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The Normal Radical.

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1 The Normal Radical

2 Money on My Mind 18th September 2016 Presentation The Normal Radical

3 Normal Radical – Do you remember…
Called to live our Normal lives Radically. Our values are as radical today as when we first discovered them Rediscover & reapply the values Permission to de- & re-construct expressions


5 Empower to live a surrendered life
“What pleases Him?” Empower to live a surrendered life All humanity has a crown (power to please) Prefer when we have crown (& spoon) But some guys laid down their crown & chose to make this question their sole concern “What pleases him?” Need to own this question to avoid monkey business & to be part of de- & re-construction It’s not easy cus “I don’t wanna” But we have been empowered to live surrendered life “But I don’t wanna!”

6 Definition Values = guiding principles. e.g. Serving Expression = application of the value e.g. Set up team, stewarding, children’s work

7 Taught on Camera John to emphasis

8 ‘When I’ Survey Hand to Anthony







15 Scenario You borrow money from a friend and have agreed to pay back at £100 per month over next 10 months which you can just about manage – Do you repay? But you confronted your friend about a shady business deal he was getting into and the relationship has broken down – Do you repay? He went ahead with the shady business deal and made lots of money – Do you repay? Your wife/husband has fallen ill and you now have hospital bills which you need the £100 a month to cover – Do you repay? Issues to address Ps 15:4 – keep oath even if it hurts God promises to be our provider so knowing He has us covered means we are secure to live according to His requirements (integrity). Can hold ideal (integrity) until it is inconvenient and then drop it. Can’t bring in conditions to your promise because it suits you Should go back to friend and explain the situation and see if open to give you a break Does lending money bring tension into relationships – should we avoid it?

16 Scenario A Trudy was recently made redundant and is learning to adjust to a lower salary in her new job. Unfortunately, the mortgage rate has just rocketed again and she is finding it hard to make ends meet. She has very little money left at the end of each month and has not been tithing, because she felt she could not afford to and the figures in her bank balance suggest that she was right. Is Trudy wrong to want financial security? Issues to address What does He want? If He requires tithe, then that what needs to happen and trust Him to provide for our needs. (Seek first the kingdom…) Obey doesn’t need to seem convenient to us

17 Scenario B Paul has been saving for some time for a new sound system for his car, and he has nearly saved enough money. The church is planning to go away for a week together in the summer and everyone is being encouraged to go along. Paul would like to go, but the cost of the week would wipe out most of his savings. He tells his leaders that he cannot afford to go, although he would really like to, and asks if the church could help with the cost. Issues to address Participating in community sometimes requires sacrifice Not true that he ‘cannot afford’ – he is choosing to prioritise sound system Opportunity to start saving ahead of time for church holiday

18 Scenario C Brian and Tina had just had a tax rebate for £ in this month’s wages and saw it as God’s blessing to them. They had heard a lot recently about trusting God for their finances and also being prepared to give everything over to God. They were keen to go away for a short holiday but wanted to be sure God was releasing them to spend the money on this. That night, Junior, their 21-year-old son, came to see them. His car had been in a crash and it was going to cost £ to repair – it wasn’t going to help to claim on the insurance because he had a £ excess penalty anyway and so he’d only get £50-00 back. Brian and Tina swallowed hard… 1. How can they know what they should do? 2. Is it okay to say NO when you see a need? Issues to address As we submit our lives and finances to God, we can trust Him that He will help us know how to direct our finances. If our attitude is right, we are in a position to make wise choices. Sometimes, when there is a need, it may not be for ‘you’ to fill it. Often we will be the channel of blessing to others, but not always. A good way to check it out is to be willing to meet the need and lay it before God – He can help you know what to do. It may be God is stretching your faith as well as the person in need to see the money released from another source. Don’t assume always ask Him! Sometimes it is harder not to reach into pocket when you see a need but instead hang on to see how else God might resolve the situation. The focus is that God is powerful to save and we are her to witness.

19 Scenario D Tony lives on a very tight budget because he has chosen to serve God full- time and his church cannot provide very much support. He has a wife and four children and it is hard for them to cover their monthly expenses. His friend John is single and has a regular income in excess of his needs. John finds that he gets frequent requests for “a loan” from Tony. John believes God has asked him to be a source of supply to Tony, but struggles with the way that he takes this for granted and the fact that Tony doesn’t seem to be looking at a long term solution. 1. Since John believes God has asked him to be a source of supply – is his complaint justified? 2. In what ways could Tony resolve his financial circumstances long term? 3. Are there any ways you think God might adjust both Tony and John? Issues to address Both need to see God alone is His source. God may use different channels to resource His people John can help Tony by challenging him as well as by providing finance John shouldn’t get tired of doing good. In fact, John can expect to feel joy and not burden of filling this role – if he holds thing that he should bring to Tony he may begin to begrudge.

20 Teach it, Phil

21 Story Time

22 Story Time How to buy a house without enough money
“Give yourself a pay rise if you’re the boss” The gifted car that never arrived Dawn & the Notebook of Provision A house in tatters but still giving money away 2 men + potted plant God wears out carpets God made me money mad I didn’t need pine beds

23 Money on My Mind Is your attitude to money pleasing Him? Will you choose to put Him first and rest your money worries in His hands?

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