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CBET Program– Community-Based English Tutoring Board Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "CBET Program– Community-Based English Tutoring Board Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 CBET Program– Community-Based English Tutoring Board Presentation
February 6, 2007

2 History Proposition 227 approved by voters June 2,1998
Funding for adult English Language instruction for those who promise to provide English language tutoring to students $50 million annually for 10 years Allocated based on R-30 English Learner Survey Original grant ends 2006–2007


4 History Program began in LMSV in 1999
30 parents participated the first year 180 weekly average in 2006–07 Delia Salas coordinating Child-care services Works with ESL teachers Helps parents Curriculum Collaborative with Grossmont Adult School

5 Growing the Program Started with classes in Evangelical Bible Church across from Lemon Ave. school Avondale, Bancroft, Kempton, Rancho, Spring Valley Elem., and La Mesa Dale added Child care provided Word got out! Waiting lists

6 Working with Parents Data shows GEDs Driver Licenses Citizenship
Language proficiency Parent/Teacher Conferences Help children with homework Computer skills Job applications Read to their children in English and in their primary language for beginners

7 Working with Parents ESL Curriculum
Gives parents ability to be involved with their children’s education Don’t depend on their children to translate Able to make medical appointments Achieve or regain self-confidence

8 Working with Children Curriculum Monthly lesson plan
Early child intervention including speech and behavior problems Children who attend CBET program are well-prepared for kindergarten

9 Bridging the Gap Communication With teachers and community
Knowledge of US culture, law, rights and responsibilities Including school culture

10 The Zeba Roshnaye Family
A Success Story – The Zeba Roshnaye Family

11 Eglema Jawaid Huma Meena Jamshaid

12 Next Steps Continue to grow as R-30 numbers increase
Refine curriculum to better meet needs of parents Work with Grossmont Adult Education Develop a Board-approved plan to receive Section funding for 2007–08

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