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Dynamics AX & Power BI Overview of integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics AX & Power BI Overview of integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics AX & Power BI Overview of integration

2 BI Landscape

3 Limitations of Power BI
I want better Reports ≠ I want Power BI Power BI Reports: Can’t be printed easily Can’t be distributed easily Can’t define their own calculations (when using SSAS) Don’t know who “you” are Have static design Have limited click-through functionality A Power BI Report has far more limitations than a standard report

4 Benefits of Power BI I wish it was easier to get reports = I want Power BI Power BI Development example: I want my team’s sales last year by week. These are the folks on your team. Jim doesn’t work here anymore. Ok, here’s your current employees by week. Why is week 1 so low? There’s only 1 day in that week last year, let’s try Fiscal Year. Looks better, but I was expecting it to be closer to this result That’s showing Net Revenue. Here how’s this look? Looks good, can you send me this next month too? I just published it, you can run it whenever you want. A Power BI report costs far less to develop than standard reports

5 Having your cake and eating it too
I want better Reports ≠ I don’t want Power BI Power BI enables data exploration and rapid analysis for end users Standard reporting enables granular security, specific design, and custom deployment Hybrid approach: Enable key users to explore data and create reports If advanced features are needed, wait until a Power BI prototype passes data validation/testing before developing standard report Use prototype for rapid standard development by pointing to the same pre- tested data sources/fields

6 Our Roadmap – Step 0: Planning
Power BI is designed to transfer ownership of reporting from IT to the business* We chose an IT-directed foundation with a slow transfer of responsibility to the business over multiple years Your road map will depend on the particulars of your business Power BI is the future, but don’t forget you live in the present *

7 Our Roadmap - Step 1: Data-having business
IT builds the data warehouse Measures are codified, named, and documented IT builds all new reports from the data warehouse/cubes Power BI is an internal prototyping tool for IT’s report specs

8 Our Roadmap - Step 2: Data-aware business
Warehouse/cubes pretty much complete Select power users learn Power BI report creation Users’ reports are directed through IT for QA/testing before deployment New IT report requests require a Power BI prototype from Power User Select end users start viewing Power BI reports

9 Our Roadmap - Step 3: Data-loving business
Power users begin to train apprentices IT QA becomes optional End users comfortable viewing Power BI reports Power Users learn to join other data sets with the warehouse End users begin to prefer Power BI reports to legacy reports

10 Our Roadmap - Step 4: Data-driven business
End users are comfortable browsing cubes QA/deployment process is fully owned by the business Legacy reports become a niche practice that nobody likes IT only gets involved when new data is required

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