

3 What is persuasive Speaking?
Persuasion is the act of encouraging someone to take an action, accept an idea, or spend his or her money. Persuasive speakers choose one "side,” and do not sway from that viewpoint. A persuasive speaker must convince the audience that there is a problem, and get the audience to agree with the solution proposed. Speakers use evidence to assist in persuading the audience with credible and relevant information. Speakers need to prepare to defend themselves against oppositional ideas.

4 Aristotle’s persuasive appeals
Greek philosopher, Aristotle, is credited as one of the most important founding figures in western philosophy. Aristotle explained that persuasion can be accomplished using 3 techniques: 1. Logos- the appeal to reason and logic. 2. Pathos- the appeal to emotion. 3. Ethos- the appeal to a person’s character, morals, and ethics.

5 Draw this diagram in your notes
Draw this diagram in your notes. Use about half of the page so you may add notes.

6 Watch this video as an introduction to persuasion

7 Logos Appeal When using this appeal to persuade an audience, the speaker is appealing to their logical side. Key Concepts for Logos Appeal: Practical Good judgment Common sense Example: “You need to buy this car because it is a safe car for your family.”

8 Pathos Appeal Persuasive speakers use the Pathos Appeal to persuade their audience by “tugging” at their emotions. Key Concepts for Pathos Appeal: Love Anger Happiness Sadness Example: “You need to buy this car because it is good for the planet.”

9 Ethos Appeal When using this appeal to persuade an audience, the speaker is using their ethics as a “selling point.” Key Concepts for Ethos Appeal: Good reputation Positive morals and values Respectable character Example: “You need to buy this car from me, because I am the most honest salesman in town.”

10 With a partner, come up with a persuasive way to accommodate the situations below.
1.) You need to sell ice to an Eskimo. 2.) You want a discount on super bowl tickets from someone selling his tickets, because he cannot attend. 3.) You need your co-worker to cover your shift in order for you to go to prom, but he wants you to work two of his shifts as a compromise.

11 Watch this video on advertising techniques…
As you watch, take notes on the triangle diagram that you drew in your notes. resources/lesson-plans/video/persuasive- techniques-advertising-1166.html

12 Aristotle’s Appeals in advertising
As you watch the following commercial playlist, complete the a 3-column chart to label the types of appeals used in each ad. ZQzj_D7wPfnSX-m9Ho1pfcq_CgG Then answer the questions on your handout.

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