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(coelomates = second mouth)

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1 (coelomates = second mouth)
Deuterostomes (coelomates = second mouth)

2 Phylum Echinodermata Sea cucmbers Sea stars Sea urchins brittle stars
Feather stars Sea stars brittle stars Sand dollars

3 Echinoderm Ancestral Traits
Coelom Bilaterally symmetrical larvae But all adults have radial symmetry Complete digestive system (alimentary canal)

4 Retro traits : bringing back the past
Regeneration ability Radial symmetry: works great for sessile Seems to work for slow moving creatures too Only larvae still bilateral (evidence of a bilateral ancestor) No head or brain Sensory receptors and nerves spread out in a network around the body No respiratory, circulatory or excretory system Diffusion through tube feet

5 Echinoderm Derived Traits
Endoskeleton of hard spiny plates Covered by thin layer of epidermis Tube feet (100s of suction cup feet)

6 Sea Star Feeding Sea star pulls a bivalve open using its tube feet
Sea star everts its stomach into the bivalve shell and digests the meat inside Stomach returns to interior of sea star

7 Phylum Chordata All are deuterostome coelomates
All have bilateral symmetry at some stage of their life

8 4 key Chordate Characteristics
Dorsal hollow nerve cord A notochord (skeletal rod) supports the nerve cord at some point in development Pharyngeal pouches at some point Post anal tail at some point


10 Tunicates- Subphylum Urochordata
Only larvae have chordate characteristics Adults sessile filterfeeders

11 Tunicates = sea squirts

12 Subphylum Cephalochordata
Lancelets Segmented muscles Tiny filter feeders

13 Subphylum Vertebrata All have cartilagenous/bone endoskeleton
Covers at least the brain (Craniata) Most have vertebrae to protect the dorsal nerve cord

14 Primitive Chordates = Agnatha (jawless fish)
Hagfish Lampreys Ostracoderms (extinct silurian fish)

15 Superclass Gnathostomata
Jaw mouth = all have jaws All other fish All tetrapods

16 Class Chondriththyes Cartilagenous Fish Sharks Skates Rays Triats
No swim bladder No operculum (must swim to breath)

17 Class Osteichthyes – bony fish
Have bone skeleton Most have swim bladder Have operculum over gills

18 Class Amphibia = first Vert. on land
Eggs & larvae in water Larval respiration gills/skin Larval circulatory system like a fish 2 chambered heart single loop circulatory system

19 Adults move onto land Stronger skeletal system
Respiration by lungs/skin New type of circulatory system 3 chamber heart 2 loop circulatory system Evolutionary Advantage to land No predators Insects for food

20 Class Reptilia Amniote egg = freedom from water
Scales = prevent dehydration no O2 from diffusion any longer Lungs developed folds and pouches Increased surface area Heart begins to divide into 4 chambers in crocodillians

21 Class Aves = Birds Amniote eggs Feathers & scales Flight
Endothermic: high metabolism=high energy Lungs with air pockets – always fresh air 4 chambered heart – no mixing of oxygenated and un-oxygenated blood



24 Class Mammalia Fur/hair & subcutaneous fat Endothermic
Produce milk for offspring All have amniotic sac but not all are contained in an egg

25 Mammal Amniotes Amniotes of 3 types Monotremes lay eggs
Marsupials babies are born as immature embryos and finish development in pouch Placental mammals embryos obtain nutrients from their mother through a placenta. Offspring are much more mature when born

26 Amnion membranes

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